Part 6: Chapter 2-3

So back over at Hernandezs place, this guy is snooping around in the closet?

And its Vickie. Maybe now well

Stop that!

Oh, so this guy is Garris. No Mass Effect jokes from me, nope nope nope.

Garris, much like Paloma, has a voice actor who sounds like he doesnt really want to be here.

But before that, Claire texts us. Its not really important at all. Im not sure why the game threw this in.
Well immediately bother Garris some more.

So about that homicidal maniac...

Seriously. This guys apparently been sending you *videos* of his crimes but you havent caught him yet?

Well, lets ask Garris whats up in this room.

See, the guys apparently so careful the cops cant keep up, but he purposefully does dumb shit like this and leaving clues for Paloma to find. Its like he *knows* everyone is incredibly inept so hes all trah lah lah.

The what?

Thanks, Vickie.

So whos up for some dull-ass CSI work? Me me me!
We have revealer spray.

A 3-D scanner.

An electr yknow what, you can read the labels to these in the screenshots.

And the question mark takes us to an instruction booklet telling us what the hell this stuff actually does.

This is not terribly important.

Nothing in the opened safe. A bit to the right of it though

Well, yeah, but probably just Palomas. Unless you think the killer grabbed it to smack her in the head or something.

Nevertheless, we have to investigate everything to proceed. So grab the fingerprint powder.

Use it like so.

Grab the 3D scanner. Use that on the prints.

And we get a print added to our inventory.

Do a database analysis of that

Shock of shocks, the prints are Palomas. Youve established that she was in her own room using her own TV remote. Damn fine sleuthin, Vickie.

Next examine the spot down here on the floor.

We saw in the cutscene a bit ago that it was Chuckles who left this print. Maybe Garris was right and hes just doing this shit on purpose.

Use the scanner on the print.

Yup, Chuckles. And we have his shoe size now.

So checking over here next...

The answering machine has a message from the killer himself.


And the killer is disguising his voice, apparently well enough that we cant descramble it.

Scoping out the closet over here

leads to a suitcase we cant get into. Come on Vickie, Gustav could crack this. Granted, it would take him a mind-shatteringly stupid puzzle to do so.

In the bathroom, we can look at where Chuckles shot through the door and into the wall.

Clever, clever Chuckles.

The vent up here

Fortunately, we have an electronic nose.

Knockout gas. Well we knew that already.

The shower is hidden in the corner.

And theres a slightly discolored splotch.

Grab your revealer spray and use it.

Well just grab our Q-tips and swab that up.

Analyzing it gives us a blood type. Helpful ?

When we try to leave, Vickie automatically notices this.

Grab it with the tweezers.

Okay. I kind of thought chlorine gas was fatal, but what do I know?
Thats about all we can do now, so lets bug Garris again.

Yeah, about that.

Youd better not be setting me up for a lockpicking puzzle, game. I swear to God I will murder your children.

and it opens without a puzzle. Theres a DVD in there.

Palomas camcorder is the tiny batch of pixels right here. Use the DVD on it.

He picks on the incredibly stupid.

Oh, so I guess Vickie does know Hawker.

and theres your contrived reason why.

Come again?

Because youre a model example of playing by the rules, Vickie.

Tee hee.

At this point I become very confused, as the damn game wasnt letting me progress and Garris kept repeating himself.

The answer being that you have to run two scans on the damn blood sample, one a chemical analysis, then another database analysis. This shows that it was Palomas blood in the tub, I guess from where she fell after Chuckles gassed her.

And then Vickies phone rings. Nice camera work, game.

Fade out. Fade in on

Almost like some tall goon in a gasmask strangled you and punched you in the head.

I feel like were in the Saw sequel no one wanted.