Part 6: The Woman Who Reports
Part VI: The Woman Who Reports
Medical treatment

Indeed... Well, Ludger doesn't feel like mentioning this, but we've seen this kind of thing before, right? Guess we might as well head back to the roof...
Oh, and a skit pops up right after. Oh, and all the chests you opened are refilled with different items, so do those very easy puzzles again for more goods.

Oh yeah, I hit about 20,000 gald thanks to 3000 in the chest I just opened, so here we go with our first non-mandatory payment, since we technically haven't finished the story content for this chapter.

Oh hey, in the room on the way to the roof, we have our next cat.
Oh, and just as a heads up: you cannot miss any Kitty permanently, so don't you worry about that.

The trouble with spyrites

Balan finding his way back down, somehow, later...

Hm, well, I've introduced spyrites before, but hey, let's ask Balan about them. Seems like the guy who could explain a bit more, and I doubt he knows much about Julius...

Referring to Milla, of course. After becoming Maxwell, she's done something or other to increase the life span of spirits from dying off because of spyrix.

Oh, Muzet making an early appearance!

Muzet buggers off...

But, obviously, it's time to pay back more of our debt to get to Marksburg in the first place (ignoring the fact I can pay the required amount right now, but I'm not, because that would leave me with like 67 gald). Now, we need to return to Trigleph to get started, and the trip back there is boring, unless you talk to this guy. He'll mention a special escort is available for people going from Helioborg to the city. What this means is "Free warp".
As soon as you get back to Trigleph, a Nova scene...

I...wouldn't count on that, Nova. Auto-Items, I mean, you can set rules for them, but I prefer to use items strategically. The AI is set up to use Gels at the drop of a hat, and before you know it, your stock of items will be all gone. When items can easily be replaced with gald, it's not a big deal, but for now, it is. You can turn off, on, or alter Auto-Item rules in the Strategy tab.

The Rusalle Highroad is the other exit from Helioborg, which leads to the dungeon Tatalian Abyss and the special location Dimensional Breach. You can imagine we'll be going to those locales in the future, but they are WAY out of your league right now. However, it would still be wise to at least make the exit from Helioborg just to open it for Kitty Dispatch. Not a big deal if you don't, however.

Another tough guy, eh? Remember the debt payment is 10000 gald. Victory in this fight more than pays for that. Elite Monsters are just the best.

And here we go.

Veywind Eye
Compared to our last wonderful boss, this guy is EASY. The only thing she has going for him are the somewhat long range of his claws, his two buddies (who get replaced quickly when they die, but they're not infinite), and his large amount of health.

Reason is, is because EVERY elemental attack against him is a Power Hit. Start of with any elemental arte, and everything after is a Power Hit as well. You can very nearly stun lock him, and there's not much he can do about that.
On the flip side, however, he takes no damage whatsoever from combos starting with non-elemental attacks.

For his allies, the situation is the opposite. Elemental attacks do nothing initially, but a non-elemental strike will start the Power Combo. They're also quite easy to defeat.

Oh yeah, and he also has the same weak point gimmick that the big scorpion did. Still, it's just harder to hit, since he moves around a lot and his body is so large.

One big reason I like this game's battle system quite a bunch? Status effects work, even on bosses! It's just so rare to see, it's like a miracle when it does show up in an RPG. Of course, you won't see this against higher level enemies, but y'know, it's nice to see.

Oh hey, I'm controlling Ludger now. Yep, if you hold L1 and press the D-pad in the direction of the character you want to control, it'll switch control over to them instantly. It's one thing to combine a bunch of Linked Artes in one Over Limit. It's quite another to switch characters mid-combo and control it.
Honestly, though, I've never done this. But just you wait!

Oh please, I didn't have that much trouble with this.
Returning to town...

Jude has the honor of the first character story. Every playable character (except for Ludger, again), has a series of five chapters featuring some subplot involving them. Jude's is, as you might be able to guess, the trials and tribulations of making spyrites work. You'll get cool things and a lot of opportunities to raise character affections by completing these, so it is in your best interest to do them as soon as they come up, which is usually after a chapter's plot events are done, but before you continue the main story.

Trouble in Helioborg...again

Ludger seems a sheltered lad, but even so, the park IS right outside his house. L1 it is, though, as you might imagine, neither choice matters.

Jude gets another buzz on his phone...

Ludger is a sheltered, but generous lad, so we'll be going with L1. With characters like Jude, it's pretty obvious in most cases what choices will raise his affections. Other characters can be a bit more unpredictable in what they do and don't like.

So, for all Character Quests in the game, you have to have a select few party members with you at all times (in this case, it's Jude, but since we only have four party members at the moment, we couldn't change our party if we wanted to.
In the party ledger, any character with a padlock next to their portrait means a party member who is important to the story of the chapter and can't be removed from the active party. Ludger is a special case, however. On your first playthrough, he can't be removed from the active party at any point in the game. Once you've defeated the final boss, however, and started the post-game or a New Game+, the padlock is removed from his entry and you can swap him in and out as you please.
Oh, and about this screenshot. I got bonus items as a result as my early payment and it was promptly delivered. I got Kitty Crisps (reduces Kitty Dispatch time), the Mosquito Skill for Ludger (do 1 damage with every attack. Only really good for getting large combos without killing the target).
Gee, thanks Spirius.

