Part 76: CH71: Grind Your Face Off
CH71: Grind Your Face OffDungeon Video: Floor 7
This floor is Malik's floor.

Its "only" enemy type is this little fucker, who will summon two enemies from a random floor (including floors AFTER THIS ONE), and also split in two at low HP. I actually died to one of them summoning the crystal enemies from a prior floor since my party wasn't really set up to kill them, combined with the dangers of enemy aoe magic on high difficulties.

GentleEel gazed down upon them before speaking in a kind voice.

GentleEel tilted back his head and began to boast.

GentleEel is startled by the loud man and stares silently at the party.

GentleEel's lower lip begins to tremble. When he next speaks, it is in a whisper.

No way I'm doing this with 4 Sophies, as you'll see later.

Most of his attacks are taken from the "Gentleman" enemy in the Arena.

I have no idea what that is. Some Japanese thing? Oh, and he has no Mystic Arte - I think he's the ONLY boss in the entire dungeon who doesn't. He does show up for the previous fight's Mystic Arte though.

He spits water instead of tea.

He has the "reach into your had and pull out a shard of ice that you toss up and drop on a dude" move too, but with no hat it looks weird.

This one is new, and the reason I brought 3 spellcasters. He runs straight up into the air, then jumps and swims across the ground...

...but you can knock him out of it with a ranged attack.

He also does that Russian dance I forget the name of, which can stunlock you by repeatedly knocking you into the air.

Sometimes the spells don't succeed in knocking him out of his dive-swim attack at first.

We got the Eau de Peau, which is a Unique Item for Malik that triggers a skit.
Skit: Accessorizing with the Captain

At this point we can't use normal items to pay the entry deposit, we'll have to dualize stuff to make it more expensive.
Dungeon Video: Floor 8

Fuck those trees. They have iron stance and they cast aoe spells at a fairly good clip. That's basically a hat trick of "annoying to fight". Also this is Pascal's floor.

Also, we're going all-Sophie here.

This item triggers a skit, as well as having a description I liked.
Skit: Accessorizing with Pascal

So we're up against Fourier and a tougher version of her cat-bird things.

Cat-lizard-dragon things I should say.

The Veres has all the attacks of its lesser, previous version, while Fourier uses Pascal's moveset.

Four Sophies can really build up the combo counter.

Fourier has a Mystic Arte, but...'s exactly the same as Pascal's Sapphiring Squad aside from cutin and VA.

Things are a lot easier after the Veres goes down.

Didn't notice Pascal being dead there. Oh well, she was already higher level than most of the party anyway due to bench XP bonus skills. Also if you notice Sophie's shout there, some of the titles have their own associated victory cry.

While building up my item for the next floor, I realized I never opened some of the costume packs I bought for Hubert. Here's "Strahtan Avenger".
Dungeon Video: Floor 9

Floor 9 is Sophie's floor, and its monsters are fiend-themed. They're actually much easier than the previous floor's monsters. Too bad about the boss though.

(It might be best if we avoid this girl...)

Ok Reala is a goddamn pain and a half and the reason this update is late. Let's do a stats comparison.

This is her.

This is my highest Accuracy. I don't know the exact formula, but accuracy and evasion are used to calculate whether a hit staggers the victim or not. There's a second, related problem I'll cover in a bit.

Not that having a low accuracy PREVENTS staggering, it just makes it more difficult.

She's got a pretty long melee combo.

She can cast photon burst in about 43 frames (59.94fps) and wasn't interrupted by the two strikes that hit her in that time.

Fortunately you can dodge it. It does about 6k, 3k if you're wearing the reduction title (wear the reduction title).

The good news is that knockback attacks still work just fine on her.

Fuck you, no Mystic Arte for you. Unlike Arcane Bottles, Hourglasses are hard to replace. If I'm busting them out, it's because I'm serious.

Unfortunately at around half she gets two new spells, of which Air Pressure is probably the worst. They're both bad.

It had a tendency to clobber my earlier runs.

She can cast it fast enough to stunlock you with it, and if more than two people are in it you might be fucked then and there. Also, remember the accuracy/evasion thing? It's harder to stop her casting even if you are hitting her.

Burning Strike is also bad, but you have more time to run for your life.

It hits a pretty good Radius though.


At this point I'm just spending more time not dying than anything else. I'm going to run out of items before she runs out of HP.

Oh and she gets off her Mystic Arte, since I don't have a time stop available.

It's not nearly as bad as I remembered it being, I could have saved those hourglasses

I have no idea what's going on here.

In the end I lost because I got unlucky a few too many times, and Cheria couldn't use the life bottle before she got absolutely creamed.

Rather than make you wait while I kept grinding I just lowered the difficulty.

With mistakes being, you know, survivable, the battle was cake in comparison. It also didn't take fucking half an hour.

Not that Air Pressure is safe, oh no.

Fucking finally.

Outtake Video 1: Cheria Edition
Outtake Video 2: Item Spam Edition
In the chests for Reala's floor you can find the Grimm Anklet, which can be equipped on Sophie for a skit.

Skit: Accessorizing with Sophie

I hope you enjoyed that, because I think that might be our very last skit for this game. Let's have a moment of silence.
GentleEel continues to speak, despite his bloodshot eyes and a throat raw from crying.

GentleEel averts his eyes and humbly whispers out a couple of sentences.

Refight Video 2!

Hardly. Reala is from Tales of Destiny 2 (which featured time travel) and the hero she was looking for is Kyle.
Oh, also, as you begin to clear out all the normal inn requests, weird ones start to show up.

MYSTERIOUS! Anyway, next time we'll see Solomus and a couple of other fun friends.