The Let's Play Archive

Tales of Vesperia

by Admiral H. Curtiss

Part 94: Bonus - Part 2 ~ Odds and Ends

Part 2 ~ Odds and Ends

Now that we're done with Part 2 of Vesperia, I wanted to make a small update about stuff I forgot about, didn't get to mention, or intentionally omitted during the regular LP updates.

Let's start off with the scene we just had, the battle against Alexei at Zaude, and the changes in the PS3 version. Normally, this wouldn't really be noteworthy, it's basically just what needed to be done to make sure Flynn could be in the party during the battle. Instead of Alexei shooting Yuri, Flynn jumping in, then Alexei starting the elevator while they're distracted, Alexei just starts the elevator after he's done with the conversation and the party (well, Yuri only, but it's implied everyone does) jumps up. The scene with the shooting is moved to after the battle, when Yuri is attacking Alexei.

However! If you go into the battle with Flynn as your party leader, the scene changes a bit more:

Watch the PS3 / Flynn version of the Alexei confrontation! / Also read the dialogue here instead, because the dialogue from Alexei in the video is kind of a mess in terms of editing. Scroll down the "Please wait, Yuri!" from Flynn.

It's nothing special, but it's a nice addition. What isn't nice, though, is what they did do the in-battle-mode conversation with Alexei on the platform. You might notice it if you watched both the 360 video and the video just above, but they changed the music from the heroic theme that fires you up to this kinda bleh theme that was playing in the previous scene. I suspect they accidentally removed the music change trigger when they changed the scene around, but it's stupid nontheless.

Also, we got an achievement for beating Part 2:


Ended Alexei's Ambitions

Getting away from that scene, the PS3 version adds a few minor but neat things that I don't believe I mentioned before.

One of those things is the Artes Ball Artes Sphere (to match Tales of Xillia's localization). This is a synthensizable item that allows you to set an additional eight Artes on the L1 button (or whatever you set in the Options I suppose), by holding the L1 button and using the normal Arte commands, both the Arte button and the right stick ones.

It's pretty useful.

Another new thing is the Special Flag R.

It's just what it says. In the 360 version, you can't set Repede as the party leader as he doesn't have all the required animations (can't remember which ones he's missing exactly, but I think ladder climbing is one). In the PS3 version, they added those, so...

It's kinda fun due to how silly it is, but sadly NPCs don't react differently or anything. Oh well.

Next, there's a new person in Dahngrest's western bar in the PS3 version.

That woman's called Sassoon, and she has the ability to combine accessories or costume pieces to new accessories or costumes.

You just talk to her and the game automatically recognizes if you have something to combine.

So for example, you can combine the glasses:

And the veil:

To this!

Or, she can combine Judith's normal outfit plus her dragon rider outfit:

To this:

It's a pretty cool thing, but is sadly brought down by the fact that you can't actually mix and match. There's a pre-existing set of combinations and that's all there is.

And, last but not least, I have been neglecting the end-of-battle conversations. So let's rectify that.

End-of-Battle Quotes - Beginning to Caer Bocram

End-of-Battle Quotes - Keiv Moc to Kogorh

End-of-Battle Quotes - Temza to Zaude