Part 8: The Scourge of Luca Blight

Suikoden 2 Tunes Tactics

Yup, the Fire Spears are back as a plot point; although, they're not nearly as important or effective as they were in the first game. Viktor tells us the current stock of Fire Spears they have are rusted over, and that we need to go get more. He says there's a man who lives near here called Tsai of the Divine Spear.

Always need more money. Apple tells us he's living near Ryube Village, perhaps in the forest.

Past where the bird's nest was is a bridge, which takes us on the path towards Tsai's place.

that's a not-suspicious cabin.

>>> We came here because we need you

Well that was easy. And I get to keep Flik's cash!

Tsai is a pretty good, but kind of average fighter. He gets great stats but has low HP to compensate it. He comes with a Unicorn Rune attached, but it's not fixed.

Like I said before, you sometimes get a choice of where to place battle characters either in your convoy or in your party. Tsai comes stock with a spell scroll of Clay Guardian, the first Earth spell, and it actually works in this game.
Suikoden 2 Tunes Tension

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Upon our return to Ryube Village, we find it has been completely burned to the ground and ransacked by Luca Blight's army.

This is one of the most iconic scenes in Suikoden II, mostly because of the dialogue.
Luca: All you worms can do is plead! You really want to live so badly?
Y... yes... I'll do anything... just... don't kill me...
Luca: Is that right? In that case, act like a pig.

Luca: Very good!!
Woman: So that means... ?

Easily the most iconic action in the game alone, when Luca kills a woman after he makes her degrade herself to plead for her life.

Luca: Finished? My sword still thirsts for blood!! You! Burn this place down! Burn this whole village to the ground!!

If you answer the first option, Tsai simply knocks Azure and Jowy out and we continue on with the plot.

Whether they want to be involved or not Azure and Jowy are a part of this war now. There's no turning back.

Ignoring this little brat, let's go talk to Viktor.

We have to choose this option.

Suikoden 2 Tunes Duel (must listen)

Yup, duels are back. They've changed absolutely nothing in-between games aside from cinematic flair and updated graphics. This duel is super easy, and this initial taunt is an Attack, so let's Wild Attack back at him.
Actually, for that matter, ALL Duels in this game are piss-fucking-easy, and have absolutely nothing on the Pahn-Teo duel. To extrapolate that, that duel is easily the hardest in the series, even if you prepare for it. Some of Suikoden V's duels get close to it, though, but that's because that game's Duel system is much more fleshed out.

This one's easy to parse, it's a Wild Attack.

You just have to do about 80 points of damage to get Flik to relent.

I mean, of course, let's definitely let fifteen year olds lead a company of soldiers. That's perfectly sound logic.

So Jowy spends some time coming up with names. Some of these are references to the first game, and Orange Company remains a running joke. In the history books in Suikoden III, your army will be called the Dunan Army no matter what (much like the first game's army being called the Toran Army/Toran Republic).

Choose a name for our company (i.e., the unit we lead in battle). Eight character limit.

Tsai, of the Divine Spear Tenyu Star
His nickname was bestowed upon him when he, with one jab, pierced an iron helmet with his spear.

Luca Blight
Far and away one of the most iconic villains in jRPGs, and is typically grouped together with other madmen like Kefka who, quite simply, just want to watch the world burn.