Part 46: CH46: Shut Up About Friendship Already - Part 1
Update 46: Shut Up About Friendship Already, Part 1Skit: A Word in Edgewise

The signals emanate from Lambda in a concentric manner.
This makes it possible to calculate a rough distance, but not to isolate the point of emission.

There are a lot of sphincter-like things we fall through or pop out of throughout the place. Cheria seems no longer afraid of them.

Sophie's got a new Mystic Arte. It's pretty cool.

Sophie knocks a dude into the air...

...urns into a bunch of light beams...

...blasts through the guy...

And then gives them a megastomp.

(Lambda has evolved beyond my wildest dreams...
If I could somehow manipulate all of this creative energy... I might be able to restore life to Fodra...
In that case...!)
It seems that Lambda's preparations are nearly complete.

Hubert's showing off his new Mystic Arte as well.

Skit: Under Observation

But it may be difficult when we're constantly fending off all these monsters.

Skit: In Its Clutches

Ok so the puzzles here are using the red and blue switches to expand/contract red and blue organic.... things.
Skit: Touchy Subject

But if we touch all this stuff, things could get interesting. So let's get to poking!
Skit: No Matter What!

Skit: One for the Road

The central chamber is pretty vast, with the remains of the island's structures visible under it.

Dude's got some new tricks, including a crazy overhead spin attack using his fanged wings.

It's quite possible to dodge though.

Sometimes I fuck up though

Invigoration is Sophie's only AOE heal, it's not that powerful but it adds a stat buff too.

Soul Brigade is one of Cheria's "extra" A-Artes, it's triggered by holding the x button down during a 4-cc A-Arte, so you need a lot of CC.

It causes knives to spin around her...

...and strike.

Richard's merged form has a new Mystic Arte.

Surprisingly it didn't kill anyone, despite being a tough fight on Chaos.

I forgot to get his HP at full but it's over 264218 based on my previous run at him.

Oh and he grabs you and tosses you in the air now. Later on this attack becomes a bit more involved.

He also does this. It won't hurt you if you're in front of him, but if you quickstep without thinking it will (or if you're placed badly like everyone except Sophie is).

Things look pretty bad here.

Except I'm pretty dodgy.

Shade Imperial is back, although I don't think it's an instant-kill anymore.

Here's the longer form of the air-toss attack.

Oh and the dual-blast thing freezes people, which basically means his next hit will auto-kill them.

God I love Arcane Bottles.

Oh, here's a thing you can do if you're playing a spellcaster. By holding down the o button, you can "hold" a spell. Holding it gives you a blue charge, then holding for a while gives you a red charge. Some spells have bonuses on red charges, but mostly I'm doing it to provide healing at the right time.

Now, now is the right time.

Oh, and he does this, this is new.

That last hit is just the Nova barrier going up again, nobody gives a shit about it though. We blow straight through.

Also boom another perfectly timed heal.

Oh hey this again. Not impressed.

It would really suck to lose at this point again.

But I won't, because guess what's combo-enabled now sucka!

MY kill!

All these titles grant either increased party Eleth Gauge growth or decreased enemy Eleth Gauge growth. They're there for a reason. The reason is that I hate having bosses get Eleth Break.

I swear the designers are mocking me with that loot drop.