The Let's Play Archive

Tales of Vesperia

by Admiral H. Curtiss

Part 99: Sidequesting: Everlight, Mimula

Last time we were sent to fetch some Everlight from Temza. So let's go do that.

Temza is pretty much unchanged from the last time we were here. I think some of the enemy groups are different, but that could also just be because we're here at night.

This time, though, we have the level 3 Sorcerer's Ring, so we can get rid of these rocks!

There's some treasure behind all of the rocks, you'll get a list later.

While we're here, Karol learns Ultimate Divine Destruction.

There's two variants to this. If the first hit of the attack doesn't connect, Karol trips and falls on his ass, which doesn't do a whole lot of damage.

If it connects, it's the only hit, which does a whole lot of damage.

More rocks and... what do I see up there?

Goddamn these guys. They drop Bunny Ear Wings, which you need like 20 of to synthesize everything in the game. And as far as I know, they are the only enemies in the whole game that drop them, and they only appear over here on Temza.

Hope you like farming! I did grab a bunch of them while I was here, actually.

Oh hey, see that pile of rocks to the left there?

Behind it is an attachment for Repede:

I think this is our first Overdrive doll. There's one of each non-Repede party member. They're pretty cute!

And right next to the end of the dungeon, we'll finally find our Everlight.

Is that...?

Now we just need to tell Nobis, and we're done with this job.
Hey, shouldn't we bring some back for him since we're here?
Sure, I don't see why not.
Well let's do some digging, then.

What is that...!

Well? Do we fight it?
No way! Let's get out of here!
...You heard him.

Back here is another Rabtor if you need them.

Alright, let's get back to Torim. On the way out, Raven learns Havoc Gale:

Treasure collected here:

But before we can exit...

Watch the cutscene!

My guess is it's not after us.
You think it wants the Everlight?

That voice...

Yuri... Where're you going in such a hurry? Hmm...? We've got all the time in the world.
Hey, you kinda caught us at a bad time...
Gah hah hah hah! It's never a good time when you're in reach of my blade! Yuri Lowell!

You couldn't hope to satisfy me! ...You wanna die first? Huh?

Hmph. Piece of crap...

Yeah, I don't want to fight any pointless battles. Right, Karol?
Y-yeah...we don't really have time for this, anyway.

Which one of them do you mean?

I get to walk two steps before another cutscene triggers.

Watch the cutscene!

Of course! I mean, it's the job we were given. And you saw how much the client wanted this Everlight.
Yeah, but why was that monster so interested in it?
Ba'ul should be able to outfly him. Right, Judith?
Of course. But that's not really the issue here, is it?
No, I just wonder if it's really okay to carry off something that seems so important?
Nobis trusted us to do this job for him. I want to take this back to him. I think it's the right thing to do.
Well, if you put it like that...
Maybe we should just ask the client what he'd like us to do?
Yeah, let's do that.

And with that we go back to Torim.

Watch the cutscene!

Ooohhh... I never imagined you would deliver it to me directly... Thank you so very much.

Revive...? Did something happen to your guild?
No, it's-it's nothing... Here. Take this as a show of my gratitude.

5000 Gald!

You think he'll be all right?
Must really be in a hurry if he's headin' out of town on his own.

That voice...
I-I don't believe it...
...Damn, he sure is persistent... Nobis is in trouble. Let's go!

Hey, are you okay...?!
After all that searching... Now I'll have to start over...

This wound is terrible...!

He's lucky you were here. What a stupid thing to do... I don't care what the reason, anybody who steps outside a barrier alone is crazy.
I figure this'll make him give up on the Everlight. He's lucky to get off with his life.

I should have listened to you, Yuri...
Hey, it's his own fault for charging out like that. You got nothing to worry about, Karol.
But we should decide what our guild will do if something like this happens again.
We do need to try and define Brave Vesperia's rules as we gain more experience.
Hey, don't get all down on yourself. We just started as a guild.
Yeah. We'll only get better from here on.

The 360 version never really gives us a good shot of the monster apart from that one scene with Zagi on Temza, which is fixed on the PS3 version by moving some locations and camerawork around. (Nobis is near the town entrance and runs out to the world map, where we then find him on the ground.)

Anyway, now that we're back in town, we can synth something really neat with 15 of our Bunny Ear Wings:

Levitation: Press the left stick to fly during a jump. Use Up or Down while moving to rise or fall and press the left stick to land.

