Part 78: CH73: The Last Arcane Bottle
CH73: The Last Arcane Bottle

The Master Class Arena if you want to see it, it's basically the same as the regular arena with party member switching. Also it's trivially easy at this level.

Each of these guys has an inn request for an item. Veigue gets a sword (I think the Dark Wings forge it), Amber gets an anklet (you get it for talking to the old man near Zhavert with enough Carta Cards) and Reala gets a stick with Kyle's head on it (from the Sandshroud Ruins).

Now... Prepare yourselves!

Both of the girls get their stats dropped a bit from being Zhonecage bosses, but that's understandable. You're doing a team vs team fight with absolutely no items.

So my focus was 100% on killing Reala because fuck Reala.

I have a slight tendency to get dogpiled by them - all 3 of them like to melee. Death #1.

Veigue died here, but I didn't notice at all.

It wasn't TOO hard to get Reala low, but that meant I now had to face AIR PRESSURE again.

Oh, and all 3 can do Mystic Artes.

But they just kind of tickle.

There goes Amber. I was so focused on Reala I didn't even notice.

So when she popped, I was just getting ready to switch target to the other two (which had been killed by the AI).

All in all this was a good fight, if a bit easy. The problem with a fight like this from a designer's point of view is that it's too easy to make it too hard or too easy. The fact that you have three mobile enemies and no life bottles makes it very possible for you to get clobbered by it. If you're still being challenged by the preceding tower stuff, then hoo boy. Anyway I wish they'd had a bit more HP, that's one stat that could have made it a bit more interesting. As it is it feels like the fight is way way easier than fighting Reala alone was. Sure I'm 15 levels higher but I fought Reala on the difficulty below this. If I'd set Malik to "cancel spells" or "leader's target" this might have been a lot easier and maybe my opinion would have been worse.
Oh and if you come back here again you fight them 3 on one with no items so FUCK THAT.

Thank you, Asbel. Work hard, and keep aspiring to new heights.

Skit: The Party Spokesman
OK I was wrong, THIS is the last skit.

The hell fight were you watching?

Captain, we have a mission to finish!

Refight Video with Solomus. I swapped everybody onto the next body over, and also I used AI only (other than an all-divide) on the second-highest setting.

He's a terrible conversationalist.

Click here to see Asbel vs Richard solo (kind of a sad performance but it worked).

Oddly enough, despite being the highest level boss in the game he only has 900,000 HP.

For some reason his Mystic Arte didn't kill me there. Note Richard-Pascal at 1 HP having taking 16k.

I don't recall regular Lambda having Holy Lance.

No. No fuck no.


Indignation too. I guess he stole those when he absorbed the Zhonecage's eleth or whatever Solomus was getting at? He doesn't steal Shooting Stars though.

So uh remember how his Mystic Arte just took us to 1hp earlier in the fight?

Not sure why the two different behaviors.

Anyway. Next attempt had a few more Arcane Bottles thrown at it. And Elixers, since this really is the Last Battle.

I don't remember him doing that before, but it's not really a big deal.

Unfortunately I botch finishing him with a Mystic Arte

So in addition to Normal and Lineages and Legacies, there's one other "game mode". Trials of Graces. I remembered this one (the highest-level trial) as being level 200, so I felt a bit chagrinned here.

Not like that's going to stop me from absolutely kicking ass.

So we've got only these items. Also they don't give me any chance to refill the Eleth Mixer from my save, the assholes.

I can't possibly miss.

The big danger in this fight, aside from getting ganged up on, is the dragons' "at low health" abilities, which become especially obnoxious when in bunches. You can see two of them (I think 50% hp abilities) going off there.

Oh and Solomus's Mystic Arte still hurts.

Green down, blue to follow.

Blue down. Red will take a bit, he has twice as much HP.

Yeah these wide aoe attacks are kind of a pain. Imagine if all 3 dragons were crapping them out at once!

Only Solomus remains.

I'm pretty sure that's NOT the weaknesses he had earlier. In the actual game, he has just Dragon and Human weaknesses.

He's got a projectile attack that I forgot to screenshot during the fight with him last update.

Oh and he doesn't split here. Lame.

Thank you all for reading the LP. It's not quite over though, so check back for one more thing.