Part 34: The Emperor's New Clothes
Last time, we found out that fucking everything is Salum Barows' fault! We also ruined all his plans, took the Dawn Rune and went off with his daughter, leaving him to his sad, lonely fate, and we felt damn good about it, too.
A few seconds later, our party gathers outside the mansion, where they find the music of Rainwall has changed to something a little less upbeat. As usual, we'll listen to what the others have to say before moving on.

You're only coming because Luserina is, aren't you?
Chuck remains our storage guy for the rest of the game, but we've seen him fight for the last time. Despite his spiked knuckles, he's not really the type who wants to hurt people. (Never fear, we have more than enough people who are precisely that type.)

Off screen, preferably.

One day someone will need to have a talk with you about double negatives, but I'm far too excited to sit down and do it right now.

And that's why she's a boring character.
All right, one more sweep before we go.

I've sold off all the salt, so there's not much of importance left, but it's nice to know.

He never seemed intimidating. Disgusting, yes. That's probably the most dangerous thing about him, though.

Take your time. It's not as if I can use you in my party or anything. don't have to advertise a service we've already paid for.
At least I assume my "people" took care of that at some point.
Preferably using Salum's money.

But good tactics mean nothing without the support of the people. Lord Barows should have realized that.

Rainwall won't exactly welcome us with open arms after this little event, so this is our last chance to chat up the townspeople.

Away! Don't ask.
Old Townsman: Hmmm? Has something happened at Barows Mansion?
Oh, just a little treason and treachery, the usual.

I've never heard anything so ridiculous! I'm sorry, Your Highness, but I simply can't believe it!
You're an NPC. I don't give a fuck what you believe.
Old Townsman: No! You're going to give up on Rainwall?! How could you, after all the support we've given you?! So... You're just like your cold-hearted mother after all, huh?
I'd punch you until your brain starts leaking out of your ears, but I decided staying here in a town ruled by Salum Barows would be a worse fate.

Raftfleet has fish. Fish, man.

You're unbelievable! You've been living off Lord Barows' hospitality all this time! I never imagined you were so selfish, Your Highness! Really. I do think it'd be better if you never showed your face here again...
Shellfish? Yeah, I could do with some of that, too.
...wait, what's wrong with my face?
Townsman: This is bad news! I need to get what I'm owed from Lord Barows before his time runs out...
You could probably get a couple of potch for the sculptures in his study. The metal's gotta be worth something, at least.

Shame on who, exactly?
Townswoman (2): The Godwin faction must be running low on money. That's what made them angry enough to stage a rebellion.
God damn, there's so much clueless gathered in this place I'm surprised it hasn't collapsed in on itself.
Townswoman (2): Hmph! There's nothing uglier in this world than poor people revealing their jealousy and envy!
Oh, I could think of a few, including your face.
And your personality.

I know! It was great.

We'll follow you, Your Highness. Wait for us in Raftfleet.

...Er, hah hah! Never mind!

Old Townsman: Wow! So that's the Dawn Rune! I've never seen it before in my life! Honest!
Pray you never see it again. The second level spell does damage.

Without her connections to the Barows family, she's stunningly average in both looks and personality. You can have her!
I think "stunningly average in both looks and personality" is several degrees too good for you, even if you hadn't been an NPC.

Oh, and before I forget, the stuff we picked up in the battle. The lancer armour is decent enough, but Frey is going to stick with his dress because I have standards, damn it.
The Attack and Speed Rings boost their respective stats by 10. It's not a very big bonus, but we don't have a lot of other options right now.

I just don't feel like I belong here in Rainwall anymore.
You're a smart man. You'll go far
Townswoman: Your Highness! You won again! That's wonderful! You'll keep on protecting us, won't you, Your Highness? Tee hee hee!
Nope! Fuck Rainwall, and fuck you too! I won't miss either of you.

Naw, I'll be fine. I'd invite you to Raftfleet, but I don't want anyone comparing me to Euram. It's totally a nicer place, though.

A brief scene plays out as we're leaving town.

Wow. If you had helped us in the last battle, I might even have cared!

...but that's not one of our dialogue options this time, so we're going with this.

Oh, can I practically guarantee that.

Note to self, never allow Kyle and Wilhelm to come into contact. I think that may cause some kind of perversion singularity.

I've looted everything, checked all the shops and spoken with all the NPCs, so I don't care!

Welcome to our new home. It's an upgrade. (music)
Old Man: Oh, I heard all 'bout it! Come to park yerself in Raftfleet, have ya, Your Highness? I'm feelin' so honored! And it'll give us a chance to repay the debt we owe ya, it will!
Lookin' forward to it, neighbour.

...let's take this one day at a time.
Man: I always said it! Ain't nobody wanted to believe me, though! I always knew Barows was nothin' more than a snake!
Snake? The man's literally Hi... no wait, we already have one of those. He's literally Stalin!
Man: A fittin' end for a man like that, if ya ask me! Serves him right!
No one did, but that doesn't mean you're wrong.
Man: Prince, thanks to ya visitin' us here, Kisara's come back, too! Always good to see her -- know what I mean?
I'm sure I have no idea. Why don't I call Logg over here and let him translate?

He just... got hit in the face with an ugly stick, ya know. Couldn't stand lookin' at him!
I don't know if it was a stick, or even if it was ugly, but I'm definitely happy not to have to look at his face.

...Want her all to yerself, do ya?

There were still a couple more we could talk to, but that's all I can be bothered to transcribe. Bite my shiny metal arse, etc.

In this case, I can't really fault them for having her figure it out, because it's a somewhat reasonable thing.
So instead, I roll my eyes at the fact that she just happened to know a detective who just happened to be in the area to provide us with evidence.

What? Sorry, I couldn't hear your angst over how dead my parents are but you can join my army or something if you wanna be of use.


Fish. I want fish.

But after that, we should probably do something about Lordlake.

We get a short clip of the Dahak moving down the river while its theme song plays.

Seriously, this is one big-ass boat.

This is just a big ass. (music)


It's not gonna help, you know.

Meanwhile, Raftfleet re-assembles itself in much the same condition as before...

...and Lyon is up to something. Watch the scene!

And the object of her attention is, of course...

...Frey's third and final outfit, the one everyone seems to hate.

I absolutely love Lyon in this scene. You should definitely watch it if you can.

So much enthusiasm! So much terrible taste in clothes!

"I see you let him dress himself this morning, eh, Lyon." (music)

"I mean, looking like you shouldn't be allowed to have anything sharp."

Okay but
how do you expect anything to be "fancier" than what you're currently wearing?

You mean, make me a glaringly obvious target, right?

Yes. The best way. The only way.

You mean kind of like Hitler says his name is Gizel, except no one actually calls him that...? That kind of name?

God. No. Your taste in name is worse than Lyon's taste in fashion.

And your taste in names is worse than your taste in fashion.

What do I think?

I think I'm going to need some help on this one.
As you can see, we'll be "The [NAME] Army" so we can't just

Trivia time: "Orange Army" is an old standby from the second game (though I've read somewhere that the suggestion for "White" in the original game was originally Orange as well, but [citation needed] and all that).
We're not calling it the Orange Army, though. I want something original here.

Finally, here's some detail artwork on Frey's new duds, and also a gazillion pictures of his smug mug for some reason or another.