Part 2: Chapter 1-2

So as you can see, Vickie spent New Years being horribly disorganized. There are files scattered everywhere, but well start with the ones on the bed.

Good plan.

Starting from the left. Hey, I see our old friend Jack, the victim with horrible hair that we found in a bathtub. And that other victim who was drowned in a toilet.

So there goes that theory about the current killer being Ackerman; he dead.

And whoever this Zarkovic guy was, he disappeared with Daddy Ackermans confessions about his boy. Well need to be looking into him.

Next file.

Hey, its Dr. Hyde from that painting of Ackermans.

Third file.

Their CEO couldnt be reached for comment.

Last file.

And its Officer Harrison and Perrin. Perrin doesnt look upset at being caught.

Well Vickie, youre the one who put off investigating Ackerman until the current Ripper had racked up like five victims, so I kind of doubt your sleuthin.

Leaving the files, Vickies phone rings. Claire.

And she came up with the password to the FBI database. God only knows what kind of deadly lasers and robot spiders and puzzles she had to navigate to get that one.

More stuff to be found down here.

The very dark picture is the 50s Chicago victim found in a bathtub. Up above is Apolina, post having her eyes poked out.

Anywho, our laptop is over here, along with a photo on the desk.

Well of course not. That would be tying up a loose end.

Now for the computer.

The laptop plug is back over here. I dont think this five second delay was necessary, game.

Go to your inventory, use the plug here.

And were given a choice of Google or the database. Well try Google first, because were a professional.

Taking the relevant things from the files in order. Labyrinth Foundation comes back with

Well, you know who she was, Vickie. Ackerman had a painting of a nurse named Beatrice.

Looking up Daddy Ackerman

In his free time, Herbert moonlighted as Dr. Strange.

Googling Beatrice.

So thats interesting. Perrin is caught, the mental ward burns down and takes Ackerman with it, Beatrice narrowly escapes, then shortly takes over Daddy Ackerman's estate when he dies of cancer.

Googling Zarkovic, the journalist who ran off with Harrison's files.


Googling our old buddy Ackerman

And its that last painting that the current Ripper was apparently trying to copy when Vickie stopped him from gutting Mia.

Now for the FBI database.

Im surprised they didnt go with Swordfish for the red herring choices.

Lets look up Beatrice.

FBI has no files on Beatrice. Alright.


We can try to look up Ackermans file, but

You might recall that someone almost immediately erased all of those after Gustavs adventure. Oh well.

Nothing to be found on Dr. Kelly. Or Zarkovic, for that matter.

Henry Allen. Beatrice's son.

Which would mean Richard of all people is actually Beatrice's grandson.

Vickie decides Richard has some splainin to do and tries to call.

The screen then fades to black. What awaits Vickie? Well, the game proper, for one thing. It gets better, folks.