Part 1: Cress and Chester

The game just throws you balls into a combat scene right at the start. There's "in media res" and there's this.
Watch the scene! (It has voice acting and everything!)
?: I dwell amidst the abounding light of heaven!
Hmm, things don't look like they're going so well for the four people who are presumably the good guys here. One of them's down already, the other chick has a "we're gonna die!" look in her eyes, one dude's gone mental and is screaming and the other is charging at blondie.

You're gonna regret asking that.


Needless to say, this wrecks the blonde tall guy and ends the fight on its own.

Note that all text that appears in this scene is in white with no box so it's hard to see as it blends in with the background really well. It's kinda annoying so I'll spare you the trouble of trying to decipher it. You can see it in the video if you want to try so badly, though.

I guess that's a "yes?" Still, I like how vague it is here rather than being an conveniently round number like 100 or 1000 or whatever. "12-ish" is good enough.

Cress Albane is the main character of this little game and so is the dude we'll be using throughout the game. The guy talking to him is his father, Miguel.

Amazingly, his mother is still alive too and lives in this house to boot. She's sick, but not dead.

We don't get to find out what's so important about it though. The scene transitions to the house just below Cress'.


If you look at the window in the middle, you can see the old guy from before looking out. Cress' dad stands at the left window for a few seconds as well before walking off.


Basic healing item; restores 30% of your max HP. Sounds like it'd be useful at later levels, due to proportional healing, but will be outdated before we need it... or it would be if we did what the game wants us to.
Well, we have control now and there's a few optional things in Toltus we can do. Not many, but as it is the first town that's to be expected. What can we do first I wonder...? Oh, I know!
Let's bug an old man. He never said anything in the scene and Cress mentioned him by name twice so let's see what he knows about things.

And that's all he has to say about that. Oh, those sword guys in the back there?

That one guy is out of sync. You can try to get him back in it by walking in front of him and stopping his animation by getting hit (and yelled at by Miguel) but I find it funnier as is.
Oh, and since we're here let's check out an easily missed optional scene!

Yes, that is a "sweat drop" icon in the text box. No, that doesn't stop it appearing as a bubble over character's heads.

I think something got lost in translation already. It's not too bad, since you can still tell what he's trying to say, but it's still not great either.
Well, after getting yelled at by the family maid we might as well go do one other thing in town before running off to kill things.
Shopkeeper: How's your little sister? Here, give this to her, will ya?
Being a food item, we could keep this for ourself to use for quick healing or cooking or whatever later, but we do get a reward for doing this that isn't just a warm, fuzzy feeling.


The Stuffed Cress is a "Key" item only we, uh, don't actually ever need it. We do, however. have to get it if we want something a bit more usable. By talking to Ami again with the Apple from the shopkeeper...

Yep, we get a new title for Chester out of this. Unlike later games, titles are just for show and don't have any other functions. There's no alternative costumes for using a different title or whatever and we won't, necessarily, be getting all of them since a few for each character require grinding. We'll be getting all of the ones that are from sidequests and stuff like this, though.
Speaking of sidequests, this old lady at the inn is mean and never gave me one she was supposed to. There's a statue just behind the box that you can see sticking out slightly; she's meant to ask you to move it for her and then she'll give you 10 gald (money) for it but neither would trigger. It's not much, but it's the principle of the matter!
There's finally nothing left in town, so let's go hunting!

Here's South Forest, mere steps away from the town. Not much chance of those "monsters" Maria mentioned attacking us during the journey. I put monsters in air-quotes as the random encounters in this area include such ferocious beasts as wolves (okay, that might be a problem), bees and the ultimate horror of horrors: owls!
We can worry about this another time, though.
Skit: Promise

Cress Albane official render.