Part 37: CH37: Showdown
CH37: Showdown

Asbel gets the "Friend to the End" title here, which gives his Lv2 Mystic Arte, but there's no way to train it up before the upcoming boss fight.
Skit: A Near Miss?

So aside from getting a new fire and water spell Richard isn't really that different. Or tough, it took forever to die when I was trying to lose.

OK Phantom Flare is pretty cool, it hits everything around its target, knocking them into the air...

Then dives like a meteor for its target.

Honestly though after Kurt this fight is going to be disappointing unless I do something. Total anticlimax. Let me see what gimicks I can dredge up...

Much better!

You're probably wondering "what the hell".

Lightning Blast is the spell Richard learns by fighting alongside Cheria. We haven't seen that since I never used them in the same party.

Anyway you're probably still wondering "what the hell" so I'll just say that things are being used a bit ahead of where they'd normally come in, but that I felt I couldn't miss the opportunity to do a five-Richard fight. Since Richard's healing is kind of, well, shit, I put super-endgame armor on everyone.

Oh and this stuff. We've seen Bloody Rose before, but today I have space to go over it some.

You're probably wondering what happened during that cut. All I can say is that things I didn't expect happened. I'll explain everything later. As I always say, "explanations later, comedy now." No I don't.

Oh, and he also has a new unblockable overhead smash attack.

The most fabulous party.

Not after... I've made it this far...

I can hear his voice... I hear Richard's voice.

Don't kill me!
Please, Asbel... You are my...friend...

Richard... Let's make a...friendship pact.
Then everything will be...okay.