Part 17: Claus Failures

So, we now have two possible pact rings but they're bust so we can't do anything else with them. We might be able to get them fixed, but they were made by both dwarves and elves... Dwarves are seemingly all long dead, and the only elves we know are Arche and Lundgrom. Arche is completely useless in this matter, otherwise she'd have fixed them in the mine, but Lundgrom might be able to help us in some form. Thus: back to Alvanista!

Fortunately, everything gets explained off-screen.

Well, that sure was weird. Anyway, this Edward fellow might be able to help us. And he lives nearby too! That's nice and convenient.
Skit: Former Researcher?

Skit: Edward's Mansion

It's surprising just how close to Alvanista the mansion is; you can still see part of the town in the background.

Well, back to the desert we go... for the worst part of the entire game too. Joy...
Skit: Moments Too Late

Skit: Freyland, The Desert

Last time we visited Freyland, we didn't really have an excuse to do anything beyond the one dungeon in it. We did pretty much everything except one thing, and that's because this one thing sucks. And we have to do it now.

Skit: Search Party

Just outside of the one town in the desert,Cless picked up Guardian Field... er, Divine Seal. This leaves Cless completely defenseless if there's something on the other side of him, and it deals Light elemental damage too so the few times I can think of maybe using it it's worthless. At least it still knocks things back if they so much as touch the field.

Villager: Edward? Oh, yeah, that traveler came through just recently.

Villager: He seemed to be in a hurry, like he had some business to take care of... I'd imagine that he probably made his way to the oasis to the southeast of the village by now.
...This will end exactly how you think it's going to end. Since we're already in town, though, let's sell some crap we don't need any more!

Not bad for a crap axe and a spare copy of the Liber Ivonis, huh? These two basically amount to everything I get from this but I add the rest of the out-dated equipment to the pile too. EXCEPT the Pin-Up Mag. All in all, I come out of here with around 70,000 Gald in total which isn't bad but it's still not enough. To get the four items I really want to buy, I'll need 230k. Minimum.
Skit: The Wrong Season

As you have probably already guessed...

Edward managed to evade us....

Old Man: You what? You want to find some snails?

Old Man: Just now you asked about escargot, right?

Old Man: That was a joke.

Again and again...
Skit: Deserted Land

...And again. I'm beginning to suspect this might not be worth the effort.

If he's just gone into the inn, he can't get away from us so it looks like we're finally done!
Skit: Lack of Luck

Skit: Edward in Olive

Innkeeper: Yeah, he came here all right. He was searching for Basilisk Scales, it seems he was asking about them all over the place.

Innkeeper: Yeah, exactly. I'm impressed you know it. But they're not easy to get, especially in large quantities.

Innkeeper: Edward did leave a message here. He said that if anyone came here in possession of Basilisk Scales, let him know right away. After saying that, he bounded out of here again.

"May" rather than "will." That's quite an important distinction.
Skit: Quickest Way To Edward

There's a couple of problems with this plan.

Basilisks aren't exactly guaranteed to appear in every fight. They're even the rarest thing to fight in the desert, which is bad enough.
Skit: Basilisk Scales

Assuming you manage to finally find one, taking it down isn't as easy as it sounds either.

They have almost as much HP as Efreet, but aren't as easy to hit since they have a much smaller hit box. They have similar elemental defense, but the AI isn't dumb enough to cast Efreet or Eruption at least. They WILL try to use Gnome or Glaive though, unless you disable that.
That's not what make Basilisks annoying though; their regular attack has a massive range, given their size, and they'll randomly use Stone Gaze which petrifies whoever it hits (and deals damage too, just in case). If everyone gets petrified, sorry, you lose, game over! This can be negated by using a Liqueur Bottle on someone, i.e. Cless, but that's only the worst part of the fight alleviated.

The worst part about this entire fetch quest is, by far, the fact that they aren't guaranteed to drop the scale when you finally find and kill one. It's not even likely to happen either. It's a rare drop, from a rare enemy. That takes a while to kill (for a random encounter). This is incredibly fucking tedious busy work, and there's no excuse for having to do this.

Well, that's one down. Only... only four more to go...