The Let's Play Archive

Steel Panthers: Main Battle Tank

by Various

Part 122: Operation Mange Poutine: Canadian Turn 7

Operation Mange Poutine: Canadian Turn 7

Well, after a bit of a hiatus, the Canadian forces are now being really active to make up for it.

Towards the rear lines, the reserve Leopard Platoon is moving in sync with Urcinius' plan, hoping to meet up with the northern force before all of the enemies are dead.

I'm not sure if there's a chance of that, because my two Mech Companies that were playing second string to the Turks a while ago are no moving behind enemy lines pretty much with impunity. I have started using empty AVGPs as magnets for Javelin Missiles, which cost more than the vehicles they are firing at. Meanwhile, I have a few Javelin Teams of my own to the North poised to strike at the Type 99s if they take an ill turn.

I'm not even willing to count the different ways we're currently attacking the north/central-eastern portion of the map. I wonder if there's a possibility that our forces completely switch sides.

Meanwhile, a central/southern force composed of Tanks and Mechanised Infantry closes in on the enemy advance from the north and the west. If this plan works, we're about to learn a bunch of interesting things about the side armour of Type 99 Tanks. Even if it doesn't work, the surviving Chinese forces won't be able to quickly advance through the center road, which is one of the few things that could threaten us in this area.

The deeper South, however, is going to be a problem, as there are currently American tanks charging at a position that - as of now - is only protected by Light Infantry and Machinegun Sections.

A Reserve Mechanised Company and an ADATS Section can hopefully rectify this situation, but to help them along, we have a ton of artillery fire (and fighter jets) zeroing in on that position.

Turns Losses: 1 G-Wagen, 4 AVGP Bisons (all empty)
Enemy Losses: A bunch of Challenger II crews

Ultimately, I'm gearing up for several maneuvers, but we won't see a lot of that action for the next turn or two. What I'm currently more excited about is that we have a lot of fire missions that are due to arrive next turn. I find it strange that our army was based mainly around artillery, yet we haven't seen a lot of success with it yet.

Oh, also, we have recently been presented with a pair of conflicting tautologies.

1. This was going to be our last Steel Panthers: MBT match
2. Everyone still wants to play Steel Panthers.

Catch 22, right?

Well, not exactly. Besides, this gives me an excuse to create a new topic that isn't full of bizarre absurdisms because tinypic crashed.