Part 39: Suikoden's The 108 Stars of Destiny
The 108 Stars of DestinySuikoden 1 Unites
Suikoden 2 Unites
In tandem with the Rune Compendium, this will be a go-to source for which Star does what, who each Star is, and the connections between characters in the series if they were not immediately obvious. Many Stars have thematic purpose between the characters in the series that fall under the same one. Some are random, though. Credit to Suikosource/Wikipedia for background info.
The 108 Stars of Destiny come directly from the classic Chinese tale that inspired the series (but mainly the first game), Shui Hu Zhuan. Commonly translated as The Water Margin, Outlaws of the Marsh, and All Men Are Brothers, its Japanese translation is, in fact, Suikoden. It was adapted by Takebe Akayari as Honcho Suikoden, or Japanese Water Margin in 1773. It has been republished multiple times over many different periods in Japanese history, including receiving ukiyo-e paintings like the one depicted above.
It was translated into English in 1933, all 70 of its chapters. At the time, it was well-received by the American public. Its most recent English translation is The Marshes of Mount Liang, which is spread out over five volumes and contains 120 chapters.
The idea of the 108 Stars stems from the Taoist belief that each person's destiny is tied to their own, personal Star of Destiny. They represent 108 demonic overlords who were banished by the Taoist sage, Shang Ti. During banishment, each of these stars repent, and are released from their banishment by accident, and are reborn as 108 heroes who band together to a common cause for justice.
There are 36 Heavenly Spirits, and 72 Earthly Fiends. The Heavenly Spirits are denoted with a Ten- prefix, while the Earthly Fiends are denoted by a Chi- prefix. Some of these Stars have duplicates, that's just because of their Romanization. Stars with no description have no discernable pattern in characters.
The 36 Heavenly Spirits
Tenkai Star Chief Star of Heaven
Original Owner: Sung Chiang, the Opportune Rain
Characters: Tir McDohl, Riou
All of the main game heroes of the Suikoden franchise fall under this star, with the exception of Suikoden III, and in-game are called the Star of Heavenly Guidance. Tenkai Stars are born to gather the other 107 Stars of Destiny and fight for justice.
Tengou Star Star of Conflagration
Original Owner: Lu Chun I, The Jade Chi'Lin (read: Kirin)
Characters: Lepant, Ridley/Boris
Tengou Stars are always skilled leaders in combat, either at the front lines of war units or in positions of power within respective towns or communities in the series. This star was first Lepant, mayor of Kouan who then became a general in the Liberation Army. It then passed to Ridley (or his son, Boris), leader of the Kobold army in Two River, who then went on to become a general in the Dunan Unification Army.
Tenki Star Star of Wisdom
Original Owner: Wu Yung, The Great Intelligence
Characters: Mathiu Silverberg, Shu
The chief strategist of every Suikoden game, usually a Silverberg, falls under this Star. In Suikoden II, this Star was Shu, a student of Mathiu's expelled after using the knowledge he gained from Mathiu to personal use.
Tenkai (Tenkan) Star Star of Idleness
Original Owner: Kung Sun Sheng, Dragon Entering The Clouds
Characters: Luc, Luc
Always a guardian of the Tablet of Promise. In the first two games, this is Luc, sent into war by the seer, Leknaat.
Tenyu Star Star of Bravery
Original Owner: Kuan Sheng, the Great Sword
Characters: Humphrey Mintz, Humphrey Mintz
Tenyu Stars are respected, competent warriors who are generally worthwhile characters to use in their respective games. In the first two games, this is Humphrey, who at first is a leader in the Liberation Army but then became a traveling buddy for Futch in the second game.
Tenyu Star Star of Heroic Ferocity
Original Owner: Ling Chung, the Leopard-Headed
Characters: Kasim Hazil, Hauser
Generally well-respected generals of armies fall under this Star, with the exception being IV.
Tenmou Star Star of Swift Courage
Original Owner: Ch'ing Ming, the Fire in the Thunder Clap
Characters: Kwanda Rosman, Kiba Windamier
Characters under this Star are leaders of solid armies, and are characterized by wearing heavy amounts of armor either in combat or as leaders. Described by Suikosource as being strong village leaders. Exceptions: III, IV. First, this was for Kwanda Rosman, an Imperial General of Pannu Yakuta castle, then it passed to Kiba, once again an enemy general who defected to the other side. Both are known for their defensive nature.
