Part 57: Update 48 - Ending
Update 48 - Ending
The only thing left is to germinate the Great Seed. This cutscene looks way better in motion.
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Have I mentioned how hard it is to capture shaking in screenshots?

: Your wish is granted.

: It can't be...

: The world was originally separated into two in order to prevent its destruction. If it returns to its true form, the world lacks the mana to support itself. The dying.


: I don't need to know why it's dying! What do we need to do to stop it?

: Support the two worlds by linking them with the Giant Tree. That is the only way to stop the destruction of the land.

: We need to awaken the Giant Kharlan Tree!

: ...I get it!

: Lloyd, hurry! You must bathe the Great Seed in the mana of Derris-Kharlan before Derris-Kharlan leaves the gravitational field!

: All right, then! I'm counting on you, Eternal Sword!

: Derris-Kharlan is already at the edge of the gravitational field. Not even Yggdrasill...Mithos could stop this from happening. Do you still intend to try?

: Yeah.

: Even strengthened by your Exsphere, it is likely that your body will not withstand the forces. Are you certain of your decision?

: I said I'm doing it, so I'm doing it! It's not like we have a choice!

: ...Very well.

Excuse me for a bit.

: The Great Seed is...already dead.

: Wait! Don't go! Please, wake up!

Psst. Your whole "I want to die" mindset is killing the Great Seed.


Lloyd is going to be here to try to revive it in about 30 seconds. Try to want to live a little by then, or it'll just get deflected again.

This is...! Ok.

: It looks like Derris-Kharlan stopped moving away.

: Yeah, but why? The Eternal Sword is gone...


: The Eternal Sword!...

: This is my final wish. Eternal Sword...

: Please...awaken the Great Seed!

: I beg you, please, wake up!

: ...Please!

I exist... for a purpose.

I... I know I'll fulfil it.

I feel... So much better.

: I am Martel, and also the incarnation of the Great Seed itself. Lloyd, your hope, as well as those of many others, resurrected me.

: So you're Mithos' sister?!

: No. Mithos' sister Martel is only one of the many souls within me; I am Mana, and I am the Giant Tree; I am a symbol of the many lives sacrificed to the Great Seed; I am the new spirit born to accompany the Giant Tree, and now the Seed has awakened anew along with me.

: This is the Giant Kharlan Tree?!

: It's so beautiful and so grand!

: This is the future form of the Giant Tree. Right now, it is only a small seedling. In its current rate, the tree will wither and die.

: Well then, how do we protect it?!

: You must provide the tree with love and adoration. As long as those conditions are met, I shall always protect the seedling.

: I promise! If the tree starts to wither, I'll make sure, we won't let it die!

: Then Lloyd, on behalf of all living things, I want you to give this tree a new name, as a proof of the pact.

: What?

: The Giant Kharlan Tree was planted here by the elves when they first came as a guardian to watch over and protect them. This newly reborn tree protects elves, humans and the lives of all those who are caught in between. Therefore, this tree requires a new name.

: Lloyd, pick a name for us, a name for everyone's tree.

: So this tree is the link that connects the world. Okay, I got it! This tree's name is...

A most interesting choice.
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: Ohhhh! Chosen One!

: No, Grandmother, I'm not a Chosen anymore.

: Oh, yes...Colette, you have made us all proud.

: ...Welcome home, Colette.

: It's good to be home, Father.

: I see, so Kratos will travel with Derris-Kharlan, wherever it may go. What are you going to do? Go back to Iselia?

: ...No, we're going out to visit new lands.

: We're going around the world to try and make it easier for half-elves to be accepted.

: It sounds like you have a difficult journey ahead of you.

: We can return to Iselia when we're tired.

: We will always have a home there.

: Sheena! I'm so glad you're safe!

: Congratulations, Sheena!

: Don't congratulate me yet! A whole new world lies before us now. We have to inform everyone about the revival of the Igaguri style.

: Yes. And for when Kuchinawa returns as well.

: Yeah, come on everyone, let's work as hard as we can! We're gonna make the village of Mizuho into a ninja clan to be proud of!

: the whole world got messed up!

: Well then, Chosen One, what would you have me do?

: We'll send an emissary of peace to Iselia.

: Emissary? Who do you plan to send?

: How about Sheena from Mizuho? She's already involved.

: So the emissary of death becomes the emissary of peace...

: I won't let you say no. Until you do something about the Church of Martel, I still have the rights of the Chosen, remember?

: Time is finally starting to flow again from that night sixteen years ago. You know what? I'm twenty-eight years old now. Can you believe that?

: Were you...talking with Alicia?

: Yes...

: I just got back from overseeing the destruction of part of the mine. Now that that's done...we can rest assured that no new Exspheres will be excavated.

: That's good to hear. What are your plans now?

: I'm going to devote the full resources of my company to revitalization projects in order to build a new and better world.

: I'll help, too. I'm sure Alicia and Daddy would have wanted me to.

: If a half-elf of Cruxis remains here, the other half-elves will have no place to live. As a surviving member of Cruxis, I must bear the responsibility for what has happened.

: I'm going to collect all the Exspheres remaining in this land.

: ...And I will discard all of Cruxis' Exspheres into space. I've dragged you into this until the very end.

: It's okay...

: ...It's time for me to go. Please use that sword to send us to Derris-Kharlan.

: ...Goodbye...Dad!...

: ...

: ...Lloyd. You wanted to go with him, didn't you?

: No, I have my own path to follow. And Dad has his. ...And besides, I have a dad here already!

: I see. Then I won't say any more.

: ...Mom. I'll leave Dad's sword here beside you. Well...I'm off!

It's so good to see the world like this. I... we... would not have believed it to be possible just a short while ago, on the day Colette received her oracle and Lloyd took a book in the face from his beloved teacher.
And now we can save a clear game save, which we load to create a new game+, bringing us right back around to the beginning.
Everything's OK now, but there's still some LP to go. Tune in next time for a very special epilogue, starring Kratos.