The Let's Play Archive

Steel Panthers: Main Battle Tank

by Various

Part 108: Operation Mange Poutine: Canadian Turn 3

Operation Mange Poutine: Canadian Turn 3

Due to the shortage of screenshots, the Greek Forces have moved up to this small village area. A couple Chinese recon units can be seen snooping around.

A Javelin Team fires at my G-Wagen as it moves in to scout the area between the reserve lines and Urcinius' Airmobile team. However, due to the long range, both attacks miss.

Two Motorised Companies are moved in towards this gap. They should reach combat positions next turn.

Meanwhile, two other Motor Companies are encircling the central hilly areas. This maneuver will be either used to attack straight through the middle of the map, outflank the Chinese and/or British forces, or deploy infantry forces to capture the hilly region itself.

A final Motor Company is being used as a Defensive unit, and will fortify this hill behind our battle lines. In the event that our forces to the north fall, or even if just the hill is taken, this should provide a decent point for Fire support and observation.

At the end of everything, the enemy launches a few fire missions. Most of them miss, but two of them take out a few of our on-map Rocket Artillery units. Fortunately, Self-propelled artillery is far cheaper than off-map artillery (dunno why).

Looking at the fire support menu, it's clear that our own artillery should be paying the enemy a visit very soon.

I look forward to seeing how the enemy responds to these events. They're already over 10% of their forces down, and the British force will probably be bogged down in the turns to come. However, the possibility that they throw an armoured clusterfuck at us is still very much on the table. It is still at the point where I can see either side deciding the match in the next two turns.