Part 77: CH72: Solomus
CH72: SolomusOK first things first I'm going to talk a little about the experience system in Tales of Graces. While I don't know the exact formula, the experience you get from monsters seems to be determined by your relative level.

Like that - those are the same enemies at different levels. Experience doesn't seem to be directly affected by difficulty level, but if it moves the enemies into a different band of levels (I'm not sure how far you have to move to get "out of band") it can go up or down a lot.

At full HP he's another 999,999hp wonder. He's got NO weaknesses, which is kind of annoying.

He's another copy of the Illusionist from the Coliseum.

...aaaaaand I may have forgot to equip Pascal's damage reduction title.


I'd need to check, but I'm pretty sure that's hitting way harder than Emeraude 2.0's was. Not hard enough to trigger any reduction titles though(even Cheria's doesn't kick in below 500 damage).

He's got something like Gentleeel's "run up and swim around" thing, but he seems to just belly flop.

Oh, and he also summons Fakes.

This first one got annihilated before I noticed it was there.

Ah, my least favorite spell.

A better look at the fake. Too bad for the first one spawning in on Cheria's high-end B-Arte! Apparently a Fake is a chest-dwelling rabbit of some kind.

You get to chose from the key ingredient in the ultimate versions of the three types of armor: male, female, unisex. IMO the unisex one is the best, balanced defensive stats are best.

Anyway, way back in the past around update 50 or so, we stole some fur from the Rockgagong and the researcher who took it said we needed to give it a smackdown to teach it not to be a dick to humans. So we're going to do that.

This title gives Cheria a special ability: it adds any damage she takes to the next attack she makes that connects.

OK, so what we're doing here is pretty simple. Remember how with really good timing you can hit an Eleth Burst right as you die to come back to life?

Now remember what that title does?

Now remember that bosses can't have more than 999,999hp.

Anyway, enough screwing around. I've dualized this enough to make it valuable enough to enter the final level of the Zhonecage. You also have to defeat all previous levels and the three Chroma dragons, but hey they're pretty easy by this point.

Don't watch all of that. Instead just watch the first fight and the last fight. No matter how much the stats are in my favor (I'm 15 levels higher for the last video) the damn lizards will still kill me if I fuck up, and it's still taking everything I have.

So anyway this is the dragon level. All dragons, all the time. Even the lizard back there is also a dragon.

OK so I'm pretty sure the lizards are actually from Battletoads or something. Rather than attacking like a not-designed-to-fuck-you-over monster, they just run at you and deal damage if you touch them. Note that I forgot to equip Asbel's reduction title here, so he's getting hit for full.

So if you watch the dungeon video all the way through, you'll get used to seeing stuff like this.

But I don't die, because fuck that lizard, I'm giving him no satisfaction. EVER.

Anyway while I'm here I level everyone to 200. This is the maximum level for me, but bosses can be a bit higher. Solomus here is 215, for example.

I am the Satellite Defense System which rules the aquasphere and Ephinea. Lambda has broken the chains of bondage and even now runs free over the world. It is my sworn province to stop this threat by whatever means I deem necessary.

Soooo. Solomus has only two weaknesses, Human and Dragon. I brought Asbel and Cheria to hit the Dragon weakness, while Sophie and Richard hit the Human one. Richard obviously has to be played by Malik because we technically don't have him, but why is Hubert Sophie? Well, mostly for the Accuracy. Sophie never got her "100 hit combo" title before I got bored with that and thus has no +1 accuracy on level up skill. Thus, she's about 100 or so accuracy behind where she could be, and something like 300 behind Hubert. Solomus's evasion is a lot lower than Reala's, but it's still enough that it matters a lot. I need to build the longest combos I can to maximize the whole "hitting all the weaknesses in one combo" damage bonus.

Solomus himself is mostly a melee fighter. He has three spells, but he'll cast them each once, ever.

Also his melee combo is long like a Lord of the Rings: Extended Edition marathon.

But you know what? I can do some long combos too, and mine are way way longer. This is the first of four Eleth bursts I get, all of which are enhanced by the book of Awakening, thanks to my 5500 or so Eleth capacity.

So I just shaved off 20% of his total HP in one combo, no big.

Holy Lance comes out at I think 75% HP. It's not going to wipe you out.

Also he splits off 3 clones. The three clones in theory also have his "three spells" deal, but I don't see them cast all of them very often. Apparently if they get interrupted they won't try again.

Since Solomus can totally beat us to death if we don't outnumber him, these guys gotta go. In theory he'll reabsorb them eventually, but I've never seen that happen either because fuck letting them stick around.

Yeah like this, this can happen. Their Holy Lances were a bit better timed than the main Solomus's.

It's sort of a race between them wiping us and the Eleth Burst saving us. Note that Cheria is too busy getting triple-teamed to use the Life Bottle on me.

Whew. Basically I blow them all up during the Eleth Burst.

Good thing too, because I might have been fucked if any were there for the Eleth Break.

Because the copies do everything the original does.

So that's really 67716 damage.

At about half he does Indignation.

So the 50% damage reduction titles are really good. The only title I even consider using over them for "real fights" is Cheria's casting speed boost titles (I'm not sure which one provides the biggest boost).

Anyway we've gotten him most of the way down now. And used 3 Eleth Bursts so far, but we're by no means safe.

This is probably the spell he uses with the best chance of wiping you. His clones don't normally get to cast it because they die too fast.

Yeah Richard's "new" spells were the spells Solomus uses.

And then he splits. Thank goodness for that nearly full Eleth Burst meter.

Eleth Burst Four.

Suck Mystic Arte and die.

OK, here's the last "fun" part. Below 10% HP he counters any item use with Shining Gate (one of the Mystic Artes Fodra Queen uses) which will 100% one-shot the party. You know, because this game is hilarious that way.

So I blow him up first

Make that 8-ish.

Too bad I'm maxxed out on levels

The lapcomp should totally be able to reboot this place! Look at you, Sis! Your little invention is gonna save the world!
Okay, here we go!

Think about it from his perspective, and just-