Part 10: Chapter 4-2

So when we last left Vickie, she had made her way into the murder house after what seemed like years of CSI drudgery. Will there be more excitement inside? No.
Also, Id think Paloma setting off *flashbangs* outside would make more of an alert than the squeaky door.

So proceeding, were back in the kitchen. Lets check out the fridge first.

and thats all Vickie will do with it. Rolling right along.

The sink

Dust those and scan them.

I dont remember Paloma stopping to eat, game.

As is the fact that, yknow he didnt just shoot her in the face. He has a gun. He could have done that.

Checking out the oven.

Oh fuck you, game.

Go left from there and check out the newspaper Paloma glossed over.

And the dumb waiter Paloma used is here, but Chuckles apparently took the time to shove a cabinet in front of it.

Its easily shoved out of the way.

So thats useless.

Nothing else to be done in here. Head on out through the door.

Vickie cant do anything with this either, in spite of it seeming important.

Vickie McPherson: Master of the important stuff.

Again leaving just enough clues to fuck with us, but not enough to go on.

Well Vickie, your last killer took his inspiration from paintings, and this ones big into movies. Im sure theres no connection at all.

Which means of course we will, but she wont take the damn thing right now.
Anyway, to the left is a safe on the wall.

Well be dusting those prints conveniently left on the safe.

Uh, if you say so. They look okay to me, but Im not a plucky yet stupid FBI agent.
Anyway, this is a puzzle. The answer is the year of that Blue Dahlia movie, 1946. Plus an additional A, because fuck you. The actual code is 19A46, which I only found through putting the A in different spots.

This game wont be winning awards either, so.

We can dust the manuscript, but the prints come up empty. So phone up Claire.

Thanks, game, for these dialogue choices consisting of *one choice*.

Now go back to the safe and grab the other thing in it, a box.

Which the game will delay you in opening for three seconds while you fetch the lockpick out of your inventory.

As so.

I think they were also Jack Trippers roommates on Threes Company. By gum, Ive nailed the killer!

Tweezer it. Analyze it.

Stunning. Go check the bookshelves now.

Game, that isnt even clever.

Or maybe theyre trying to steer the plot back to something resembling interesting.

Over here now.

Dust. Scan. Again.

Uh ?

Back out of there and upstairs.

where Sheriff Kate is snooping around something. She stops when she notices us.

My god woman, what is wrong with your hand?


a local case. Here, in the *crazy mass murderers crazy house of murder*. What?


And Sheriff Kate leaves. She and Browning should hang out.
Anywho, check out the closet to the right.

Or maybe they belong to Chuckles. Huh Vickie? Didnt think of that one, did you?

Microscope those for a closer look.

Alright then.

Now the door.

.huh. Well now this looks familiar.

You arent kidding. That damn mattress inventory puzzle. I still wake up screaming.

I totally dont remember that either, but I could have overlooked it.

So Chuckles took the time to remove the cameras and chemically erase his fingerprints. And shove a cabinet in front of the dumb waiter. Left most everything else where it was, though.

Print. Scan. Go for broke!

I dont remember Paloma breaking this mirror either. If the game intends to rewind again and make me do another section with her in this room

Wow, if Paloma left that, it might be the first clever thing shes ever done.

Check this out.

Swab. Analyze for the obvious.

No I dont know how this differs if you didnt find it with Paloma, and Im not replaying just to look.

Get out of there. Go over here.

Well, its a very clean torture chamber. And thats a neat stain glass thing.

We cant get into the medicine cabinet.

except by wasting three more seconds fetching the lockpick.

And grab this. Oh dear lord, grab this or the game will fuck you later.

The sink

Maybe where Chuckles was keeping the rats? I dont know.

Go north, to these pixels. Swab. Scan.


And even smaller pixels on the lip of the tub there.

Tweezer and scan to find uh, I guess Sheriff Kate has been messing around here too.

thanks, Vickie.

Out of there and check out this door. I dont even know what Vickie is rambling about here.

Yeah, nothing doing there.

If this were Paloma, shed at least have the sense to hit something like this with a fire extinguisher. Vickie, youre less useful than Paloma.
Now we need to run all the way outside and find Sheriff Kate again. I shall stop here, as theres still a lot of bullshit to go in this chapter. Sigh.