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Tales of Innocence

by Darth Numbers

Part 32: Update 18

Update 18

And we're back! Time to do some plot stuff, and then do another terrible dungeon, and then some more plot stuff. I love Innocence, but all the dungeons are dicks I tell you, dicks. We're gonna head to the harbor and go somewhere else now, off to Galpos!

We cannot do anything about that. Let us hope we have better luck in Galpos.

Indeed. It would be nice if we learned something, for a change.

Geez, cynical much?

Are we all ready to go?

We probably won't.

And now we're in Galpos! Here's a map of where we are, for reference.

So this is Galpos? Even the air here has a different smell to it.

Ugh... so humid...

That leniency is proof of a sound political strategy.

Protecting the home front is the responsibility of the victors.

Everyone seems so cheerful. It almost makes you forget the rest of the world is at war.

Hmph. Ignorance is bliss... I could never get used to a place like this.

Ricardo, you're really a mercenary through and through, huh? Do you miss the battlefield?

“Don't make me seem trigger happy. Though now that you mention it, I've always thought that fucking murdering people was what I was always good at, you know?”

...I'm not cut out for that sort of stuff.

And you don't need to be. You should live free of the burden of war.

Anyway, let's go into the city-- OH NO ANOTHER CUTSCENE

That's because they have a fruit plantation here.

I jus' can' resist no more!! I gotta have me some tropical fruit.

Goodness, what are we going to do with those two?

(Ange is always looking to stuff her face... It's no wonder she keeps putting on weight.)

My, Iria, why are you looking at me like that?

N-N-N-N-No reason!!

...This heat has made me thirsty. There is nothing quite as refreshing as biting into a juicy piece of fruit.

Ricardo should work for fruit commercials.

Where the hell did Her get off to?

Apparently it's a question we must answer ourselves. Also, one quick thing, let's see what happens when we talk to a random NPC in the item shop.

Holy shit, Innocence! Jesus christ.

Anyway, let's go find Hermana.

Damage? What, you get hit by a typhoon or somethin'?

Looks like we'll be fighting this asshole again.

...Sounds awful.

Sounds like Dog Boy's at it again. What's he doin' here?

Ya mean that kid from the cavern? Why's he here?

It can't be the same kid, it's just a coincidence.

Why couldn't it be????

Right, there are countless pairs of dogs following around countless troublemaking brats.

You tell 'em, Ricardo.

Well dang... We coulda' had fruit...

Anyway, time to now beat up “Dog Boy”. But first, another annoying dungeon!

But according to the references, this island should have some connection to Devaloka.

It's possible the knowledge was simply lost to the ages.

I can't believe this humidity...

I smell it...

Ain' that... I smell dogs!

You're the one who looks like a dog.

Seriously? What kind? What kinda dog do I look like?

Anyway, annoying dungeon time. This one is pretty freakin' miserable, but I'll save you guys the trouble of it.

After exploring enough, we run into this old dude!

E-excuse me! I think you have the wrong idea!


Iria, would you mind asking this elderly gentleman something? Ask him if there are any ancient temples or places or worship in this area.

Why me?!

This type seems more your specialty.

Forget it!

The hell? These bizarre songs are a far cry from the sinful blues!

Whatever that means.

...In any case, we have our destination.

Yup! An' there ain' anyone to get in our way, like in Ashihara or Garam.

A kid?! Did he have dogs with him?

I would appreciate it if you would use expressions slightly more familiar to those of us in these tattered rags.

Uh. What?

What happened?


That really is a shame.

You don't have to sing!

I feel so bad for him... Yet another tragedy just because someone was born an Avatar... A tragedy invited by the Fall...

Wonder why Chien attacked the plantation...

Protectin' the animals, huh? He may not be such a bad guy.

That doesn't give him a license to bring disorder. That brat will never become a reasonable adult.

...very funny.

W-well, don't worry. We don't intend to rob you of your freedom...

So now that that huge cutscene is over, we can buy supplies and stuff from Pwo, this is a nice little pit-stop in the middle of the dungeon.

Hey, isn't that a memory circle?

So this place is connected to Devaloka. Even forgotten by the people, it remains unchanged by the passing of time.

It would seem the church's power was not necessary to the people of this land.

That must be why the land itself was deified in this belief system.

Another lecture... I ain' really interested.

Oh, my. But this is your land, Her.


This was the center of a cult that worshiped a sacred dragon. That dragon was the deified form of nature itself. In other words, they worshiped Vrtra here.

Really? That right? In that case, guess I oughta be more thankful or somethin'...

Anyway, memory circle time.

You seem troubled.

I have lost sight of the path! How could I have come this far only to lose the very thing that I most wished to protect?!

Hmm. It would seem that there may be some difference in how the Ratio and Sensus have interpreted that passage.

What?! The Sensus have passed down this interpretation from time immemorial!

Precisely. “Two souls become as one in devotion and faith.”

Oh... I understand... Complete faith in one another, is it? Hahaha, excellent! Magnificent!

How to use the Manifest, right? But...

Oh, this asshole again.

Oh, hey. Ain' Dog Boy, it was uh... Chien?

Right, his name is Chien. Come here, Chien. I would like to give you a hug.

Fair enough!

Now listen, you shouldn't be cooperating with someone like Mathias.

That's right, you're probably bein' used.

But... Ya' know... it's like...

Hmph. Ignorance is bliss. You're living proof of that.

The Avatars they gather are all sent off to laboratories, or the battlefield.

We were captured by the Rehabilitation Program and thrown to the military. We heard all about it.

The ignorant should be made to look stupid. Why don't you get lost and just go to your Utopia?

Hey, what's wrong with bein' stupid? Forget 'bout Mathias an' come with us.

I was all alone, see? My parents died an' I had to survive all by myself. But I had friends all 'round me. That's how I made it so far.

Jus' cuz ya ain' got no friends don' mean ya gotta depend on somebody like Mathias. We'll be yer friends, see?

Cerberus boss battle, round 2! Pretty much the same as last time, but he has a mystic arte now. As usual, video is below, but instead of screenshots this time, I'm providing you with only the highest (?) quality of gifs! I think they work better for combat, so tell me what you think please!

Chien Fight

Jus' forget about that... C'mon, how 'bout havin' Ange give you a hug?

Idiots need people to protect them. Come.

….He's a real idiot, seriously...

That's all for this time! I'm trying to get back into a timely schedule, sorry for all the delays! A couple things before I go-- do we like the gifs? Do we want dungeon crawling videos, or is screenshots just okay? Do you guys want a video of the full battle dialogue, or is just the fight okay? Feedback is super appreciated!

Also don't forget to check out the Update 18 skits, and see you guys next time!