Sadly the AI can't use it, but it's pretty fun and useful if you happen to be in control of Rita, since a bunch of low hitting enemies just completely miss you.

Using this skill for the first time also triggers a skit.

Skit: Ristelle?!
Rita, what does it feel like to fly through the sky?
Hmmm, it's hard to put it into words, but it's not bad.
It looks like it would feel good...
You wanna try?
I can handle your weight, no problem. Here, hang onto my legs!
Hah hah hah hah, this is so much fun!
It's a good stress reliever, don't you think?
Hey, it's time to go! Come on, Ristelle!
W-we're two different people, you know!!

Anyway, back to guild questing.

It's Brave VESPERIA!
You're gonna have to forgive me. Never been very good with names. Here for more work? So you're up to it, huh? Well let's see here... Oh, right. There is that one thing... Hmm...
Something the matter?
Nah... It's just that this one's come as a direct request from the Union itself.
Does that mean it's a tough job?
Not necessarily. More likely that the client isn't too familiar with the way the Union and the guilds work.

Why did the Union pass this job to you?
This person approached the Union directly about getting a hold of this guild they mention here.
And the Union isn't a matchmakin' service for guilds and their potential clients.
Then why is the job being posted here?
Because we're in the business of lending a hand to the newer guilds that can't find work on their own yet.
Heh, so that's what's up.
Well, what do you think? Should we take the job?
What do they mean by "certain guild?"
That's something only the guild that takes the job gets to know, I'm afraid. The reward is 6000 Gald. Will you take it? The client for this job isn't exactly nearby. Are you up to it?
Where are they?
The imperial capital of Zaphias.
That means...
This Mimula isn't somebody you know, is it Yuri?
No...not a name I've heard before...
Maybe a more recent arrival...
We might as well have a look. With Ba'ul's help it's just a short flight away.
All right, let's go.

To Zaphias we go...

Instead of finding our client, we run into Leblanc first.

Oh, wait...
We're in the middle of carrying out a secret, I say, secret mission...!
Adecor...! Our investigations of anti-imperial activity are strictly confidential!
...You might want to reacquaint your boys here with the meaning of the word "secret."

Beg, I say, beg your pardon, Sir!
Apologies, Sir!
What did I do to deserve this...? As you can see, I've got no time for small talk with the likes of you!

Yes Sir, Captain Raven SIR! They're up to more mischief than ever before!
I say, we've had reports of them slinking and sneaking around the lower quarter!
Well then, I'm sure you'll get the job done.
Good luck to you.
I never dreamed we'd receive the praise of the Princess and the Captain in person!
Thank you for this gracious kindness!
The extremists, huh? Those are the guys who plant bombs, hurt people and put the town in a general state of panic, right?
The very ones. We hadn't heard much from them for a while, but it sounds like they're up to their old tricks again.
...Are there really people who do things like that?
Yeah. I can understand that they aren't thrilled with the empire, but they've got no right involving innocent people.
Unlike the guilds, they're a pretty disorganized bunch. People with chips on their shoulders tend ta be that way. Makes it hard ta put a stop to 'em once and for all.
Well, it isn't like we have any clues ourselves. Shouldn't we just leave it to the Knights?
S'pose you're right.

Our client is in the lower quarter's Inn.

Watch the cutscene!

That's right. And just who might you be?
We're Brave Vesperia. The guild who took the job you posted with the Union!

What?! That's not fair!
Is this indecent young lady part of your Brave...whatever you call it as well?
Do you have a problem with how I'm dressed?
It's your reputation. Now, are you serious about taking the job?
Well, what does it involve?
I haven't seen my butler, Sebastian, since he left to negotiate with a certain guild. I'd like to get some word from him, but nobody seems willing to go for me!
Have you considered going yourself? It would make a lovely day trip, I'm sure.
Oooh! This is no time for jokes! I have no interest in going any place that vile.
Which is where we come in, right?

So what's a high and mighty noble like you doing in the lower quarter?
Well see... Oooh! How rude! Why should you care?!
And what guild are you talking about?
They're called Leviathan's Claw.
You are to find out first, if Sebastian is safe, and second, how the negotiations have gone.
What was he supposed to negotiate?
That is none of your concern.
...Yeah, it's not, but we don't need any extra hassle.
So basically, you'd like us to bring this Sebastian back to you.
That's right.
If we're dealing with Leviathan's Claw, I guess we're off to the Manor of the Wicked.
Just what kind of dangerous hobbies are you people into?
Oooh! I thought I told you it was none of your business! You need only concern yourselves with the work I've hired you to do!

