Part 55: CH53: Sidequests and Sdragons, Third Edition
CH53: Sidequests and Sdragons, Third Edition

I really do NOT want to do the "thirty minute hoedown" here.

Instead, I'm going to drop the difficulty and let the AI fight it out for me. Because

On Chaos, he has 999,999hp, because this game seems to have a cap there.

Unlike the other dragons, he has regular red fire.

It also has the most annoying breath pulse weapon.

LOOK AT THAT. It is super-super wide.

The dragon is copying Malik's spells now.

I guess that's a LITTLE more appropriate as a fire spell than a water one.

Better look at photon burst.

The AI has a tendency to not spread out properly that gets it nailed a few times.

AAAAnd now I kinda have to step in.

If he'd aimed for Sophie there I'd have been back where I started.

After that it was smooth sailing to the end.

Do not forget that determination, humans. For determination alone can save you now...
So now we have all 3 Cryases from the dragons, but no place to do anything with them on the entire planet (or the other planet). Weird.
Skit: Just Between us Gals

Hey, lemme see that memory core, would you?

Crystals are used to upgrade weapons into different, usually more powerful (but often specialized in a particular area) weapons. I don't use them much because I haven't had to give a shit. They're one of three things that you can dualize with weapons, the others being shards and a more complicated thing, both of which later in the update.

Any idea what the Japanese on the collar says?

Doesn't she look just like Sophie?!

If you talk to Mecha-Sophie, she mentions coming to aid Pascal if she calls for her. We get the title "Brainiac" which gives us the Arte "Fangirl Dream" that I'll show you later.

There's one last part of the Seed quest. Now when we come back we'll have a cat follow us everywhere in Lhant.

Here's an example of how crystal dualizing works. Fame and Faith is a weapon for Richard, but it's also an inn request item.

And now we're dualizing it with a shard. Shards don't change what the weapon is, but they can give it stat bonuses, change the quality (which can have its own effects and bonuses), and add effects (which are usually but not always stat bonuses). This is REALLY COMPLICATED. That's a 31 printed page guide

Anyway, after you dualize the weapon, it is untempered. After a certain number of battles (Lhant Hill hint hint) you temper it, which allows it to be dualized with another tempered weapon.

When you do so, it removes the highest effect from each (ok not always but fuck it, read that guide if you care) and creates a gem with those effects, which goes in the charm/gem slot.

Right now Hubert wears a Paralysis charm, which protects against the status but has no other bonuses. You can have hybrid charms, such as Paralysis-Poison, but they only work 84% of the time or something. Anyway this isn't the ideal gem by any means.

Remember that girl we helped a while back by finding her gemcrafter's tools? Well she can polish gems. It's sort of what you'd expect - you pay money to upgrade your gems. The downside is that the time to do it is measured in REAL TIME.

Anyway, there's another reason to upgrade your weapons besides just getting gems and making them stronger. You also raise their value each time you dualize them (in theory, it's once again complicated; read the guide if you care).

Anyway I eventually sell them, getting Asbel's "Master Craftsman" title. In Japan this was called "Supreme Weapon Human National Treasure" which sounds much cooler. I then proceed to blow the money on increasing my stamp collection. GO ME

We're starting from floor six, since I beat floor five last time I was hear. Each segment of five floors is an individual battle. As you recall, we're doing these fights alone and with only the following items: 3 Grape Gels (70% heal), 3 Syrup Bottles (prevent but do not remove debuffs), and an Hourglass (Time Stop).

Emcee: Wait. Did I just say you could run? It seems that was a liiiiiiie! Win or go home! Kill or be killed! You either walk out on your feet or crawl out on your knees! Now, prepare for the next wave! Are you ready? GOOOOOOOO!

Here's a trick of Hubert's I almost never used before.

By holding the x button during a 3CC A-arte, you get Vital Flare, which hits once AND heals you for 20% max hp. Not bad!
Emcee: Is this a dream?! I don't believe what I just saw! The challenger survives yet again!
Folks, the battle rages on! Does our challenger have anything left? Doesn't matter! I'm not listening! The greatest battles are fought without mercy! Here comes the next round! Fight! Fight! Fight! Fight!

The greatest danger of most of these fights is getting dogpiled by a whole bunch of enemies. If they surround you, you're in a world of hurt.

This guy hits hard but once you figure out what he's going to do he's just not gonna land enough hits.
Emcee: Holy moly, man, woman, and child, did that ever put 'em in the aisles! The challenger survives to fight another day!
I hope there's something left in the tank, because.... We've! Still! Got! More! To! ... Gooooooooooooooo!

The hard part here is that these guys have a fast-casting melee-range spell, and they float to make themselves hard to hit well.

Wolves are weak but fast and there's a lot of them.
The tourney got split into parts due to a limit Apple put on Quicktime X's upload to youtube feature.
Emcee: The challenger wins the pennant! The challenger wins the pennant! Of course, we don't have a pennant, but survival is good enough!
We're starting to see some light at the end of this tunnel! But is it salvation? Or is it a traaaaaaaain? Go big or go home! Stand up or slink off! Get rich or die tryin'! What'll it be? Let's get this party started so we can find out! And now! Here! We! Gooooooooooooooo!

Fuck. Slimes. These will immobilize you, which with Hubert is bad with a capital BAD.

Fuck these Artesealing bastards too.

