Part 13: How'd We Find This Place?

Well done! I can complete the airship now! When it's done, you're welcome to use it... partners.
You know what Dr. Normal? You're alright. There's a warm fuzzy feeling about being given proper acknowledgement.

It's in the field, ready for its maiden voyage! Go ahead, take it for a spin!
This sounds like a lovely idea, but before we do that it's time to go back and gain some levels as well as do some exploring.

The last time we were here I foolishly headed east instead of west. It's time to see what was missed.

The Cane Thunder is actually a fairly useful item, as it casts Storm for free. Being able to target a group of enemies makes it worth using, and some of the more difficult enemies in the game are only really vulnerable to lightning.

This statue gives out free healing, which would have been absolutely wonderful to know about earlier. Oh well, to the leveling!

As you can see, most of the benefits go to Layl. Only a few of the spells she's learning are useful, but every bit helps. Mute also gets Miracle, which is a multi-target max heal spell. It's a lifesaver.

If you heard a sound just now, that was the end game's spine snapping like a twig. Empower is the multi-target form of Fortify, which means we can double everybody's attack, defense, and agility for 2 MP. Destroy is about the most powerful attack spell in the game and hits every enemy in a battle.

I love the fact that one of the options for climbing onto the first flying machine in the world, powered by the ancient magic of a vanished race of bird people, is "Why not?"

Somehow this was necessary to get to Zakdos castle, which hasn't been really mentioned and which nobody has said we'd need an airship for. Whatever.

If you're like me, you'd probably nearly forgotten by this point that you were carrying around the Bell of Water. It'll be brought up a couple more times yet.

Prince Theo, you have come further than I expected. But still, you've no hope against my power... turn back now or forfeit your life, and that of your friends!
Bluster is a sure sign of a weak opponent. A strong one would just kick our ass rather than trying to talk us out of it.

New enemies, and these ones are gigantic cocks. Remember the fortify spell, which has been trivializing fights ever since we got it? Metal Knights cast it on their allies. Killer Animals are fairly tough, but even worse is the fact that they cast Recover on the same allies. One nice touch in this game is that this is the first time I've seen a sprite re-used.

Theo and his group have become genre savvy enough to realize that the nicer the chest the worse the trap is going to be.

And... they're right. More often than not, in this dungeon.

Metal Mimics are the only other re-used sprite I've seen. For a game this old, that level of unique art is unprecedented.

There's a few one way doors that will never open again after you've passed through them. This isn't as big of a problem as you might think, because of the way the dungeon is laid out.

A huge treasure chest means huge treasure! Rip and tear, rip and tear!

No treasure, but something even more valuable!

Going through the treasure chest is the only way to get to the fourth floor. I'm not sure if we should be here quite yet.

There's an additional tier of enemies in the higher floors. Durahan (Dullahan) have weak defense, but plenty of HP. They cast Weaken, which can cut your attack, defense, and agility in half. After that they or their allies can pretty much one shot you. Griffins can do 30-40 damage on a regular hit or 100 with their special attack, and their defense is high enough that you need Empower or Fortify to kill them.

This symbol seems meaningful. I don't know how, but I think it could do something.

There's a sudden change of venue here. It's very odd to see a study room here. Let's raid the desk!

the Beast Knight has prepared something special for you today... can you avoid his clever traps?
Yeah, I think this looks more like the end of the game than us exploring the castle. Time to head out of here.

This is another sign that we should leave. Weakness plus enemies that can do 30 or so damage on a normal hit equals trouble.

Layl, you were doing so well with actually learning useful magic.

Returning back to the first floor, there's a few odd features scattered around.

One more regular enemy makes an appearance. Bone Golems are big bundles of HP that do a lot of damage but go down very quickly. They also ignore the entire Blast line of spells, so electricity is a good bet with them. This works out pretty well, since Metal Knights are also vulnerable to electricity.

We pretty much have to go up to the third floor to get down to the second. You have to pay with pain to get through this door.

These things are scattered around the dungeon, and normally have a button hidden in the pupil.

There are only a very few occasions where pressing this button is a good thing, and this certainly isn't one of them.

Being blinded is another possible unpleasant effect.

Did I mention that these enemies are brutal? Even with levels in the mid to high 20's a single miscalculation can ruin you. One oddity in this game is that reviving a character restores their MP, and even with bones like that being thrown it's still hard.

We will crush all who defy the Dark King. You'll die now, Prince Theo!
One of the eye rooms has this charming fellow. It's funny that we ran into #2 before #1.

He looks intimating, but is actually far less trouble than groups of regular enemies in the dungeon.

The No. 2 switch has been released.
This seems significant, somehow. The only places it's safe to touch the buttons in the eyes is where you've just killed one of these guys.

More magic. Enfeeble is a group version of Weakness, and that's awesome. Steal HP isn't exactly great but.. eh.

Layl learning Revive, however, is freaking awesome. Finally, someone other than Theo who can bring people back!

This place on the third floor is a giant troll on the player. Every single action you take results in being shuffled around to another room.

There's a few red herrings thrown about which seem to suggest that we should be able to break through a wall or do something odd, but nothing actually does anything. The only option is to leave.

Hey, there's #1! Twenty seconds or so later...

Well, that's certainly.. something?

Layl's on a good solid role with her healing magics. We've finally fallen into a typical setup with a tank, mage, and healer.

Returning to the jail on the first floor since we've been around just about everywhere else.

Press the 3 buttons guarded by the Demos brothers to lower the bridge, and gain access to Zakdos throne... perhaps a prisoner etched this message...
Huh. So, that's why we've been murdering the Demos this entire time. Good to know!

I have a strong suspicion that this area is normally reached by some kind of trap door that I didn't fall for.

Theo finally gets an offensive spell, and a useful one, while at long last Mute gets a way to recharge his MP.

The last Demos is hiding up on the fourth floor, far away from his deceased brothers. He probably doesn't know they're dead, and now he never will.

The No. 3 switch has been released! Lowering sequence initiated.
That sounds significant. Next time: Let's end this.