Part 9: Chapter 4-1
One thing this game has over the original Still Life (probably the only thing) is that its not as heavy on the pointless, quick FMVs. This is a rare one.
So anyway, now we


Meet Kate. She wont be very helpful.

Recent occupation? What about the goddamn electric chair and the blood splattered tables and the poison gas vents ?

Yes we will. Im going to be impressed if Chuckles cleaned out the Saw dungeon in the night or so it took Vickie to get here.

Yay, dialogue. And by yay I mean why God why.


Lets ask about snarky and yet talented doctors.

Well, it clearly had enough power to run the lights and the *electric chair*. Cant you trace this kind of thing?

A really lousy sequel movie to another horror movie that wasnt so great either, but at least one of the killers was neat.


Incidentally, this changes slightly if you didnt have Paloma feed Vickie any clues, but just to Vickie complaining that theyre probably too late from having to find the place on their own. Branching gameplay, I guess.

Yes, weve already established that hes way ahead of the Keystone Kops and is just messing with us. Great sign.

Dialogue! My favorite.

Again, Im not seeing any real way he could have possibly cleared out that whole dungeon setup in a single night.

Oh yeah, Hawker.

Quit sucking up, Garris.

And finally well ask about Chuckles.

Not unless we fire the entire department and give the case to Claire. Then its about 50/50.

I had to cap that one, I love Vickies expression that looks like she just huffed a tube of airplane glue.

Garris wanders off. We cant break into Officer Kates car. Boo.

Scan up here for a goddamn invisible bit of pixels.

The only place where Paloma actually used that block of wood she was carrying. On a truck window. As opposed to smacking Chuckles in the groin and leaving.

So its back to the CSI kit. Break out your 3D scanner. Scan the tire tracks and the footprint. Analyze them.

Be on the lookout for a truck! Make? Model? Whazzat? Look for a truck, assholes!

And the foot is Palomas. Shocking.

To progress now, we need to ring up Claire.

Exactly one dialogue choice. Was this needed, game?

I dont know who Kingsley is, but he sounds like hell fit right in with Miller. Who they inexplicably havent fired yet in the time jump.

On the bright side, Obstructive Chief Browning is apparently gone.


You should feel indebted, Vickie. Deputy Dawg is coming and hes going to rescue this sad excuse for a game.

Does this game count as one?

Anyway, over here is another invisible pixel hunt.

You know the drill. Scan it, process it.

More info we probably already knew.


and Claire isnt answering her phone.

Back over here is that railroad tie Paloma was checking out.

This is another bit that slightly changes if Paloma didnt find it. Vickie just puzzles out that it came from a railroad on her own. Thrilling.

I dont remember that from Palomas adventure, but it was dark at the time.

Snapping a photo of that adds it to our collection.

That fence that was blocking off Paloma by the wood shed is down now. Head through and check this grate out.

Damn fine sleuthin there, Vickie.

More pixels to hunt here.

I dont want to know about your sex life, Vickie.

Nevertheless, well have to Q-tip that one.

I guess she took some flash bang shrapnel.

So Chuckles came by and fetched Paloma after she set off the stun grenades. Maybe he just started kicking her in the head and that explains the blood.

To the left of that is a thing that Vickie cant get into. She does have a loaded gun in her inventory, but pulling an Ace Harding and just shooting the lock is out of the question.

Nor can she be bothered to dirty her hands and wipe off the mud thats foiling her. I imagine well need to go find Palomas discarded spray bottle and mix up some mud remover, that will come in four vials, three of which explode and blow up Vickies head if you use them.

Im just picturing Chuckles winging off arrows in his Psycho Mantis getup and it makes me laugh.

Go grab this, its needed.

Incidentally, no you cant use the oil can on that rusty lock. That, too, would make too much sense and Vickie refuses.

So run up over here instead, which was where Paloma ran out of before falling on her face.

What awaits us inside? Well, more CSI-ing. A lot of it. Sigh.