Part 50: Mini-Bonus to Alternate Events and Skits, as well as additional "Combo!" skits.
Mini-Update 6: Bonus to Update 43: Alternate Events and Skits, as well as additional "Combo!" skits.
While I was researching skits for this update I decided I might as well do all the other "Combo!" skits.
Skit #106: Combo! Lloyd and Genis

: Of course! Now, let's keep it up, just like that!

: Yeah!
Skit #107: Combo! Lloyd and Raine

: They were good, Lloyd.

: That's what I thought. I think maybe I'm a genius!

: *Sigh* If only that talent applied to studying as well....

: Hmm? Did you say something?
Skit #108: Combo! Lloyd and Kratos

: Humph...If that's all it takes to have you full of yourself, this is going to be a long journey.

: Wh...what? You got a problem with that?

: ...Just make sure you don't slack off.

: Fine, whatever. You're no fun.
Skit #109: Combo! Lloyd and Sheena

: Yeah, well. You were pretty good, yourself.

: Ahaha. We make a good team. Let's keep it up!

: Yeah!
Skit #110: Combo! Lloyd and Zelos

: I busted out with my special ultra gorgeous bomber!

: What? That was my attack just now!

: Hey now, hunny. We can't have you saying stuff like that. I think it's obvious to everyone that that was my gorgeous special macho bomber.

: I said, it was my attack! And when did you give it a name like that, anyway? It's not even the same one you said a second ago.

: If you guys keep playing around, we're going to leave you behind.

: Wait up!
Skit #111: Combo! Lloyd and Regal

: Return to the earth, and rest in peace.

: You have to make a big deal about that every time, don't you?

: If you neglect your respect toward the dead, they will linger as spirits and haunt you for the rest of your life.

: What?!

: Please rest in peace....

: Hahaha...
Skit #112: Combo! Lloyd and Presea

: ...

: Ah? kinda put a damper on things, you know?
Skit #113: Combo Again! Lloyd and Presea

: Yes. You're quite strong, Lloyd.

: What, you just now realized that?...Hehe, just kidding.

: I'm sorry.

: Ahaha...

: It was a joke, actually...
Here's the alternate versions of the posession scene. They're not very distinct.

: Lloyd!

: Damn, you interfered! Fine. I'll just take this body.

: Colette! Wait! Let her go! We promised...that we'll go on a journey together when the world is reunited... Let her go!

: Ahahaha! What do I care? I'm leaving this filthy world behind!

: Mithos! I won't let you take Lloyd!

: ...Genis, your body will do.

: Genis! Wait! Let him go! We promised...that we'll go on a journey together when the world is reunited... Let him go!

: Ahahaha! What do I care? I'm leaving this filthy world behind!

: Look out!

: Damn, you interfered! Fine, I'll just take this body.

: Sheena! Stop! Let her go! We promised...that we'll go on a journey together when the world is reunited... Let her go!

: Ahahaha! What do I care? I'm leaving this filthy world behind!

: I don't think so!

: Damn, you interfered! Fine. I'll just take this body.

: Zelos! Stop! Let him go! We promised...that we'll go on a journey together when the world is reunited... Let him go!

: Ahahaha! What do I care? I'm leaving this filthy world behind!

: ...!!

: Damn, you interfered! Fine. I'll just take this body.

: Presea! Stop! Let her go! We promised...that we'll go on a journey together when the world is reunited... Let her go!

: Ahahaha! What do I care? I'm leaving this filthy world behind!

: No! I won't let you!

: Damn, you interfered! Fine. I'll just take this body.

: Regal! Stop! Let him go! We promised...that we'll go on a journey together when the world is reunited... Let him go!

: Ahahaha! What do I care? I'm leaving this filthy world behind!
These are alternate skits for the taken person. We didn't qualify for these for obvious reasons.
Skit #292: Searching for Colette

: Lloyd, calm down. You must first learn to control the Eternal Sword if you want to have a chance of rescuing Colette.

: I know that... Hang in there, Colette. I swear I'll save you!
Skit #293: Searching for Genis

: Lloyd. Let's do our best and rescue him! Genis can take care of himself, and I think Mithos won't hurt him.

: ...Yeah. I want to believe that. I promised...we'd go on a journey together. I swear I'll save him. I swear it!
Skit #295: Searching for Sheena

: Yeah, if you don't show Sheena what you're made of now, she'll dump you even if we do manage to rescue her.

: Yeah. Letting her get taken away in the first place was pathetic enough. I'm not going to embarrass myself any further.

: You said it. Now, let's hurry up and save her!
Skit #296: Searching for Zelos

: That's just like that idiot to show how much he cares for you by doing something like that.

: Zelos returned my trust. So I'm going to return his. I swear I'll rescue him!
Skit #297: Searching for Presea

: Dammit! She told me never to leave her alone...

: Lloyd. There's no time for regrets. You understand that, right? The more time passes, the further away Mithos will take Presea.

: ...I know. Presea suffered from loneliness her whole life. I can't leave her alone any longer.

: Exactly.
Skit #298: Searching for Regal

: Regal feels gratitude to you for saving him. So he tried to protect you.

: ...I never did anything for him. Regal's the one who helped me whenever I got flustered and angry. I made a promise with him. That when this is all over, we'd work together. ...So now, I swear I'll save him!

: Yes. And we'll all help you.
Skit #299: There's Still Time

: ...But you are not going to give up. You just have to steal her back. There's still time as long as you can equip the Eternal Sword.

: ...I wonder if she's all right.

: Mithos merely took the Chosen to use her as his body. He won't kill her.

: ...You're right.

: Being depressed isn't going to get her back.

: Exactly.
There's a different skit you can get in place of or possibly in addition to "Mithos' Crime and Sadness" that talks about Mithos's memories as well.
Skit #300: Mithos' Abandonment and Sadness

: What do you mean?

: When Mithos possessed me, his memories flowed into me. Betrayed by countless people, he still tried to face forward and believe in people...

: I see...He was the Hero Mithos, after all. He even became a legend.

: When he lost his sister... When he lost Martel, he may have given up. And now I have a feeling he's sad that he gave up.

: The instant he gave up, he lost his friends. No...he chose Martel over his friends.

: ...I won't feel sorry for him. I don't want to feel sorry for him. I can never forgive him for the things he's done. ...But somewhere in my heart, I keep thinking, if he could just repent...

: Lloyd, you mustn't think like that. You'll lose to him. Mithos is our enemy. ...We must...destroy our enemies. That's all there is to it.

: Genis...

: It's okay.... Feeling sorry for Mithos is my job.

: ...Okay.
I'm not sure on the requirements for this skit but it fits here.
Skit #302: Noishe's Mission

: *Whine*

: Someday, you will evolve yet again. When that day comes, I may not be at your side.

: *Whine*

: I'm sorry. I'm going to make you lonely again. But you have Lloyd. He will always protect you.

: *Whine*

: Even after this battle is over... Please watch over him for me.
Guess which plot thread I'm most disappointed didn't show up in the sequel.
It should be fairly obvious why we didn't see this skit.
Skit #303: Separation of Derris-Kharlan

: In other words, what you're saying is, Derris-Kharlan is starting to slip away.

: Damn, we've got to hurry. I've got to gain the ability to use the Eternal Sword, now!