Teni Star Star of Majesty
Original Owner Hu Yien Shu, the Double Whip of Iron
Characters: Pesmerga, Pesmerga
Tenei Star Heroic Star
Original Owner: Hua Yuang, the Little Li Kuan
Characters: Gremio, Sierra
In two games, this Star is a party member who forces themselves into your party most of the game, whether you want them to or not; generally are close friends with the hero. II is an exception, as Sierra is a character who joins for the Neclord plot arc and then promptly disappears.
Tenki Star Lofty Star
Original Owner: Ch'ai Chin, the Little Whirlwind
Characters: Warren, Teresa
Characters under this Star always the mayor of an important town you'll visit in their games. Warren presided over Moravia Castle, then defected; Teresa was forced out of her town of Greenhill by Highland and fought against them.
Tenfu Star Star of Wealth
Original Owner: Li Yun, the Eagle Who Smites the Heavens
Characters: Kun To, Nina
Tends to be overly associated with money or shady dealings. Exceptions: II, III.
Tenman Star Star of Abundance
Original Owner: Chu T'ung, the Beautiful Bearded
Characters: Cleo, Abizboah/Feather/Sigfried
Tenko Star The Lone Star
Original Owner: Lu Chi Shen, the Tattooed Priest
Characters: Viktor, Viktor
The bear man takes this star for two games in a row.
Tensyo Star Wounded Star
Original Owner: Wu Sung, the Hairy Priest
Characters: Valeria, Tomo/Valeria
If you decide to take Kasumi in II, Tomo will fill in this Star.
Tenritsu Star Star of the Standing Spear
Original Owner: Tung P'ing, Warrior of the Two Spears
Characters: Griffith, Fitcher
Tensyo Star The Swift Star
Original Owner: Chiang Ch'ing, the Featherless Arrow
Characters: Clive, Clive
Clive possibly relates to this star for his quick speed in drawing his weapon.
Tenan Star The Dark Star
Original Owner: Yang Chi, Blue Faced Beast
Characters: Flik, Flik
No pattern aside from Flik having brief contact with the character who falls under this Star in III.
Tenyu Star The Guardian Star
Original Owner: Ch'u Ling, the Wielder of the Guardian Sword
Characters: Camille, Tsai
Camille and the character under this Star in IV wield the same weapon, perhaps suggesting ancestry. Characters under this star tend to use spears, strangely.
Tenku Star The Empty Star
Original Owner: So Ch'ao, the Swift Vanguard
Characters: Kreutz, Jess
Two animals fall under this star in III and V.
Tensoku Star Speedy Star
Original Owner: Tai Chung, the Magic Messenger
Characters: Stallion, Stallion
With the exception of III, this will always be the character who bears the Godspeed Rune.
Teni Star The Strange Star
Original Owner: Liu T'ang, the Red-Headed Devil
Characters: Kage, Georg
Characters under this Star tend to be gifted assassins, and the same character shares this Star in II and in V.
Tensatsu Star Murderous Star
Original Owner: Li K'uei, the Black Whirlwind
Characters: Fu Su Lu, Hanna
Most characters under this star tend to be beastly warriors, as in akin to literal beasts, evidenced by Fu Su Lu wearing a tiger pelt.
Tenbi Star The Lowly Star
Original Owner: Shin Chin, the Nine Dragoned
Characters: Kirkis, Killey
Like the Teni Star, the same character shares this in II and V.
Tenkyu Star The Lewd Star
Original Owner: Mu Hung, the Indomitable One
Characters: Milich, Anita
In I, III, and IV, this character is a strong magician or otherwise skilled in magic.
Tentai Star The Retreating Star
Original Owner: Lei Heng, the Winged Tiger
Characters: Pahn, Abizboah/Feather/Sigfried
In I and V, this character is skilled in using gloves as weapons.
Tenjyu Star The Star of Longevity
Original Owner: Li Chun, The Dragon who Roils Rivers
Characters: Sonya Schulen, Nanami
Generally, these characters are well-versed in being captains of naval fleets.
Tenken Star The Dagger Star
Original Owner: Juan the Second, God of Swift Death
Characters: Anji, Rina
This Star, Tenzai, and Tenpai, are always part of a trio of characters you receive at the same time, either as a group or traveling troupe.
Tenhei Star Leveled Star
Original Owner: Chang Heng, the Boatman
Characters: Tai Ho, Tai Ho
Always a duo with the Tenson Star.
Tenzai Star Star of Sin
Original Owner: Juan the Fifth, The Short Lived
Characters: Kanak, Eilie
Tenson Star Broken Star
Original Owner: Chang Shun, White Stripes in the Waves
Characters: Yam Koo, Yam Koo
Part of a duo with the Tenhei Star.