And there it is, mandatory debt payment and notification I can go to Marksburg and continue the main story.

Don't mind if I do.

Oh hey, getting distracted by shiny objects helped me out.

Anyway, here we are again. To complete this first character chapter, just head back to the 13th floor lab of the Research Wing again.
After doing just that...

Laying down the law

Former leader, that is. The leader of Exodus, a man by the name of Gilland, was a major boss battle in the first game, when the party raided his vessel with help from Gaius and friends and defeated him. He used Celsius to try and even the odds, with poor results. He also happened to be Alvin's uncle.

Take a guess.

Back down we go...

Jude's sorrow

Sometimes you'll get choices that are obvious when it comes to raising a character's affection, sometimes it's much harder to tell. In this case, it's the latter, but L1 increases his affection. Because I didn't know that, I chose R1.

However, this should be obvious, as well as being my choice.

Jude's a total dork, and we love him for it.

Back in Trigleph, I accepted a quest called What Could Have Been, where you have to deliver a Tomato Omelette (Small) to a dude at the train station. Let's see what he has to say...

Man, in-between grease fires and terrorist incidents, the cafeteria at Trigleph Station seems a death sentence for solid, unexciting employment. Well, while we're in Trigleph Station (after turning in the report and getting the money, of course), let's continue on to Marksburg. We'll find where Julius is eventually!

Nice place, huh? Can't help but feel we've seen something like it before, though...

If she has a star over where she is, she has to be important. Let's see what she has to say, and what connection she to Julius...

As you might guess, depending on which place you visit first, Marksburg or Helioborg, that town's events becomes Chapter 4, and the second place becomes Chapter 5. However, gameplay-wise, you're definitely expected to come here first. Proof positive is coming right up.

The feline caper

In retrospect, I probably should have gone with R1, even though it wouldn't have raised Leia's affection. However, it is not to be.

Now now, we musn't jump to conclusions. Conclusion 1, that may or may not be correct: our older brother, Julius Kresnik, wanted criminal, does not hack up hairballs. Conclusion 2, which also may or may not be correct: that Spirius did not intend for us to capture this cat. Bisley seems a cunning fellow, always two steps ahead of everyone else. For all we know this cat may be integral to whatever's going on.

So this bit here, while Bonus Scene: Jude is in the upper left corner, is why I went to Helioborg first. The conditions for acquiring bonus content for normal story scenes is, without exception, I believe, from completing character story chapters before the next chapter's main story content starts.
Just for the record, if you get a scene without bonus content, there's no awkward cut or anything. The scene just proceeds as if the Bonus Scene content was never there.

Well, it is kinda her fault we ended up on that train in the first place, and led to this whole mess where we transform into an evil guy with a spear and fighting Great Spirits and our brother, but she's still around, isn't she? L1 it is, and as you might expect, it increases her affection.

Then again, she does have a tendency to get Ludger in trouble like this.

And after she says "Huh?" the Bonus Scene ends.

I'm not sure where we're getting, but okay, I guess...
So Leia's not gonna need nearly a big introduction as Alvin did. Basically her story is she grew up in the same small town Jude did, and they've been friends since they were young. Leia has a definite crush on Jude, as evidenced by a few things in this game and Xillia (namely wanting to learn medicine because Jude was a doctor), but became a reporter seeing as how Jude definitely didn't feel the same (he's married to the job, you see, and helping out virtual strangers on a very bad day).

Oh yeah, and the cat ran off. Leia's not the most hyper competent of characters in this game.

Also, Elle mentions Ivar showing up before this scene pops up (when you try to leave Marksburg via the train station, which also happens to be the only way you can leave for now. You can try proceeding further in, but the way is blocked by rubble and a no go for now.
Actually, Ivar is pretty hard to see before this scene pops up, so the little lady has good eyes.

Ivar with the Revolver Ocelot "Throwing your sunglasses dramatically" thing and we're off to the second tutorial Ivar fight.
So Hammer Ivar follows basically the same rules Gun Ivar did, except he's way easier. This is the main reason I believe you were meant to come to Marksburg first. The hammer itself is about what you'd expect: slow to wind-up and attack, devastating when it does. It can frequently break an opponent's guard, and attacks in a circle around Ludger with his standard combo, but it provides the crucial third basic element for Ludger's arsenal.
So now, had we all of Ludger's artes, he could achieve our first full Power Combo, but obviously, we do not. As for weapon switching, the standard cycle is Swords -> Hammer -> Gun, looping around to Swords if you press the button a third time. However, you have the chance to set the weapons Ludger starts with in-battle in his equipment screen. Also, when it comes to moving speed, Hammer Ludger is basically the same as Swords, maybe just a *bit* slower.

There's not much to say about the fight itself, however. He's basically a much weaker boss than the Ivar we fought in Helioborg, so feel free to play around with trying to get a 300% combo now while you whittle down his HP.

Yes, off to Duval! To do something or other, I guess. Anyway, I only screenshot this because Claricite is one of many, many materials that you can only get through Kitty Dispatch. Basically, if you take a job for an item you've never seen in a field map, and you've been halfway diligent searching for items in said location, odds are you can only get it through the Dispatch.

And a skit to finish today's adventures off. L1 increases Leia's affection, by the by, though this one of the many skits where the choice made substantially alters the skit's dialogue.
Update 6 victory quotes compilation
Update 6 alternate choices compilation