I hear you, Repede. Let's get going.
Right. We accept this task in the name of the brightest star in the night sky--Brave Vesperia. that your little slogan? Please...
We can't possibly understand the refined tastes of such an elegant lady, Karol.
Oooh! How dare you make fun of me?! I won't stand for it... Oooh!

And she's quite a dick! Oh well. Manor of the Wicked.

How nice of you to remember.
The boss isn't here anymore. Yeah, no reason for you to come sniffing around here anymore.
Anybody named Sebastian come here lately?
Hmph. Never heard of him.
Wait. You know as well as I do we've got no idea what to do with that guy.
Then he is here.
We kept him here under house arrest while Yeager was still with us. But to tell the truth, he's getting to be a waste of space, these days.
What're you saying? You're talking to Yeager's killers!
Yeager is dead and gone. We're gonna have to face facts sooner or later. But there's a condition.

Why would we want to do anything to help a bunch of arms smugglers?
Go ahead, try and force your way in, then!
All righty, let's all play nice, now.
We need weapons to defend ourselves against the monsters, don't we? Without Yeager, it's all we can do to survive out here.
...The Soul Smiths? Have you heard of them?
Of course I know them. They're one of the five master guilds, and they specialize in blacksmithing. But unlike the others, they keep pretty much to themselves. They built a forge deep inside a mountain, and they still live there, tucked away from the world.

You want us to check every mountain on the planet? Yeah right.
Who said old Raven didn't have at least a hunch up his sleeve, huh?
No way!
Heh, leave it to the No. 2 guy in the Union. Guess this is a father-knows-best situation.
Don't tell me ya forgot your first client, Yu, already. He might be good ta chat with.
Th-that guy?!
Would this face ever lie to you?
So if we can get a hold of these Soul Smiths for you, you'll let the butler go?
Don't see why we couldn't.

And Dahngrest...

Ahh...if it isn't my faithful delivery guild...
This may be a bit abrupt, but are you with the Soul Smiths?
Soul Smiths? Oh, you mean the blacksmith guild. No, I'm afraid I have nothing to do with them.
...Um, Raven...?
That book these guys delivered for ya...

You mean you looked inside it?! And wait. You can read codes?
Guild codes used to be a way for the guilds to communicate with each other in secret.
Huh. Pretty clever.
And the Soul Smiths're about the only guild still usin' 'em at this point.
"Dealing in weapons...carefully" has always been our guild's motto. Those who make the best weapons must always be neutral.
...So then, you are one of the Smiths?
Which would make that Nobis who picked the book up a member as well.
...It would seem the jig is, as they say, "up."

Oh, do they... Our boss never had much stomach for Yeager's unpredictability...
Ah, then...
But...I hear that man is dead now. Perhaps change is on the wind. It would at least be worth making contact with them.
Whoa, we've gotta get that written down! They'll want some sort of proof we actually met one of the Soul Smiths.
...If I must, I suppose.

Here you are. This signature represents the will of my guild. When coupled with our guild's reputation, it should be sufficient.
Then we should be getting back to the Manor of the Wicked.

And back again...

Come on, move those feet!
Hey, is that Sebastian?

Huh? Do I know you?
We had a deal, here.
No clue what you're talking about.
They're just toying with us.
But you said if we could make contact with the Smiths you'd let Mr. Sebastian go...
Oh, you must mean the guy who was here with me. There's only one thing that happens to losers like him in Leviathan's Claw.
Then you...
Okay, this guy's gotta go.
Watch that lip, boy! Let's see what you've got!

Very easy battle, they're the exact same enemies we had to fight here when we were searching for the Don.

Hang in there. How do you feel?
W-who are all of you...?
We're Brave Vesperia!
You're Sebastian?
The very same. But how did you...?
Your employer asked that we come and pick you up.
My lady sent you...? H-how very fortuitous. Oh, that's right. Do wait here a moment.

Whoa, hold on. What's with the luggage?
Oh, just something I nearly forgot.
That's a pretty big something.
Honestly, pay it no mind. Well, I do owe you my thanks...

Yeah, I smell fish too, boy.
We're under no obligation to interfere in everything that seems a bit off, are we?
I wonder.
They do say the customer's always right, but...
At any rate, let's go collect our reward from our favorite noblewoman.

Next time, we'll figure out what the deal with him and Mimula is, in what is hopefully the second to last sidequesing update before we get back to the story. (Last one will be PS3 exclusive sidequests.)