Tenpai Star The Vanquished Star
Original Owner: Juan the Seventh, The Fierce King of Devils
Characters: Leonardo, Bolgan
Tenrou Star The Goal Star
Original Owner: Yang Hsiung, The Sick Kuan So
Characters: Hix, Hix
Tends to be part of a boy/girl pairing with Tensui.
Tensui Star Star of Intelligence
Original Owner: Shih Hsiu, One who Heeds not his Life
Characters: Tengaar, Tengaar
Tenbou Star Savage Star
Original Owner: Hsieh Chen, Double Headed Snake
Characters: Varkas, Freed Yamamoto
Always part of a duo with Tenkoku.
Tenkoku Star Wailing Star
Original Owner: Hsieh Pao, the Double Tailed Scorpion
Characters: Sydonia, Yoshino Yamamoto
Tenkou Star Clever Star
Original Owner: Yien Ch'ing, the Prodigal
Characters: Eileen, Chaco
The 72 Stars of Earth
Chikai Star Chief Star of Earth
Original Owner: Chu Wu, the Wily Warrior
Characters: Leon Silverberg, Klaus
Characters under this Star tend to be secondary strategists to the Tenki Star.
Chisatsu Star Violent Star
Original Owner: Huang Hsin, Who Rules Three Mountains
Characters: Georges, Gilbert
Chiyu Star The Brave Star
Original Owner: Sheng Li, the Sick Warrior
Characters: Ivanov, Tetsu
Characters under this Star tend to be a fine craftsman, be it in painting, sculpting, or building.
Chiketsu Star Star of Noble Wisdom
Original Owner: Hsuan Tsan, the Ugly Warrior
Characters: Jeane, Jeane
This Star is always Jeane, in every single game.
Chiyu Star The Heroic Star
Original Owner: Hao Ssu Wen, the Guardian Star God
Characters: Eikei, Wakaba
Martial artists tend to occupy this Star.
Chii Star The Majestic Star
Original Owner: Han T'ao, Victor in a Hundred Battles
Characters: Maximilian, Maximilian
Always a Maximilian Knight, except in IV, where the character is an ancestor of the Maximilian seen in I and II.
Chiei Star Star of Courage
Original Owner: P'eng Chi'i, the Eye of Heaven
Characters: Sancho, Genshu
Tends to be a squire to a Maximilian Knight.
Chiki Star The Strange Star
Original Owner: Shang T'ing Kuei, Swift in Water
Characters: Grenseal, Camus
Always part of a prettyboy knight duo with the Chimou Star.
Chimou Star The Ferocious Star
Original Owner: Wei Ting Kuo, Warrior of Fire
Characters: Alen, Miklotov
Chibun Star The Learned Star
Original Owner: Siao Jang, Scribe of the Divine Hand
Characters: Tesla, Jude
Sometimes a writer or scribe, sometimes a character skilled with shovels and digging.
Chisei Star The Guileless Star
Original Owner: P'ei Hsuan, the Iron Faced
Characters: Jabba, Lebrante
Always the appraiser.
Chikatsu Star The Eminent Star
Original Owner: Ou P'eng, the Eagle in the Clouds
Characters: Lorelai, Lorelai
Lorelai is in I, II, and V, and is the same Star in each.
Chitou Star The Folding Star
Original Owner: Geng Fei, the Red Eyed Lion
Characters: Blackman, Tony
Always the head gardener.
Chikyou Star The Strong Star
Original Owner: Yien Shun, the Five-Hued Tiger
Characters: Joshua Levenheit, Gijimu
Chian Star The Strong Star
Original Owner: Yang Ling, the Five-Hued Leopard
Characters: Morgan, Rikimaru
Chiziku Star The Axis Star
Original Owner: Ling Chen, Thunder that Shakes the Heavens
Characters: Mose, Gantetsu
Chikai Star The Star of Gathering
Original Owner: Chiang Ching, God of Accounting
Characters: Esmeralda, Simone
Tends to be a narcissist or otherwise prissy/foppish individual.
Chisa Star The Aiding Star
Original Owner: Lu Fang, the Lesser Duke
Characters: Melodye, Connell
These characters tend to allow you to change your sound settings or are otherwise affiiliated with music.
Chiyu Star The Helpful Star
Original Owner: Kao Shen, He Who is Like Ken Kuei of Old
Characters: Chapman, Hans
Is always your headquarters' armorer.
Chirei Star The Clever Star
Original Owner: An Tao Ch'uan, the Magic Physician
Characters: Liukan, Huan
Tends to be the primary healer or doctor.
