Part 32: Tales of Déjà Vu

With Euclid behind us, we see that Hamel's truly gone now. Currently we've no reason to go to Lone Valley, and even doing so at the moment is counter-intuitive. This makes what remains of the journey to Venezia completely uninteresting.

In the future, Venezia starts to sell Kelp for some inexplicable reason. There's not many places you can actually buy it and it's used in two recipes which are both bizarrely good. It's also used for obtaining an item in the Venezia grocery store.

This guy wants food in exchange for a collectable card. He makes no reference to having no money to buy, say, bread which he could buy a full inventory of and still pay less money than it'd cost for 1 fucking melon.
Seriously, melons are retardedly expensive (3,000 gald each) because the only place you can buy them is at the Elven Village and Elves are DicksTM. They're still not the most expensive ingredient, but there's a slightly better reason for the other one than "fuck you, got ours."

It's a good thing I planned ahead and bought a melon during that small timeframe I could otherwise we'd have to wait until after the next dungeon before we could get this. If I bought more than 1 melon then I could get more than 1 Green Card but just having the one proves that Cless is willing to do his part to improve the environment.

At the weapon store we can remember to buy a weapon upgrade for Cless that we could get for free in the next dungeon and wouldn't need to use a Rune Bottle for or anything. This is just poor planning on my part really.
In case you can't tell, it's better than the Moon Falx in everyway except Accuracy. This is countered by it being non-elemental and thus only a select few dickbags (and just about every boss) will have a chance to resist it. This is further countered by it costing 35,000 gald and becoming outdated really, really quickly. So quickly in fact, we could buy a spear or an axe from the same store that are technically better in some form but these are functionally worse by costing a little over 50,000 gald for the spear or, in the Hard Cleaver's case, being an axe.

In the Mayor's House we can find these little girl playing the piano. She's, uh, not very good to say the least.
Well, let's just go through since we came in through the wrong side like morons.

Chelsea: Don't talk to me right now.

Chelsea: Hmph! If you think you're so much better, then you teach me!

Chelsea: Hmph! I figured you didn't know anything. Lady, you teach me then.

This sidequest isn't particularly exciting for the most part; it's just running out of Venezia, running back here, talking to the kid again, having her improve a little, repeat a few more times. It does have one remotely interesting scene at least, near the end.

Chelsea: I think I got a little better again!

Chelsea: Hmph!

Chelsea: Miss Mint, I'm going to keep doing my best!
If we leave and come back after this scene, we can finally finish it...

With something that actually makes sense, given the context of the scene.

No video for this, because it's purely auditory and a video wouldn't add anything to this one.

Chelsea: Thank you so much!

Chelsea: Say, Miss Mint... as thanks, I want you to have my precious collectible! This is a really rare item.

The statue and title are the only rewards for doing this; no awesome equipment this time, unfortunately (that's from other sidequests).
Skit: Sakuraba's Song

Skit: Yet Another Stupid Fugue

We've run out of things to do to put this off any longer; we can't even skip town and go through every other continent we explored before because Harrison's positioned to block that.
The ships don't work either, but that's more of a plot inconvenience than anything else.

A... Magitech Research Institute? I thought the people in this game were smart for JRPG NPCs but since they didn't learn that using magitech was a bad idea 150 years ago what with the whole "pissing Dhaos off to the point where he destroyed entire towns for it" thing I'm beginning to see a fair few giant holes in my blind optimism.

I can't help but imagine him sounding terribly depressed here just from the way that's written. He can actually perfect technology that he's been working on his entire career; you'd think he'd be happier about that.

We cleared out all of Moria and there was only three pact rings there. Maybe that ring we left behind because Klaus thought it wasn't a pact ring actually was after all.

Skit: Rhea-Birds of a Feather

I'm not even going to pretend I don't have any ulterior motives for it this time.

From this excursion, he gained less levels than last time since he gained another set amount of EXP; perhaps even the same as before, but I haven't got any fixed numbers to confirm/deny that.

Since he hit level 30, he gained this title out of it.

He also gained another arte. Heaven's Quiver looks good on paper, and being non-elemental gives it an advantage over Roaring Thunder at first. It's not good for what it seems designed for though, and that's crowd control. It's incredibly prone to missing what you actually want to hit with it, and the only things its really effective at hitting are large targets.
Skit: Volt, Spirit of Thunder

[i]Since Volt's the spirit of thunder and all picking up these things will help a bunch I believe (had to use a Miracle Charm to afford them both though).

And Volt's conveniently located right next to Morrison's house. I told you the cave would have a use later.