Part 5: Chapter 2-2

So were outside of the house. Weaponless, since Paloma doesnt go get her stuff out of the wardrobe before automatically jumping out of the window. Sigh.
Theres another (empty) storage box here, but its not needed right now.

We need to check out the truck here.

It has a box in the back, but its locked up.

The passenger seat is a little more productive. Lets just grab our phone and call for help.

Or not. Truck door is locked.

Yknow what, Im just gonna run right through the front gate and all the way goddamn home. Killers not even here anymore, whats he gonna

Oh, the gate is electrified. Paloma gets yet another shock.

And she resists my efforts to make her do it again.

Run over here, which goes behind the house.

Fetch this ladder. It takes up all of our inventory, but thats okay.

Place it here. Now we can get back up to where we were, but dont do that yet.

Head back over here and check this piece of wood out.

And grab the wood beam next to it. Maybe we can brain Chuckles if he comes back.

If you guessed the fence here shocks Paloma, have a cigar.

Now take the ladder back up to the first room.

And fetch all of your stuff out of the wardrobe. You know, the stuff Paloma could have taken before she jumped out of the window to begin with, but didnt. Sigh.

Back downstairs and to the truck, where we can use the block of wood to smashy smash the passenger window. Cathartic.

And we get our phone back, though it apparently isnt charged.

Thanks, Paloma. Also I keep wanting to type your name as Palomino.

Its goddamn invisible because of the color of the seat and the darkness, but theres a key here too.

Use that to open the box in the truck bed. Palominos purse is in here, but the killer thought to empty it. And throw the empty purse into a box and lock it. Okay.

Oh, so Mr. Gasmask is a Quebecois. That explains so much.

Next to that is a charger, hooked up to a dictophone. Grab both.

Go to your inventory and separate the charger from the recorder.

Then combine the charger with your phone. Well still need some place to plug it in, though.

Luckily, theres an outlet back up here.

Good thing Vickies back to answering her phone.

Is Vickie supposed to know who Hawker is? You never told her the informants name.

Well I ran into a series of electrified fences repeatedly, but other than that

You have a fireplace poker now, woman. And a big block of wood. Hit him with one of them.

And we can wing off clues now based on stuff weve seen around the house. Im not sure if this makes any real difference or not. If you didnt find any clues, Paloma gets vague options like The weather looks clear and Im in a weird house. Vickie is suitably annoyed.
Anyway, well start with the flyer from the stove. Informing Vickie that there are trees around in Maine wont help anything.

The thing in the back of the truck.

The block of wood out back.

Well, thats quite a dramatic camera shift. Youd almost think somethings coming through the door there.


Here, you got something on your face, let me just