Part 11: Chapter 4-3

So Sheriff Kate is out here. Lets see how shes messing up our investigation now.

Alright, so call up Claire instead.

Well ask her about the useless meddling sheriff.

Well, maybe Im too hard on her. Maybe shes just caught on to how incredibly incompetent Vickie is and has decided to handle this herself.

And that missing person Sheriff Kate was blabbering about.

Or maybe he abandoned his life of farming to don a gas mask and kidnap women while holding out hopes of making a crappy movie out of it and becoming the king of 2:00 AM Sci-Fi channel films. Nah.

*Now* well bug Kate again.


Pictured: My expression while playing this game.

And and you didnt feel like sharing this? This seems kind of important.

So now we analyze the stuff from Kate.

More of Chuckles being a clean freak.

As for the electronic thing, Garris over here can handle that.

And then were automatically teleported back into the house to look at said lock.

Well, thats a fine reason for ruining a murder investigation.

Me too. Can we go back to the Ripper thing now?

Well, Garris will be awhile messing with the locked door, so go back downstairs and in here.

But the cursed unadjustable darkness of this game foils us again!

Check right here. Not that you can see it or anything, because this game hates you.

And I hate playing Still Life. Yet Ill still end up doing Post Mortem after Im done here.

And this is where that oil can weve been carrying sees use.

...but its still too dark to actually do anything.

So run back over here, to that matchbox Vickie wouldnt take before.

Thats the spirit. I guess.

Use the matches here.

and after all of that, the door down here is locked.

So use the key Kate gave us.


In there, Vickie automatically draws her gun. Then puts it away as Chuckles is clearly long gone.

You know what else stinks? This game.

The cabinet here is locked.

Diverting three more seconds of our time to fetch the lockpick.

Well, that sounds like a not so subtle clue.

Bust out the revealer spray.

Swab and analyze that. Six victims. Collect them all!

And nothing can be done with Chuckles trenchcoat. Moving right along.

I dont believe in impossible.

especially when we have the key Kate gave us.

Vickie does another automatic sweep of the room once were in. We dont really need to be here yet though, so go back where we came and start checking out the rest of the room.

Hed also puke and likely ruin our entire investigation. Well, moreso than it was already.

Analyzing that mess shows that uh, it was Paloma? Okay then.

The drawer over to the side reveals a stiff.

Grab the tweezers and nab some of her skin.

Now thats some pointless dedication to being a weirdo.

Next check out the desk over here.

No messages or anything, though.

So just flip that on.

oh come on. His username is Killer? Really?

And were given the usual random list of password guesses since we dont have any clues to what hes actually using.

They dont work, of course.

But we do have a handy dandy hacking dongle.

Which utterly fails as Chuckles is one step ahead of us.

These are off to the left, but nothing can be done with them.

Check out the desk over here instead.

The radio here can be turned on to play old timey swing tunes. Really.

I guess the glass-on-the-floor bit wouldnt be as effective if she still had her shoes.

Pop open the drawer here.

But before we do that, the entire speaker here can be yoinked right off of the radio. Do so, then call Claire.

Well, thats quite a leap. How do you know he isnt a professor, or an angry janitor? It would explain the cleaning fixation.

Grab the cord sitting over here too.

Now backtrack into the room with the lantern and take a left.

As soon as were in there, the phone rings. Its the result on that carving back outside on the wood shed. Thats kind of interesting.

Maybe Chuckles is an English professor at USC.

Well just pull that aside.

Itll have to wait as we have nothing to break the wall with.

Speaking of, here we go. A demolition mass. Which is a fancy way of saying A sledgehammer. Well just grab that

Fortunately, theres a storage box right here or Id be saying fuck it to this LP and game right now.

I ditch the speaker in there. Hopefully it wont be needed anytime soon.

Microscope that.

Analyzing that shows Chuckles burnt Dorothys wig. That monster.

Vickies kind of a boozehound. You might recall her FBI password in the last game was Vodka.

And Chuckles removed this camera too. Mind you, only a night had passed between Palomas last adventure and Vickie getting here. Guy moves quick.

Back over here, well go ahead and smash the damn wall right down. Cathartic.

which deposits us on the other end of that dumbwaiter to the morgue. Maybe now we're getting somewhere.