The Let's Play Archive

Super Mario RPG

by mastajake

Part 14: What Arrrrrgh Ya Gonna Do About It?

What Arrrrrgh Ya Gonna Do About It?

Why there was a sunken ship so close to the shore, Mario might never know. He also might never know why it was so much bigger on the inside than on the outside. Oh, well.

While he was there, he met a few more new enemies.

Greapers: Flying, hooded s armed with bananas.

Reachers: Creepy old guys humping what is either a tombstone or a jukebox.

Dry Bones: The neck bone's connected to the bone? There's a shell bone?

Alley Rats: To be honest, they look more like mice.

and Gorgons: These guys weren't just beat with the ugly stick, they are the ugly stick.

They also found another Hidden Treasure (#22), with the help of Luigi undercover as Mario's clone.

Eventually, they came to a place where people were giving them hints for some password they couldn't care less about.

What could it be?

They were then flung into a glory hole-ridden battle with a big nasty squid.

Lucky for them, Bowser knew how to cook. Squid

Oh, look! There's another

Dang it!
You again?
Hidon: Huh? No, you must have met my cousin, Pandorite. ....that means you killed him! Prepare to di...

Who knew treasure chests were weak to jump?

They wandered around a little, and found this little gem.

Eventually, they obviously wandered too far.

Pirate: Arrrr.....ya just stumbled in on sumthin ya can't handle!

So, what? You guys are pirates, right? And you are currently pirating this sunken ship, right? So who exactly did you pirate it from? The dead guys who used to own it? You guys suck!
Pirate: Dem's fightin words!

Bowser: What?! Have you even looked at me?

Geno: You're right. We should have just let the freaking barrel knock us unconscious.

Johnny: Well, you're

Johnny: If ya want it, you'll have to trade for it!
You can have Mallow. He's fluffy, has weather powers, and is not at all obnoxious.
Johnny: Deal!
Mallow: guys suck.

As they left the sunken ship, they headed on back to Seaside Town.

Yaridovich: Gimme the star now.
Hell no!
Yaridovich: Fine.
Real Elder: AH! Curse you, Peach. Curse you, sages. CURSE YOU, MARIO!!!
....wrong game, bud.
Geno: Did he just die?
Yaridovich: No, he just passed out from laughter. But give me the star, or else I'll do it to the other guys!
Meh, it's not like we won't get it back at the end of the game when we get the last one, anyways.
Well, logic and experience dictates that the last boss holds the last piece you need. When we take him on, we'll get both of these, instead of just one.
Peach: That's actually some pretty impressive logic.
Thanks. Here ya go, Yarid.

Yaridovich: Mwa ha ha! Now we will head off to the sea to escape!

Johnny: Not so fast! That star was unrightfully traded from me! Mario! I got a bone to pick with you. Mallow is freaking worthless! I'm trading back. Yaridovich, if you leave with my star,

Ugh. I guess we'll just have to fight Yaridovich for the star back, and then fight Johnny to see who gets to keep it.

Yarid 1: Earth!
Yarid 2: Wind!
Yarid 3: Fire!
Yarid 4: Water!
Yarid 5: Heart!
Yarid 1-4: Wtf?

Bowser: What kind of mirage can actually hurt you?
Geno: Who cares? GENO WHIRL!!!

One, or two, down, one to go.
Johnny: Arrrrr. Ya fight well, but it be my turn now!

( You can avoid going one on one with Johnny by leaving one pirate alive, while you take him out)
Okie dokey!

Peach: Well that was easy.
Johnny:'s your stupid Mallow back. I'll get you next time, Gadget!
Geno: First Captain Planet, and now this?
Mallow: Seriously, you guys are douchebags for leaving me with Johnny.
Mario: You know that signing on, man.

So is that the same guy talking, or two different guys and they were too lazy to have different speech boxes?

Real Elder: Here's this for all your troubles. Stop by my house later for a block party.

Did he just use the same joke he used earlier?


Real Elder: Wow, that was some party last night! Anyways,

Real Elder: He was from Monstro Town on the edge of Land's End, so you might wanna check it out.
Thanks a lot, dude. Check ya later.

Thus, they headed out to Monstro Town with 2 stars left to go. Join us next time for Screw Columbus! The World Is Flat!