Part 58: Leon Silverberg and the True Beast Rune
oh hey guyswhats up
so we're going with Team Fuck the Game Open, because

Immediately, we face Lucia for a third and final time.

You don't want to take her simply, because she's fucking strong, and gets THREE turns.

A new addition to Suikoden II is the ability to do a combo magic spell in the menu, provided you have the Runes to do so on the same character. However, to do any combo between other Runes, you'll have to cast the magic manually between your characters. Luc has the Flowing and Cyclone Runes, so if we wanted other Unite Magic we'd have to do it the normal way.
Later games will allow you to perform Unite Magic between characters, making them a cinch to cast.

That's Blazing Camp. It deals ridiculous damage.

Because the world sucks.

well kind of like four or five hours but yeah

I am restating what I have already said

Lucia draws a knife on Teresa.

Who stands still.

Like in the first game's final dungeon, there are a bunch of new enemies, like these Chimera. Each head does something different. The eagle will make a series of magical-damage-based war cries that attack a column, the goat head can petrify, and the lion head breathes fire on the whole group.

Anywho, L'Renouille isn't anything special; it's just a long, lengthy castle dungeon like the first game.

There are some Highlands here, and they're bluer than usual.

There's a free Fury Rune in the dungeon, which is awesome.

>>> Get out of my way!!!

Yes. He's defending, so we should attack.

I'm way too powerful for this. Han says he should have avoided that shot, which means he's defending again.

you are easy as shit.

>>> Azure...

It sucks, but it takes until the very end of the game to get the Champion's Rune.

L'Renouille is mostly scripted encounters and dead ends. It doesn't even have the cool music that Gregminster Palace had, just the generic dungeon theme. The Double Leader Attack makes this pretty easy.

this is getting oooolddd

Also, annoyingly, the last Window Set is deep inside the castle.

This is where Jillia was 'sacrificed'. Moving along...

This final save crystal is unique, it also fullheals you. We'll need it.

>>> I'll force my way in!!

They are VERY strong, and I'm unsure why Killey is taking so much damage. Perhaps it's in his equips...

Culgan can heal the two of them, making them a bit more dangerous. They're not too tough on the whole, though.

Using the power of their new graphics engine, some of the final-level spells get 3D movies. This is Thunder Storm, from the Thunder Rune.

Jowy apologizes, but Jillia doesn't understand why.

Although we see nothing of their relationship, it's interesting to see Jillia still care for him despite how he destroyed her entire family.

She turns, runs back towards him.

Suikoden 2 Tunes Silver Wolf ~ Final Battle Theme
The final battle begins... against the true incarnation of the Beast Rune.

There are many targets, but your only real targets are the Rune and the two heads. Take them out to win the battle. We focus on the Rune first.

This is Water Dragon, the Cyclone + Flowing Unite Magic.

While the True Beast Rune has multiple ways of attacking you, it tends to only go twice per turn and attacks the whole party. Bob then criticaled the Left Head for 2600 damage. I love Bob.

This is Final Flame, from the Rage Rune. And because that killed the Left Head, Miles wasted a Judgment on one of the legs.

Azure finds Jowy's old robe here. He's fled... somewhere.

Like in the first game and all jRPGs ever, the final dungeon collapses upon defeating the Beast Rune.

Oh hey there, you're supposed to be silent!

We watch on as Azure frantically runs through the collapsing castle.

With the final boss defeated, we return back to our headquarters.

Eilie tells us we've got a whole new country to create, but...

will we?