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The Let's Play Archive

Suikoden II

by Nephrite

Part 24: Mistrust

Chapter 24 - Mistrust

"I will think about it."

"I knew I could count on the Two River plenipotentiary to be sensible. After all, we don't want a war either. Well, excuse me, I must be going."

"Father, please wait a moment."

"My name is Klaus, tactician for the 3rd Royal Highland Company. I look forward to meeting you on the battlefield. As a fellow soldier, I salute you and wish you luck. Farewell."

"That's Riou.... The man who beat Solon Jhee?"

"Yes. I think we can count on him to be a challenging opponent. I look forward to it."

"Lord Makai, who was that..."

"Oh, that was General Kiba of the Highland Army. He came to Two River to offer a peace treaty."

"A peace treaty!!!! So it's true........"

"Hey stupid humans!!!"

"Who in the hell are you!"

"You 'Wingers' are so full of it!"

"No we're not!! You're the ones who are full of it!!"

"You're just squatters in this town!! Keep your mouths closed!!"

"Bah, do whatever you want."

"Lord Riou, Fitcher, did you see Lord Ridley?"

"Yes, you see..."

"Let's head to the assembly hall. We can't talk here."

"Hmm, I see.... I don't know what to think about that... In any case, we don't have to worry about that now. Lord Kiba came to sign a peace treaty."

"That's the enemy's strategy! The Highland Army wants to destroy the State. They're not really interested in a peace treaty."

"Don't be silly. If that were true, why would General Kiba risk his life by coming to Two River alone?"

"In order to drive a wedge between the Humans and the Kobolds, of course. Once Lord Ridley learns that Lord Makai has had a meeting with General Kiba, he'll be even more suspicious..."

"Be serious! This is a great chance that we musn't pass up. The Kobolds don't trust us and the Wingers are no use either. Given the position we're in, we should be grateful to sign this treaty and buy ourselves some time. Fitcher, you may leave. Lord Riou, thank you for your help up to this point. Tomorrow I'll meet General Kiba again to sign the peace treaty. Unfortunately, it seems I won't be able to assist the Unicorn Army as we discussed. Please forgive me."

"Lord Makai..."

"The Highland Army is out there, so you can't leave Two River at this time. Please stay in your room at the New Leaf Inn."

"Ah! My wallet..."

"Riou!! Granny wants to meet you. There!! I told him!!!"

"Lord Riou, what do we do? Divided like we are, we don't stand a chance even if the reinforcements do come on time.

"Forgive me, Lord Riou. I, I had a bad feeling about this, so I already sent a letter to Lord Shu requesting aid. I thought Lord Shu would understand the situation and send reinforcements quickly... I'm sorry I didn't tell you. Sometimes my premonitions are wrong and just cause more trouble, but this time it looks like I was right..."

"First, let me humbly apologize for my grandson. He will be punished and he will return what he has stolen. Lord Riou... Could you please show me your right palm? (I'm pretty sure Runes are on the tops of your hand, not the palm, but hey, minor nitpick.) The 'Bright Shield Rune'..... This is the second time in my life I've seen it. Long ago, I saw it shining from afar on the hand of Lord Genkaku. Long ago, we lived in the forests of Tinto. But then they took our land. They punctured it with holes that they called 'strip mines.' It was lord Genkaku who invited us to come to this new land. But after his good name was dirtied by the State, once again we began to be mistreated by the humans. Lord Riou..... Use your power to save ys, to save Two River, and to save the State. By the power of that rune and by the hand of destiny, I know you have the power! Just as Lord Genkaku had the power...... We have talked long and dusk draws near. Lord Riou, I pray that bad fortune will not soon find it's (sic) way to your door..."

I hope you choke and die on a piece of glass, Chaco.

"But I don't!! So you're the son of some old hero long ago? Big deal! What does that mean! and I'm not returning your wallet either!!"

"We may be too late. Tonight could be our last chance to escape... No, as long as there's hope, I'll keep fighting for it."

"Lord Makai, a leader really shouldn't be so gullible."

"W, what!! You're breaking your promise...Damn it all... Lord Riou was right... I'm in command here and I will protect Two River even if it means my death!!"

"Too late!!! All forces advance!!!!!!!!!"

"We, we're in deep trouble. Lord Riou, the Unicorn Army isn't here yet either....."

"Wh, what should we do? If we don't do something.... It's still not too late. Let's talk to Ridley again."

"General Ridley, what are you doing! Look!! You still think there's a secret treaty?"

"It could all be an act.... Besides, at this point...."


"Huh! That voice..."

"Two River...... Falling to Highland....? Our homeland....."

"Not yet!!! Let's go!!!"

"Wh, what's this?"

"Why, why are you doing this? Defending this town...."

"You still don't get it, eh? Okay, I'll tell ya again. This town is our town too! You don't think so? Well I was born here!!!! I was raised here!!! I like, no, I love this town!!! Why shouldn't I protect it?"

". . . . . . . . . . . . . . ."

"Bah! You're always so arrogant and now you're giving up already!! You don't know what it means to love this town!! We'll protect her all by ourselves!!!!!"

"...........Hmmmm, Maybe... you're right..."

"Yeah, from your point of view we may be outsiders. But if you love this town so much, we should fight to save her together."

"It's my duty to save Kobold lives..."

"This town....?"

"That's right. This town. You don't care if this town is defeated?"

"General. I want to fight. We all love this town. We can't let those Wingers show us up, woof."

". . . . . . . . . . . . . Forgive me, it's my fault. I don't know if we're in time, but by my fangs, we'll show them what we've got!!"

"Okay!!! Show 'em your warface! Yaaaah!!!!!!"

"It looks like just us and the Winged Horde aren't enough..."

"We're here too!!!"

"Lord Makai.... Winged Horde kids.... I was wrong about you. I shouldn't have believed the stories about you. For the honor of the Kobolds and the love of Two River, we must protect this place!!!"

"General Ridley........... Lord Riou.... Thank you..."

"Get them!!! Everyone attack!!!!!!"

"That's right! We're going to protect this town!!"

"The Kobolds have joined them.... But they missed their chance. They're ours now!!!! All troops advance!!!!!!!"

"If we leave this land, where would we go? This is our homeland. We will defend it!!!!!"

"That's right!!!! This town belongs to all of us!!!"

"Yeah!!! Let's defend our town!!!"

"You, you're a stubborn one..."

"What is it, Klaus?"

"We're out of time. The Unicorn Army has appeared on our flanks. Also, it appears an army of volunteers from Kobold Village is coming from the south. Our strategy has failed. We've got to retreat."

"Those lucky fools."

"Luck... isn't all they've got. Riou has the power to join people's hearts together. I can't hate him."

"I agree. Well, give the order for all troops to withdraw. Klaus, you're in command."

"Yes, Father!"

"It looks like the Unicorn Army came, Lord Riou."

"Take a look! We saved our town!!! Right, old man!?"

I would love to know where exactly the Highland Army retreated to. They can't go west because that's into Two River. If the Unicorn Army appeared, it'd be from the East. The Volunteers are coming from the south... And north of them are a bunch of mountains. Yeah, oh well.

Next Time: Chapter 25 - New Friends (More Recruitment)