The Let's Play Archive

Super Mario RPG

by mastajake

Part 18: It's a Bird, It's a Plane, It's a...Cloud?

It's a Bird, It's a Plane, It's a...Cloud?

When we last left our heroes, believe it or not, they were walking on air.

I never thought I could feel so free.

They proceeded up the aptly placed trampoline, and discovered some crazy chick named Valentina talking about the king and queen, who apparently were sick.

That's right. These people are gullible enough to believe that one of their kind is capable of growing a freaking beak and feathers.

"Harsh truth is better than simple flattery."

How gullible IS this guy, anyway?

Not really bothering to point out the obvious to him, they decided to explore Nimbus Land for a bit, finding another Hidden Treasure (#33).

Well, OBVIOUSLY I want top of the line. I mean, 30 rupees is nuthin to The Great, I mean.

That's not my idea of a good dream.

They decided to try again.

What the crap.
Toad: Don't tell anyone, though, or I'll freaking kill you and that whore you call a princess. Oh, and here's a little something I found a while ago.

Yeah, I already have like 10 of these, ya jerk.

Is this guy serious? I killed about 14 of his kind on the way here.

Moving on anyway, they headed off to the statue-maker's home for some reason.

No no no. You've got it all wrong. It's: "It's-a me", not "It's me."

Mallow: Okay, I can take fat jokes, but comparing me to that huge freaking bird? Come on, man.
Garro: No, I mean HE isn't and YOU are, you inbred idiot.
Mallow: I'm a prince.
*awkward silence*
Garro: You know, Mario, red and blue aren't really your colors. You'd look better in gold.

Wait.....I don't wanna....

Garro: Faaaaaaaaabulous! Now, you simply must come with me to the castle to meet this beautiful woman by the name of Valentina. She's my life's work, if you've noticed all the creepy statues I made of her. I could hook you two up if you'd like.
She does have some pretty big honkers, there.

Garro: What's up, Birdy-boys?
Birdy: Oh, not much. Just making sure Mario doesn't get in here. Valentina's scared of him since he beat up Megasmilax.
Garro: Really? Hmmm.......
Birdy: Wait......that's not a creepy statue of Valentina! In fact, it looks a lot like Mario painted gold for some reason!

Birdy: Sounds suspicious, but I like you man, so go on through.

Really? Couldn't have guessed that one on my own...

Valentina: So this is Mario, eh, Garro?
Garro: Yes, but call him by his stage name:

All: ....okay....

Valentina: He's pretty cute, Garro. You certainly know how to pick em. Now, put my new sex slave in the hall, for later use.

Valentina: Well, very nicely done, Mr. Mario. DODO, your turn to have a go with him!!!

Yeaaaahh.....things aren't looking to good for us in the near future.

Well, that's an interesting way of doing things.
Dodo: Hey hey hey, come out to play!
Uh, no thanks, man, I'm perfectly content to....

Well, at least we got something out of that ordeal.

What, now these guys want a piece? cool new colors are gone.

Mallow: ......well, thanks for that interesting tidbit.

While roaming through the castle, trying to find Valentina to ask her what the hell her problem was, they met up with a few new enemies.

Shamans: Yeah......I thought these guys were on our side.

Jawfuls: I think that's the biggest I've ever seen.

Pinwheels: Kinda self-explanatory, doncha think?

Muckles: Voldemork doesn't care too much for these guys.

Sling Shies: Yes, ANOTHER copycat.

Orbisons: Hm.....where have I seen these guys before.....?

and Bluebirds: Are you kidding me? I was JUST introduced to the red ones. Figured you could at least have waited a little bit.

They also found four more chests! (#34-37)

...okay. So I forgot this one. I got it after the next boss fight. My. Bad.

Hm.....this didn't exactly work out well for me last time.


Okay....this baby fights back....

As long as your characters are strong enough, you can just attack her and heal with Peach when she shoots her egg at you, instead of defending on each character to reflect the egg back. I didn't know this as a kid, and this fight SUCKED.

After the fight, they moved on to the next room, but Bowser passed out on the way.
Peach: Okay. I knew that you gave him one too many drinks before the fight.
Hey, it makes him fight better. Here, we'll give him a Pick Me Up.

Mallow: Wait!!! Why don't we just leave him here! He's pretty worthless to the team, anyway.
Geno: No, Mallow, that's you.

After reviving Bowser, they made their way to the throne room.

So, uh, it wasn't really cool to let black Big Bird over there get his jollies off on us. Also, this is really Mallow, not that guy.
Mallow: Yeah, and where are my parents?
Valentina: I'll never tell you!!! [insert maniacal laughter here]
Bowser: ....okay, then we're gonna have to fight you. Sorry, but that's just how we roll.

Man, I could go for a snack right now.

Yeah, but I'm gonna.....

I realize that, but....

You got that right. But fine, we'll go that way. It's not like I need food to survive, or anything.


Doopadoo...just walkin' along here....

What the crap?! Who puts a doorway above nothing?

What the........back where we freaking started???

Anyway, that's all for now. Join us next time for Whatchu Gonna Do Wit All That Junk?