Part 47: CH46: Shut Up About Friendship Already - Part 2
Update 47: Shut Up About Friendship Already, Part 2

I must destroy him. It duty.

I must destroy Lambda. And myself!

I'm to annihilate Lambda by sacrificing my very own life. You're the one who gave me that functionality!

Protos Heis was designed to destroy both Lambda and itself.

Lambda now has evolved into something far too precious to destroy!
Hee hee hee hee...

I suppose that I should thank you for the small part you played in helping me realize my grand objective.

Ephinea is a satellite. And as such it should serve our people.
Someday, our people will tell stories of your planet. Of how you sacrificed all to save Fodra.
And I...I will be the beautiful heroine of this tale!
I will become the goddess who shapes and spins the story, yet I shall also BE the story!
Lambda, Ephinea, Fodra... All shall bend at the knee to my divine will!
Hee hee hee... Aaaah ha ha ha! And you are the nameless bit players!

So yeah, back-to-back bossfights. At least they open the menu for a bit between the end of the dialog and the fight so you can heal up. Incidentally without the whole "retry" thing this would be such a pain, since Richard is no slouch himself.

Emeraude is more of a glass cannon spellcaster than Richard is.

This is Emeraude's most basic attack... can get a bit annoying since it's sometimes hard to notice. Emeraude also gives you less time to get out of the void zone than most WoW bosses would.

Also, while moving she generates a magical attack circle at her feet that damages you ever half-second or something. I didn't notice it as much this game, ranged attack supremacy.

So I accdientally went into the fight with Cheria's level 3 Mystic Arte enabled. Whoopsie. I'll give it a writeup when we're supposed to have it I guess.

So yeah the camera angle is conspiring against me here.

She launches balls of black icky stuff at you. They don't stop when they hit you so watch out if someone in front of you got nailed.

And of course she's a spellcaster. Everyone hates this spell.

Killing Field will FUCK YOU UP.

In addition to doing damage to everyone who isn't blocking, it pulls them towards the center. Keep in mind that blocking protects you from both effects.

This provides her the opportunity to nail you while you're bunched up.

Basically I had out Arcane Bottles all the time. It's important to not let your enemies get multiple Eleth Breaks in a row, since each one will be longer than the previous one

Yeah same deal for Malik's third Mystic Arte.

Of course now things get REALLY interesting.

This is one of the two spells that was fucking up my first attempt on this. It hits really hard and inflicts Arteseal, which is bad because you don't really have a normal attack, so you're boned.

Oh and it also hits hard too.

She now fires out groups of multiple balls. You can get CC for dodging them multiple times in one go if you're quick/good.

Hourglasses don't work as well here as you'd expect, since they don't stop time long enough for me to get a Nurse off. Maybe if I had a casting speed title on, but all the ones I have are already mastered.

Now this is REALLY bad.

Except Arcane Bottle has fixed it!

Ok I was wrong earlier, this is "REALLY bad".

Oh and she has a Mystic Arte because why not.

Ok yeah bad.

Still bad.

Apparently you can dodge Killing Field somehow.

Playing whack-a-mole with Emeraude got pretty old, then I remembered I had 22 of these.

I'm popping a bottle despite the gauge being mostly full because Emeraude is really stupidly dangerous at low HP.

We're almost there, but this is where I lost last time.

That's the other spell that caused me to lose last time, it's hard to dodge and will oneshot anyone at half health.

Yet another arcane bottle.

Whirlwind has a huge area.

And apparently a glowy center.

Fuck you and

Rejoice, Lambda. For I shall take you home again. I shall take you Fodra.
Yes! We shall create a new world worthy of a goddess!


It's kind of weird that they give a dramatic reveal to the form we just fought a bit ago.

I have to destroy him!

We have to escape now!