Chijyu Star The Beast Star
Original Owner: Fuang Fu Tuan, the Purple Bearded
Characters: Fukien, Tuta
Is a secondary healer to the Chirei Star.
Chibi Star The Least Star
Original Owner: Wang Ying, the Dwarf Tiger
Characters: Futch, Futch
Futch fills this role for I, II, and III.
Chikyu Star The Intelligent Star
Original Owner: The Goodwife Hu, the Ten Foot Green Snake
Characters: Kasumi, Kasumi/Tomo
Is either Kasumi or a gifted swordswoman. Same deal here, if you took Valeria in II, Tomo will fill this Star instead.
Chibaku Star The Barbarous Star
Original Owner: Pao Su, the God of Death
Characters: Maas, Badeaux
Chizen Star The Silent Star
Original Owner: Fan Lui, King of the Devils Who Roil Earth
Characters: Crowley, Mazus
Always the strongest mage in their respective game, or if not the strongest, then the most well-renowned for their sorcery.
Chikou Star The Wild Star
Original Owner: K'ung Ming, the Curly Haired
Characters: Fuma, Mondo
Tend to be ninjas or skilled with throwing knives.
Chikyou Star The Star of Ambition
Original Owner: K'ung Liang, the Lone Fire
Characters: Moose, Sasuke
Aside from Suikoden I, this character also tends to be a ninja.
Chihi Star The Flying Star
Original Owner: Hsiang Ch'ung, The Eight Armed Lo Chao
Characters: Meese, Leona
Tends to be an innkeeper.
Chisou Star The Walking Star
Original Owner: Li Kun, the Heaven Flying God
Characters: Sergei, Adlai
Always the elevator 'inventor'.
Chikou Star The Cunning Star
Original Owner: Chang Ta Chien, the Jade Armed Warrior
Characters: Kimberley, Raura
Works on scrolls, maps, or is skilled in forgery.
Chimei Star The Clear Star
Original Owner: Ma Long, the Magic Iron Flautist
Characters: Sheena, Sheena
Tends to be an extremely horny or otherwise perverted character.
Chisin Star The Forward Star
Original Owner: T'ung Wei, the Crocodile Out of the Hole
Characters: Kessler, Kinnison
Tends to be a duo with the Chitai Star.
Chitai Star The Retreating Star
Original Owner: T'ung Meng: The Oyster that Turns the River
Characters: Marco, Shiro
Chiman Star The Full Star
Original Owner: Meng K'an, the Jade Banner Pole
Characters: Gen, Amada
Tends to be a naval engineer or otherwise associated with boats.
Chisui Star The Fulfilled Star
Original Owner: Hou Chien, the Strong-Armed Gorilla
Characters: Hugo, Emilia
Tends to be the librarian back at HQ.
Chisyu Star The Complete Star
Original Owner: Ch'en Ta, the Gorge-Leaping Tiger
Characters: Hellion, Zamza
Chiin Star The Hidden Star
Original Owner: Yang Ch'un, the White-Spotted Snake
Characters: Mina, Karen
Tends to be a dancer.
Chii Star The Peculiar Star
Original Owner: Chen T'ien Shou, the White-Faced Goodman
Characters: Milia, Lo Wen
Tends to be a Dragon Knight.
Chiri Star The Star of Justice
Original Owner: T'ao Chung, the Nine-Tailed Turtle
Characters: Kamandol, Tenkou
Is a window-maker in II and IV.
Chisyun Star The Elegant Star
Original Owner: Sung Ch'ing, the Iron Fan
Characters: Juppo, Gadget
Tends to be a trickster character or the creation of a trickster.
Chiraku Star The Star of Music
Original Owner: Yo Ho, the Iron Whistle
Characters: Kasios, Annallee
Is a singer at HQ or a musician.
Chitatsu Star The Quick Star
Original Owner: Kung Wang, the Spotted-Necked Tiger
Characters: Viki, Viki
Always Viki, every game.
Chisoku Star The Star of Haste
Original Owner: Ting Te Sheng, Arrow-Wounded Tiger
Characters: Rubi, Koyu
Chichin Star The Suppressing Star
Original Owner: Mu Ch'un, the Lesser Indomitable One
Characters: Vincent de Boule, Vincent de Boule
Always a narcissist.
Chikei Star The Halted Star
Original Owner: Ch'ai Cheng, the Dagger Devil
Characters: Meg, Meg
Tends to be a young, trickster girl/woman.
Chima Star The Devil Star
Original Owner: Sung Wang, the Guardian God in the Clouds
Characters: Taggart, Mukumuku
From II onward, this character is the leader of a five-animal group.
