Part 6: CH6: The Adversary
CH6: The Adversary

I always get emotional at this part of the story.
And now we're wandering the city at night. I always found it very atmospheric.
The Equipment and item shops are still open in case you need them, but this portion of the game is still super-easy.
I forgot to get a shot of it last update, but there's a girl who really wants to open a popsicle stand here.
Young Woman: I've never seen this girl act so serious about something before. Maybe she actually has a chance...

Eventually, they reached the Sanctuary and began to wait.

: It seems like it.

: I don't see Richard. I guess we'll just have to wait.

: Maybe we should give up and go back to the inn? Something important probably came up.

: Richard would never break his word! He'll come. I know it.

After a long while...

: It's very late now. We should get back.

: I...I don't understand. Why didn't he come?
It's kind of hard to make out, but there's a broken-off bit on the lower left of the door.

: Can we crawl through that?

: Come on, let's check it out.
Skit: The Boy Who Knew Everything

: Asbel, do you have any idea what you're saying right now?

: Nope! Not a clue! How about you, Cheria?

: I don't really know either.

: It means that even if you did a bunch of bad stuff when you were alive, you'll be forgiven when you die.

: Ha! I knew Hubert would know!

: You should pay more attention, Asbel. I...won't always be around to explain things to you.

: ...Ah!

: What's up with her?

Even if she couldn't remember what it was, she knew something was wrong.

: Asbel...

: Sorry, Hubert. What did you say?

: Forget it!

: Aw, come on! Don't get all sulky now!

Yeah that was a bad time to clam up.

: Well, we've come this far. Might as well go inside.

: N-No! It's dark in there, and probably dangerous!

: Plus, what if Richard comes while we're in there?

: Richard has to use the passageway to get here, right? We'll just meet him on the way!

: Ooo! Maybe we can find him and scare him! Hee hee! Come on, let's go!
And we have our first dungeon worth a video! Only barely though.
Nothing to write home about the enemies.
Except that rats have souls apparently.
Skit: Revenge Will Be Mine!

: Asbel, look! The gap between the door and the wall is packed full of dirt.

: The door won't open because it hasn't been used in a long time.

: Grr! This stupid door is really pissing me off! I won't let it beat me!

: How can you win or lose to a door?

: We'd need a grown-up to open it.

: I want to open it and see what's on the other side! If I have to ask a grown-up, it's like I lost!

: Who cares about the stupid door?! Let's just hurry up and see Richard!

: I will smash you open one day! Never forget this!

: I don't believe this. He just vowed revenge against a door...
Skit: Sticky Situation

: Hey, stop hiding behind me, Hubert! I'm just as scared as you are!

: B-But...

: Asbe-


: What is what?!

: Knock it off, Asbel!

: No, look... It's...right...behind you...



: Or not! Ah ha ha ha! I totally fooled you guys!

: That is NOT funny, Asbel! Hubert, can you stand? Oh-

: I... I...

: Did you just...pee?

: Don't worry. I won't tell anyone this happened again.

: Really...? Thank-

: Wait, what do you mean, "again"? What did Asbel tell you?!

And so they arrived at the place where their destinies would be set.
If you only watch one video this LP, watch this one.

: What is it, Sophie?

: Huh? What the heck?!
And here we're at the boss battle. It's kind of underwhelming, but we're still in the "tutorial" section.
I'm playing as Sophie here so I have to remember to do the healing. When you fire off a heal skill, it autotargets whoever is lowest.
You can hold down the circle button to continue to charge up a spell, and during that time you can switch targets with the left analog stick.
The fight really just feels like something that the game was obligated to put there.

That wasn't the danger. Or even close to it.

: Asbel, it's not safe here. We need to leave right away.

: There's nothing to worry about! We already took out the monsters.

: Asbel, look! There's somebody over there!

: Hey, wait a minute... Isn't that...?

: Asbel! Don't go over there!

While they were distracted, wondering what was going on...

: Oh dear... What do we do now?

...The Adversary made its entrance.

: Cheria! Hubert!

Asbel always was a dumb kid.

Dumb to the point that this wasn't the dumbest thing he did.

This is a lot closer though.

: This can't be happening... I don't believe it...

Asbel wasn't dead yet. Sophie had her priorities.

Whoa. That's something.

: S-Sophie...

: Asbel...? Asbel...!

: I'm so grateful...

: This is all my fault.
It was a mistake. I shouldn't have brought you here...
I'm so very...sorry...

: Asbel... I think I understand.
Back when we fell off the cliff...

: Sophie?!

Sophie had remembered.

: Noooooo!

This was now the only possible outcome.

But the pain wasn't over yet.

: H-Huh? Where...?

: Asbel. You're awake.

: D-Dad? Where am I?

: You're home. You've been asleep for several days.

: Where is everyone? Where's Sophie, and Cheria, and Hubert? And where's Richard?

: Richard? I didn't hear anything about him being involved.

: (Richard must have made it back to the castle...)

: Cheria and Hubert are alive, and will be fine.

: What about Sophie? What happened to her?

: She's dead.

: Sophie's...dead...

You don't actually expect me to believe that do you?

Dust in the wind.

: Do you see, Asbel? This is a direct result of your careless actions. You wish to be responsible for people? Start with yourself. Start by changing your attitude and obeying your father. Become a proper lord and dedicate your service to the memory of that poor girl.

: Is that how I...take responsibility for Sophie...?
I...I need to apologize... To everyone...

: Cheria was quite worried about you. I suggest you look for her first.

: What about Hubert?

: You will not be seeing Hubert again.

: What? What do you mean? I thought you said he was okay!

: Hubert has been adopted by the Oswell family of Strahta.

: He's been...adopted? By the Oswell family...? Wait, what are you talking about? What do you mean, adopted?!

: I mean exactly what I said. He is Hubert Oswell now.

: Are you insane? No! I refuse to accept this!

: This was a very difficult decision, Asbel. I hope you can appreciate that.

: This is so like you. You don't tell me your plans. You don't ask my opinion. You just do whatever you want and expect everyone to play along!

: Asbel, I will not have you speak to me in that tone!

: I'm done, Dad! I'm done listening to you! I'll take responsibility my own way!

: Then what course of action do you plan on taking?

: I...I won't become the next lord of Lhant.

: Excuse me?

: I said I won't become a lord! I'm going to train at the Knight Academy!
I'll become strong enough to protect everyone!
I won't ever let someone I care about be hurt again!

: Asbel, what happened? I heard shouting.

: ...I'm leaving.

: What?

: I'm going to become a knight. The strongest knight who ever lived!

: No! Don't go! P-Please don't go!
I know Sophie and Hubert are gone, but I'm still here! I'll take their place! I'll... I'll never leave you!

: You'll take their place?
So you'll be my little brother instead of Hubert?!

: Don't you get it? Hubert is gone! And we'll never see Sophie again! Never!

: That's not... I...I'm sorry...

: Dammit!!!

: I...I'm sorry! I didn't mean it like that! ...I didn't mean it....

: I'm sorry, Cheria. I'm just... I'm angry. But it's not your fault. It's all my fault.

: Does that mean... you'll stay?

: ...Yes.

: I'll help you, Asbel. I'll help however I can.

: I'm sorry. I know I said I'd stay, but I can't spend another day in Lhant.

: If I'm not stronger, I run the risk of hurting, or losing someone again.
I have to become strong to ensure that never happens.
So that's why I'm leaving.
I'm sorry, Cheria.

: Hey! Excuse me! My name is Asbel Lhant! Is anybody in there?
I'm here to enlist in the academy! I'm not leaving this place until I've become a knight!

Asbel didn't see any of them for seven years after that.