Part 14: Theo Goes Metal

Once we're healed up, it's time to head back to the fourth floor. Stepping on this tile causes all hell to break lose and rearranges the floor. There are two configurations, and only one of them will let you reach the fifth floor.

Layl just became a lot more popular at college parties. Unfortunately, this does nothing to help us out.

This chasm is a pretty good indicator that we're on the right configuration. If we'd come here without all three switches flipped, however, we'd have had to walk back across the mark and the configuration would have changed.

The stairs up promise to lead directly to the end of the game, so before that let's take a quick look at our protagonists.

It's a bit unusual, but at the end of the game Theo is still using store bought items rather than ultra powerful equipment the final boss left mysteriously laying around his home. He's our strongest physical attacker, and his most useful spells cost 1-2 MP so his low MP isn't a concern.

Mute is using a found weapon since I don't really care what weapon he's got. It's a bit of a reversal for the squishy mage to have a higher defense than the tank. He's also got some really decent HP.

One nice thing about Layl is that she is a very balanced character, and to make up for how low level she was when she showed up her experience table is a bit more forgiving. She's got 22,000 less experience than Theo and Mute and is only one level behind them.

No matter! You'll never leave here alive!!!
Multiple exclamation points, the sure sign of a disturbed mind. This non-descript fellow is waiting for us at the top of the stairs, not even given the benefit of a proper sprite.

He gets one for battle, however. This is the famous Beast King, whose best traps and tricks we didn't even really notice on our way up here. He's every bit as much trouble now as he was then and... well, you'll see at the next boss.

You puny creatures don't stand a chance!
Conveniently enough, he's located just up the hallway. Unlike the Beast King his existence hasn't been hinted at, so I hope you're prepared for..

What appears to be a long-necked turtle? As you can see, the Beast King didn't really deplete our resources. The Shell Dragon here doesn't do much better, and is only marginally more interesting because he breathes fire.

The door is still locked, but the Bell of Water fixes that. For such a random item, it's been unexpectedly crucial.

Then spoke in a guttural rasp: "What a nice little following you have, Theo. A pity the game ends here... come! Time to pay homage to Zakdos!
The... game? It's like he knows!

You'll pay now demon, for my father's death!!!
Oh, hey there Mute. Kind of forgot you were there. Good to see you've caught that whole multiple punctuation syndrome.

Zakdos is an early example of the multi-form boss. He doesn't look all that intimidating here, and his Destroy spell isn't as great as all that either.

Once you do a bit more damage he gets a bit bigger and uglier, but doesn't change his attack patterns or gain any new abilities.

Well... he might or might not do that, I wouldn't know as the same round of attacks saw him hit hard enough to move into his final form shown here. That also lasts all of about one round.

Of course, the game isn't quite over at this point.. and Theo's smart enough to know it.

Face the power of the Worldstone!
The best part of being Prince of Riccar is being able to deliver lines like that with a straight face and have nobody call you on it.

and began to enfold him... "Noooo! I cannot die ... I am King, all powerful... Iiiiiiiieeeeee!
Yes, I counted the i's and e's in that final scream. Nice that the item we've been looking for the entire game actually has a real effect.

Well, there goes any dramatic tension that scene still retained.
He disappears into the Worldstone's brilliance.

of Hope behind Zakdos' throne. Theo grasps the blade, which flashes as if greeting an old friend.
"So, Master, we've stolen the most powerful weapon in the kingdom and one of the few things that can really threaten your power. Should we hide it away, or perhaps throw it into some molten lava so that it can't be used against us?"
"Nah. Just toss it behind my chair."
Also, you'd think Theo would grab the hilt instead of the blade. He must have been REALLY excited to see the sword again.

If you think about it, Mute has probably been the most personally invested in this thing from the beginning. Theo... well, this is just what he does.

now that revenge is done.
Yes, Mute was entirely fueled by rage at this point. 200 pounds of rage in a 75 pound boy.

What now father? I'm truly alone.
Like most confused children, he descends into emohood the moment his rage vanishes.

Mute, you're not alone. You've helped to save the whole land. All the realm owes you a debt. Besides... you, Theo, and I will always be friends!
Layl's alright. Also, she just cut off a lot of nonsense at the pass by friend-zoning the hell out of both of them.

And this time, Theo never let it out of his sight again and they all lived happily ever after.

Hadn't you better take care of a certain dragon?
Dammit, I knew we were forgetting something.

We'll meet again!
Yes, we'll all be friends forever. Now excuse me while I go off and kill a dragon by myself. No, no, don't help me out anything. I got this. Last time I took care of it by myself too.

Prinss Theo! I've waited long for my revenge... as I rotted inside the mural you banished me to, I gathered my power for the day we met again! This time your fate is sssealed! Prepare to die!
I distinctly remembering him having better diction last time. Also, somehow it went from being a painting to a mural in the space of the two games. I guess that makes sense, and is a bit less portable.

The dragon looks exactly like he did a minute ago, as shown here when he made the baffling decision to heal himself in the first round of the fight. This resulted in Theo having an opportunity to cast Fortify, and I'm sure you can imagine how it went from there.

That's one way to deal with a dragon, and probably a lot more final than sticking it in a painting.

The dragon thrashed in agony but could not escape...
Somewhere along the line, this turned into a heavy metal album. And that's okay. Cut away to...

Theo has destroyed the dragon.
Mute's got confidence in us.

They didn't even forget the most minor characters in this..

your quest's completion...
Layl's been working pretty hard to put a grave together for Bogi in the few minutes we've been at this. Also, for the two of them it's incredibly appropriate that she's using her bandanna to mark his grave.

I like to think that it exploded, kind of like the shark in Jaws.

Victory! For real this time.

I thought it could only seal the beast away.
This is a good question. Last time it was all we could do to put the dragon away and re-seal it.

so it could finally vanquish its ancient enemy. Ah ... it appears you have guests.
That's right. The reason it worked is because Theo is so

With that, it's time for the actual ending.

Congratulations, Bogi would be proud!
You're damn right he would be, killing giant dragons is his kind of thing.

I have a favor to ask... as last surviving member of the Collin Clan, my duty is to guard the Worldstone... may I have it to put in its rightful place?
I'd say something about what a great job they did last time, but Mute is easily more badass than his entire clan was at the start of the game, so he'll be okay.

Take the stone... I know of no one who could keep it safer!
Theo acknowledges this, because he's alright.

Theo, I saw the sky flash, and knew you battled the dragon. I'm so glad you survived.
Wait, who invited creepy eye girl? Don't we have security for this kind of thing?

Shut up, Mute.

You know, that's about what kind of reaction you'd expect from a group of people who just fought their way through countless monsters to save the world.

Really, don't we have security at all?

I'm really starting to question Layl and Bogi's relationship if her first thought when someone is hiding in the curtains is that it's him.

Can't fool Layl, now can I? Did I miss anything?
The killer thing is that she's right, and his dialogue suggests this isn't the first time this has happened.

Another good question might be "How long have you been hiding behind those curtains, anyway?"

Never change, Bogi.

It takes more than a giant exploding dragon and a lava eruption to do Bogi in.

This whole thing makes her building a grave for him hilarious, in retrospect.

You've done your kingdom a great service, some at great cost... but now, this quest ends, and peace can return to this land. Congratulations one and all!

realm... he and his friends live life eternal in legends told even today.

Fin. Thanks for reading, everyone!