The Let's Play Archive

Super Mario RPG

by mastajake

Part 13: The Stars and Sea: A Documentary

The Stars and Sea: A Documentary

Having finally rescued Princess Toadstool, Mario was bringing her back to his pad for his "Italian Shuffle." But just so everyone wouldn't start griping at him again, he opted to bring her to the Chancellor first.

Toad: G...g..great to see you back.
Peach: Great. We got the stupid(er) one.

Chancellor: Mallow? How is he, in any way, helpful to your team?
He's not. But it's the only way to get the Amphibian Mafia off our case.
Chancellor: Oh. Gotcha.

And THAT's what we did to that cross-dressing Punchinello.
Chancellor: And he was an agent of Smithy, too?
Beats the hell outta me.

Will do, man. Will do.
Chancellor: Hey....where'd the Princess go? She was just here!
Beats me. She's probably getting kidnapped again, knowing her.
Chancellor: Oh.....well, have a good time.

Peach: Mario! I'm floating from the top of a building using an umbrella! Aren't I a great influence to kids who play this game? Anyways, where do you think the next star is?

Geno: Why? We didn't ask him where the others were.
Mallow: Yeah, but I miss him.

Mario decided to stick around Mushroom Kingdom for a little while longer.

Oh, right......cause your grandma is in here.......*wink*wink*

For what? Super shrooms?
Shady Kid: No, this Gameboy.
Well that's kind of expensive for a Gameboy.
Shady Kid: Look, I'll throw in this weird beetle game, too. Take it or leave it.

The turbo button really does break the game.

After playing the Gameboy for hours and hours, Mario and co. finally left to go talk to Mallow's oh-so-wise grandpa.

Imagine that.

On their way to Star Hill, they stopped off at Booster Pass for some reason.

Well gooooooolly!
Apprentice: If I beat you, Booster might finally profess his love for me!

Heh. What a loser.

They also stopped at Booster Tower.

Well that was easy. What the hell does a bright card do?

Finally, they made it to Star Hill.

It's a hill. Does he mean fall or roll?

While there, they ran into new enemies somehow surviving on this barren place.

Geckos: Lizard guys that are obviously on some kind of drugs.

Mastadooms: Not so scary without your skin, are ya?

Mukumukus: Not much to these guys....

What, so it was cut in half?

Pulsars: Nice, emeralds. They're even cooler than the amethyst ones.

Sackits: Crooks that are better at running away.

Geez, Mallow. How obvious can you get? I bet you have one up here wishing to not be retarded anymore, too.

Geno: Wow. So they really did just leave you out there to die for no reason at all. I figured maybe they died and left you behind, but man.

....he wants to be as good of a plumber as me??? What the crap?

3 more left!

When they were done spying on other people's private thoughts, they headed off to seaside town.

Little did they know it had been overrun with William Shatner wannabes.

Not really caring how bad his acting was, they headed upstairs before going to the sea to find the next star.
Exp. Booster

On their way to the sea, they ran into a random dude selling them new clothes and weapons.


Wonder what that does?

In the sea, they found a few more new enemies.

Leukos: They kinda look like crystal balls.

Zeostars: These guys are just like their lower-tier counterparts. In related news, Nintendo says to creativity.

Bloobers: These guys look like squids.

Mr. Kippers: Why in the world does the group of fish have "Mr." in the name?

and Crustys: While these guys certainly look like they pack a harder punch, they're no match for Mario's mallet!

Get outta my way, jerk! You're blocking the camera.

And that's all for now. Join us next time for What Arrrrrgh Ya Gonna Do About It?