Part 13: Chapter 5-1

So welcome back. When we last left Vickie, she had spent roughly one gajillion years examining Chuckles house of fun, only to randomly flashback upon opening a door. Now we


And look around we shall! Start with the stove on the left.

Youd almost think his girlfriend was incredibly frigid.

Theres a locked cabinet on the left, not that you can see it with the all-consuming darkness.

Check over here next.

Keep reminding us that Ackerman was so much better of a villain than Chuckles, game.

Over here next.

To the right of that is a locked file cabinet. Sadly, Vickie left her lockpick gun in the future.

Over here by the entrance

Thank God, there is no CSIing to be done here. Although it kind of galls me that the game is clever enough to *know* its shitty, but it keeps on being shitty.

To the right of the sink, grab this thing.

Now jog back over here.

Another tool to go in the collection.

Oh hey, another interesting character from Still Life that only gets mentions in the sequel. Vladanna was an underage prostitute who somehow managed to be the only one Ackerman tried and failed to kill. This was never really explained.

Snap a photo of that.

And its good old Ackerman himself. We miss you, Mark.

In the inventory, well just combine our pair of modeling tools to make

Shitty improvised lockpicks! Now were cooking with gas.

Using those on cabinet number one

Uh, why do you have this, Richard?

Good question.

We can spring the other file cabinet too.

Well thats certainly something.

Dun dun duuuuuun.

So theres a random mystery from the beginning of the game solved. Well, kind of.


And then Richard sneaks up on us.

Oh, nothing much. Discovering youre a bloody whacko. The usual.

And now we can interrogate Dick. Youre the grandson of crazy people! This doesnt seem all that incriminating, really, but what are you gonna do?

Ill bet.

Well, thats halfway plausible. But we have more lines of questioning. Those letters you stole from Gustavs police inspector buddy!

Uh that doesnt even make sense, Richard.

Well, we have more evidence. You have the Rippers blood soaked cape stuffed away in your closet!

Good one, Dick.

Take that!
Noooooooo! Welcome to Still Life 2. Five minutes of interesting, five hours of crap.