Now they've gotten smart and are throwing minibosses at us in pairs. The important thing here is to hit both of them with your attacks, and kill the ranged one first.

However they're not the real boss of this segment, this guy is.

This guy is super annoying. Mostly because of this

He takes out a teacup and saucer and sips his tea.

Sometimes he spits his tea out as a breath weapon, that's not too bad.

Or he could do this instead.

Yeah that's a motherfucking homing, unblockable projectile.

It's still hitting me 20 feet up. Also note what he's fucking doing, the fucker. So if you get unlucky it's possible he could stunlock you like this, although I've never had it happen very long.
Emcee: They won! They won! The challenger won! If we had a band, it would be on the field right now!
But now... Oh, now... Are you ready for this?? When you see this battle coming, you'd best step aside. A lot of warriors didn't...and a lot of warriors died! But now, a new challenger brings hope back to the peak! Will they be hailed as a hero? Or fall to the dustbin of history?! It's time for the final battle! Get ready! Get set! Goooooooooooooo!

I was wrong about what needs to get fucked. It's bats.

This is where I got beat a few times due to getting dogpiled and stunlocked to death.

These guys, though, are just too much to chew through on Chaos at this level.

So I turned it down to Evil. Turns out that they were the last fight, so I figure getting to them on Chaos is good enough.
Emcee: Do you believe in miracles? Yes! The challenger has become the victor! What lofty goal will our new champion set their eyes upon next?!

I seek information that you may be able to provide me with...

So this was a fucking mistake to fight on Chaos at this time.

He's an ice-themed swordsman, so his Mystic Arte is, well, ...

Unfortunately we had some bad timing here, and...

No res=fight over.

Welp I couldn't get here on Chaos, no reason to expect I could win it (other than the whole "party" thing). Might should have tried Evil first but fuck it.

He's not as tough, but he's still dangerous.

He's got a few moves that resemble Asbel's. This one reminds me of Phantom Slash a bit.

Close one! I hate missing out on XP.

Err, SP. I hate missing out on SP.

We actually have that sword, it's the one we got from finishing the Dark Wings sidequest. I'll turn it in to him at the Inn.
Anyway, Veigue there is from Tales of Rebirth, where he's the main protagonist.
Skit: Cry Babies

The dudes on floor 20 dropped a map we turn in.

I want you to take this.

We get Hubert's joke weapon item, but I don't have the proper weapon to dualize with it.
In the Fendel Mountain Pass...

Scoop: The Overseer told me to come out here and investigate this area for minerals. Buuut...there's a problem.

Scoop: Huh? Is that...?
Pascal! I thought that was you.

Scoop: Yeah. She wants me to investigate the effects of the valkines being depleted of eleth.

Scoop: What do you mean?

Scoop: Oh, that? Yeah, I was talking about something else. See, the rock bed here is a lot tougher than I thought. All I brought with me is this dumb old spade, and it's not strong enough to get good samples.

Scoop: It's a real problem to me! ...Look, what I really need is a drill. I don't suppose you have one?

Scoop: Oh! Could you bring me one? Pretty please?! Right now I'm just spinning my wheels here! In fact, here. Go ahead and take my spade. Consider it a down payment on the drill.

Scoop: Aw, thanks a million. Sorry to make you go through all that trouble.

Scoop: Oh! I'm sorry, I didn't mean-

Scoop: ...Try not to rush things. All right. From now on, I'm gonna just take my time and do the best I can! And's time to work!

So unless I missed one somewhere, the very last sidequest we've got to do is to get some Rockgagong fur. Shut the fuck up about carta. Let's do this. When you play the Rockgagong flute, you have the option to go inside it or to fight it.

There's a confirmation option here. Because it will fuck you up.

I think this may be the biggest thing you actually fight in any Tales game.


Dude is really reasonable for someone who looks so much like Joseph Stalin.

Researcher: You sure this is right? It looks kinda...funky.

Researcher: It must have been a pretty tough nut to crack, huh?

Researcher: Yeah, I guess it's just grown too damn big for its own good.

Researcher: Yeah, kinda like you.

Researcher: The Rockgagong is special. It's been super-strong since the day it was born. For the last two hundred years, it's ruled alone at the top of the food chain.

Researcher: The people of Strahta say it's a kind, gentle creature, and they're not wrong. But I fear that the years have finally begun to damage its mind. The beast will only grow more aggressive unless someone gives it a good thrashing.

Researcher: Yeah, yeah, I'm sure that SOME people would think like that. But I'm not some people. I'm me.

Researcher: Naw, I gotta pass. My eyes are real bad, see, and I need some new glasses. But good luck! Besides, I don't want to get caught in the middle of two monsters fighting.

Researcher: Look, I'm just saying. You're pretty big...
Needless to say we're going to wait a bit to beat the Rockgagong.
Anyway, there's one more thing we can do at the Arena: The Master Class.
It's exactly the same as the normal arena, except you must do it all in one go and you must use a different character for each floor.

Couple spells from Pascal we haven't seen.

Celestial Eight has the biggest area of any of Pascal's Artes, sorta.

Trinity Bit puts 3 bits around Pascal that explode when they collide with an enemy.

Fangirl Dream summons Mecha-Sophie to shoot the enemy full of missiles and lasers.

Now whenever we get to the top (even in normal mode IIRC)... have to fight him mano-a-mano