The Let's Play Archive

Super Robot Wars: Alpha Gaiden

by Tobias Grant

Part 90: Mission part 2

: ...Wait for the moon to come out... Don't move...

: Moon!? And don't move...?

: That feeling from earlier is getting stronger and stronger...!

: Agh... Tifa...!

: Hey, what the heck is going on!?

: It seems that Gundam is activating some kind of system...!

: Some kind of...What!?

: I can't get the details... But it's a reading like a power source...!

: Like our ultra-magnetic generator!?

: Brother, we must hurry. There's one minute left until the moon comes out. Gym Ghingnham took out the relays... But direct linkup is still possible.

: Yes... I know.

There's not really much to show for the second part of the mission, since it's only a single turn long.

Everyone but the Freeden gets to see some action, at least.

Witz took some heavy damage from counter fire.

The GX can only dodge or defend for the remainder of the mission.

: Before you can use that power, Garrod... I will kill you.

: That power... What the hell IS that power!?

Garrod had Alert up, so he easily dodge the attack.

: So this must be Shagia's younger brother Olba!!

Garrod defended against Olba's attack.

Roybea and Kamille took the brunt of Jenice's counter attacks, and the two of them wiped them all out in return.

: .........

: She wouldn't...! Stop, Tifa!

: Wh-what's this...!? Satellite... System? Is this... that power? Alright, how about this!?

: (Tifa... Please, heed my voice... Argh... No good...)

: Next up...! Microwave, in 4.03 more seconds!?

What happens next must be seen in video

: So this is what drove the Innocent to the brink of destruction back then...

: Ha, hahaha... Magnificent...!

: ...What shall we do, brother?

: ...We should withdraw for now. Let's go...

: Understood, Brother...

They retreat

: This is... the Gundam's power...

: Wh-what was...? Just now...!?

: I'm not certain...

: A nightmare...

: Eh!?

: That Gundam is... Terrifying...

: Especially in the hands of a child...

: Hey, Kosuke! Any idea what the hell just happened!?

: Er, it seems that the Gundam received microwaves from the moon...

: F-from the MOON!?

: Then it used them as energy... And fired that beam...

: M-microwaves from the moon... I-it couldn't be...! From what we built in our own time... the Moon Cradle...

: ...Too many died... Tifa... You can't...

: ...We're alive, right, Tifa...? Tifa...?

...Oh holy fuck...

: Tifa... Tifa... What's wrong!?

: Ah... Aaaaagh!! Aaah...AAAAH!!

: Tifa...!?

: What's the matter!? TIFAAAAA!!

There's that newtype flash sound effect again...

: !!

: This is... Is she...!?

: Oh no, recover the GX at once!

: B-but... That attack it just did!

: It can't fire again immediately afterwords. It'll be fine!

: Jamil... I'm worried about Tifa's condition. Get her back quickly if you can.

: Right. I'll let you take care of the rest, Tex...