Chiyou Star The Magic Star
Original Owner: Tu Chi'en, Eagle Who Flutters Against the Sky
Characters: Giovanni, Marlowe
Tends to be a reporter inside the castle, publishing news and such.
Chiyu Star The Obscure Star
Original Owner: Hsueh Yung, the Sick Tiger
Characters: Quincy, Richmond
From II onward, this is the headquarter's detective, allowing you to get background information on your recruits.
Chifuku Star The Hiding Star
Original Owner: Shih En, the Gold-Eyed Tiger Cub
Characters: Apple, Apple
Tends to be a woman obsessed with the main strategist, or is otherwise an apprentice to another strategist.
Chihi Star The Orphan Star
Original Owner: Li Chung, the Warrior Who Wars Against Tigers
Characters: Kai, Long Chan Chan
Tend to be martial arts masters.
Chiku Star The Empty Star
Original Owner: Chou T'ung, the Little Conqueror
Character: Lotte, Millie
Tends to be a woman with an affinity towards animals or one in particular.
Chiko Star The Lonely Star
Original Owner: T'ang Lung, the Golden-Spotted Leopard
Characters: Mace, Tessai
Always the main blacksmith.
Chizen Star The Finished Star
Original Owner: Tu Hsing, the Devil-Faced
Characters: Onil, Taki
Tends to be a gossiper within the headquarters.
Chitan Star The Short Star
Original Owner: Chou Yuen, Dragon out of the Woods
Characters: Kuromimi, Gengen
Always a non-human buddy with the Chikaku Star.
Chikaku Star The Corner Star
Original Owner: Chou Jun, the One-Horned Dragon
Characters: Gon, Gabocha
Always a non-human buddy with the Chitan Star.
Chisyu Star The Prisoned Star
Original Owner: Chu Kuei, Water Beast on Dry Land
Characters: Antonio, Yuzu
Tends to be either a cook or a little kid.
Chizou Star The Hoarding Star
Original Owner: Chu Fu, the Smiling Tiger
Characters: Lester, Hai Yo
Tends to be a cook or chef.
Chihei Star The Smooth Star
Original Owner: Ts'ai Fu, the Iron Armed
Characters: Kirke, Kahn Marley
Chison Star The Wounded Star
Original Owner: Ts'ai Ching, the Single Flower
Characters: Rock, Barbara
Always the vaultkeeper/storagekeeper.
Chido Star The Serving Star
Original Owner: Li Li, the Pursuing God of Death
Characters: Ledon, Sid
Characters under this Star tend to be creepy, sleazy, or ugly.
Chisatsu Star The Searching Star
Original Owner: Li Yun, the Blue-Eyed Tiger
Characters: Sylvina, Shin
Chiaku Star The Fierce Star
Original Owner: Chiao T'ing, the Faceless
Characters: Ronnie Bell, Oulan
Tends to be an Amazonian-type woman, or otherwise incredibly strong female character.
Chisyu Star The Ugly Star
Original Owner: Shih Yung, the Stone Warrior
Characters: Gaspar, Shilo
Tends to be a gambler who opens up a minigame.
Chisu Star The Mathematic Star
Original Owner: Sheng Sing, the Lesser Yu Se
Characters: Window, Alex
Chiin Star The Shadowy Star
Original Owner: The Goodwife Ku, Female Tiger
Characters: Marie, Hilda
Generally fills in for a maternal role out of the characters.
Chikei Star The Avenging Star
Original Owner: Chang Ch'ing, the Gardener
Characters: Zen, Bob
Chisou Star The Strong Star
Original Owner: The Goodwife Sheng, the Female Savage
Characters: Sarah, Ayda
Tends to be a beautiful woman, or a talented female archer.
Chiretsu Star The Inferior Star
Original Owner: Wang Ting Lu, the Lively Female
Characters: Sansuke, Pico
Tends to be the character who builds your bath.
Chiken Star The Mighty Star
Original Owner: Ju Pao Ssu, the Vanguard God
Characters: Qlon, Alberto
Chimou Star The Rat Star
Original Owner: Pei Sheng, Rat in the Daylight
Characters: Templeton, Templeton
Tends to be the character who gives you the World Map, and is a mapmaker/cartographer.
Chizoku Star The Thieving Star
Original Owner: Shih Ch'ien, Flea on a Drum
Characters: Krin, Hoi
Characters under this Star tend to be bandits, thieves, or con men.
Chikou Star The Dog Star
Original Owner: Tuan Ching, the Yellow-Haired Dog
Characters: Chandler, Gordon
Characters under this Star are generally your item shopkeeper or a trader.