The Let's Play Archive

Strike Fighters 2

by SelenicMartian

Part 54: S08E02: 1968.08.24-25 (He's Firing His Guns... Eventually)

S08E02: 1968.08.24-25 (He's Firing His Guns... Eventually)
The goons chose the guns.


The Red offensive isn't doing much, yet. We're sent to stop any unwelcome visitors.

The mission video

In which we run into another omission

The new Fishbeds meet the fate of the old Fishbeds.


Escort? Two Canberras? On Lightnings? Right... I never suspected, we joined Her Majesty's Royal Straitjackets.

The mission video

In which we soar, like eagles on pogo sticks

No losses and five kills in two days on gunnery. Thanks, voters!

The 24 hours starts now-ish. Guns or missiles?