Part 30: Tales of Succession
The delay for this probably (read: definitely) wasn't worth the wait. You can mostly thank Tales of Innocence for that.

Before we actually do things, let's go and refight Dhaos. Don't worry there's a reason for it.
Done? Okay, good.
That thing he yells out at the end of the fight, when he gets put down by Indignation is the exact same thing he exclaims in the original fight against Morrison. It roughly means something along the lines of "this cannot be" or whatever. It's also something that persists throughout the entire series; in any game where Dhaos cameos, if you hit him with an Indignation he'll do the same thing there too.

That's pretty weird actually; since Dhaos focused solely on places with so much as a strenuous connection to Magitech before it's strange that it'd change to "everwhere but one town."

From this point, we have five characters we can use. Unfortunately, we can only use four at a time. Someone's got to warm the bench and it's obvious who that's going to be.

Chester joins back up at the exact same level he was when he left. How annoying. He'll gain full EXP even if he's on the bench, so that's not a problem.
Skit: The Future Aselia

Grinding is such tiring work, isn't it? A rest might be in order, even though it's not free any more.

He gained a fair few levels out of this so he's not as far behind any more!

He's still lagging behind by quite a fair distance though. We'll be able to rectify that shortly, I would hope. More importantly during those 12 levels he gained from the cutscene, he picked up a few new abilities.

Roaring Thunder is the only one he ever needs though, and it's all he'll ever need. Roaring Thunder is hilariously broken and warrants using him over someone else; set it to a shortcut key, hold it down and the enemy will never get a chance to attack ever again. Chester doesn't have that much TP naturally so he could burn through it incredibly quickly by doing that, but you can alleviate it by using both a Moon Crystal and/or the Fairy Ring.
Skit: Old Age Warriors

Back in Miguel, we can find that Cless' old house has become a school apparently. This raises a few questions though;

This being one of them. The thing with this being a time travel issue is the same as usual though; does he build it because he saw it in the future and to do otherwise would prevent something important happening? Probably best to not think about most things here too much at this point.
Skit: Elven Entendre

Using the inn again, because grinding really takes it out of ya. That and I do need to cook a bunch since we'll be getting a ton of recipes before too long.

This attack is kind of awesome.

It's the only one of it's kind in the game.

There's another that seems like it's the same but it's not.

This one is both reasonably usable and more powerful. Even if it's super situational at best.

It has extremely restrictive requirements and you'll realistically never use it during normal play.

The only time I can think you'd possibly want to really use it is against an optional boss that you can become completely invincible when fighting anyway.

Even then, I'm reticent to say he warrants it.

Everything else either just shrugs it off and will flatout murder you for trying...

Or isn't strong enough to warrant it.

The biggest offender of the prior is what I'd consider possibly the hardest battle in the game period.

It's something we could fight within maybe 40 minutes or so from now, but to do so would be dumb as hell.

It's not the strongest enemy or anything, but I'm sure anyone who's played it will remember how fucking annoying it is because of the conditions of the fight. But let's not get too far ahead of ourselves; we won't be seeing that for quite a while.

This title is pretty cool; we don't need to have it equipped but it's basically the best/most fitting for Cless so I go with it 99% of the time from now.

Once we got it, we gained access to the only Mystic Arte in the game. It's pretty easy to use, but it has a super-massive catch to it. You have to have full HP at any time during the fight and then to drop into critical HP. At that point you can use it exactly once and it will deal a fair bit of damage, assuming that it hits. If you want to use it again, Cless has to reach full HP again. Repeat ad infinitum.
Skit: Cooking Lessons

Collectibles are a bit of a pain at first. They're things that have no immediate value; you can maybe get double digit Gald for them if you're lucky. The entire point of them is to trade them with various NPCs to get other Collectibles. They exist basically to make it even more of a pain to get a complete Collector's Encyclopaedia than it already is.

There's more than one trading line of these things, even. We'll be getting them all because it's a sidequest.
That's my excuse, and I'm sticking to it.
Skit: Training Alone

There's a new recipe in every town at this point, and they're pretty easy to find so picking them up will probably be the first thing we do in all of them. This one's pretty uninteresting though; it just heals as much HP as an Apple Gel.
...Yes, it really took that long to get the ability to cook something as efficient as the most basic healing item.
Skit: The Ultimate Sidekick

To say this costs 20,000 gald it's just an amalgamation of Rising Phoenix and Swallow Kick so it's not even remotely good enough to warrant the price. That's not even a relative thing; it comes way too late to justify that price tag for something we'd potentially be able to use way, way back at the Moria Mines.

A fighting tournament at Euclid? Sounds like something worth checking out. We have to pass that way to get to Venezia anyway, so it's not much of a detour.
Skit: The Same Joke

It's a good thing Chester uses the exact same joke that Cless did earlier, and he does it almost verbatim too. I can explain what it means accurately now!
Yetika posted:
The original joke here was that the Japanese word for 'defeat' (taosu), is nearly identical to 'Dhaos' (daosu). Yyyeah, Japanese word puns are always a pain in the arse to localize.
Well, okay, I'm just quoting someone else who explained what it means but it's the principle that matters!

Apparently the dude that runs this store is supposed to charge you one more than the maximum amount of gald you can carry to get this chest or say something like that or whatever.

I find just moving the statue to be more effective. Nothing's stopping you after all.
Skit: Haute Cuisine

Chester's not that great a cook really. Everyone's better than Arche so that's not saying much. He's about on-par with Cless and neither can compare to Mint or Klaus. Klaus blows away even Mint in some aspects. That makes sense though, since he's nearly 30 and all.

Since we're in town, though, this is a good time to splurge a little and give Chester a new weapon that doesn't suck terribly and some armour too.
For reference, the Composite Bow is the third weakest bow in the game. The second weakest being the Long Selfbow we bought way, way back in the second update. Feel free to go check it's Attack stat to compare if you'd like. That's quite the power jump. Whilst, yes, a few enemies do drop bows in the Past era they're all either Short or Long Selfbows.
Skit: A Selfish Motivation

Out of all the armour upgrades we can pick up, this is the only one that really stands out. It costs an obscene amount of Gald despite only being 7 points of defence higher than the Mithril Mesh (25 as opposed to 18). Somehow this correlates to being 26,000 Gald more expensive. Oh and it reduces damage done by Thunder spells for some reason. You'd expect Dark based on the name, but nope.
Skit: A Natural Detour

For some reason, valuables now sell for an obscene amount of gald. I'm not complaining mind, but it's pretty sudden. One minute your random shit is worth 9,000 or so tops. Next thing you know, it's a good 12k minimum.
Skit: Return of Back to Alvanista

We could, yes... or we could put it off and go do various other things first.