Part 7: The Man Who Advises
Part VII: The Man Who Advises
So I asked alchargia to come up with an emergency outfit for Leia, and I think something may have gotten lost in communication...

However, in Duval, Leia's informat is not doing a good job of being inconspicuous...

The 411 on Duval

Ludger fills her in on the inside scoop...

I just love how Elle plays around with Rollo all the time in cutscenes when she's not otherwise speaking. Go ahead! Take a look at the videos and see Elle playing around with the cat while everyone else is talking. It's a fun detail!
I also like how whoever voiced Rollo doesn't even sound 10% like a cat, but there's just something very amusing about the way he meows that makes me happy.

Well, this whole connection is tenuous, but I suppose we might as well follow up on it. A monster's a monster, after all. Right after this skit, though. Warning: this skit is terrifying!

Oh yeah, made another unscheduled debt payment after turning in a few more jobs in Duval. Note that new debt payment values are set after the end of each chapter's story content, so for now it's still 10,000.

Well, doesn't look like anything's off here, but...

Exodus attacks

I'm so sorry, Leia. I don't know what happened...

Some reinforcements arrive, and it looks like trouble...

Looks like this could get ugly, unless we have some sort of trump card against this bunch... Thankfully, we do.

See, Elle, this is why it might not be the best idea to keep you around...

The demon

Oi, these guys are trying this ol' gag again?

Luckily Jude's right on top of that. Dr. Mathis is a quick learner.

Things are getting pretty heady...

Hey, I recognize that...

Holy shit! Did Rowen lose his mind?!

Oh man, the coot has totally lost it. Those three are still alive!

So whoever this is, he looks like Rowen, sounds like him, but most certainly is NOT the old-timer. Time to waste him.

So, what your first order of business is is to dodge his spirit artes, since his artes are pretty devastating and will quickly chip away at your party. He's pretty fast in throwing them out, and he has a lot of them, so interrupting his casting is paramount to winning this fight. Thankfully, Ludger's hammer does a great job of just that.

But, since this is the first battle we've had with Leia this game, let me introduce her. Her staff uses Strike damage (same as Jude), so she has a natural Power Hit against Rowen here (who is weak to Strike and Fire damage). She's the prototypical battle mage. She has a variety of spells for buffs, some single-target healing (as opposed to Elize, who has mostly group heal spells), and a wide variety of artes that send her airborne or can be used in the air.
On the support side, her Partner skill is Item Steal, which only works on downed enemies. If you knock an enemy to the ground, and Leia is close (or Ludger if you're partnered with her), they'll attempt to steal an item from the enemy. It will be obvious if you're successful or not in the five-finger discount, but there are skills to increase your odds if you're more successful than not stealing from enemies at this point in the game.
On the special ability side, her ability is thus.

If you successfully back step away from an enemy attack (so, much like the Snap Pivot), Leia's staff will grow twice as long, and as you might guess, give you twice as much reach. Not...overly useful. It's just cool when you pull off successful backsteps, is all. Note that if you have trouble with successfully backstepping and growing Leia's staff, a skill down the line will allow you to do the exact same thing by blocking an enemy's attack at the exact right time. For some reason I find this much easier to pull off.
Oh, and if you watch the video, this moment is nowhere in the video, because I took like 3-4 tries to finally beat him. I underestimated him a bit, I admit.

Also in this video is an Over Limit combo of 7 Linked Artes!

Hammer Toss is an especially good arte to stagger Rowen. Ludger throws his hammer like a fire boomerang and happens to be one of my favorite Ludger artes, actually, especially since, again, Rowen is weak to both elements Hammer Toss is.

Another cool thing about partners is that if an enemy stuns you, they can automatically recover you from Stun with a Stun Recovery. Do note, however, you cannot do the same to them.

Damn that was a sweet combo. If Jude and Leia were controlled by humans, we might have done even more damage.

If he starts casting with a red ! above his head, that means he's going to throw out Tidal Wave shortly, which is one of his highest-level spells. The only way to avoid considerable damage from this one is to use Magic Guard. To use Magic Guard, start blocking, then hold down on the control stick. You'll throw up a blue shield and considerably lessen damage from spells.

But a big smack just upside the head brought this demon down for good.

The King

The three, however, run off, and good riddance.

Gaius, man...I mean, Erston (which is his birth name. Gaius' real name is Erston Outway, which hardly seems intimidating, explaining his want of changing his name when he became King of Auj Oule (which is half of Rieze Maxia).
Anyway, this is the kind of guy who can intimidate a room just by walking into it, so we better play along with Bruce Wayne here.

Jude fills him in on what the hell just happened...

Well, why not?

Ludger gets another buzz on his cellphone...but it's not Nova this time!

Alright, so, there's a ton of skits that pop up after that last event: The Evil Chancellor?!, Everyone's Clothes (complimenting the beard of a specific man gets you affection points for them), Alvin's first affection skit, and Just What is Teepo, Anyway?. I love Elle's interactions with the Xillia 1 cast.

However, I suppose I must introduce Rowen now. Rowen J. Ilbert (I don't believe the J. is ever identified. Maybe it's Jay) used to be a general in Rashugal's army (Rashugal and Auj Oule were the two countries in Rieze Maxia during the first game), and a close friend to its King Nachtigal. However, events great and small conspired to pit general and king against each other, and Rowen ended his liege and friend's life at the end of Xillia 1's first story arc.
However, knowing all his connections and influence within Rashugal's nobility, King Gaius decided to make Rowen his Prime Minister after their conflict had ended, which Rowen all too happily accepted. Now Rowen is more or less the Lucius Fox to Gaius' Bruce Wayne. While the latter leads a life of celebrity and clandestine ass-kicking, and is the titular power, Rowen more or less handles the government's day-to-day business.

So, there's no new Elite Monster for us to kill, so we're gonna have to do this the hard way. The job board has the usual listing of random jobs ranging from the Alest Highroad to the Tatalian Abyss, but trust me, you're not gonna wanna get near the Abyss for now. The enemies there will eat your team alive. But, there are a couple special jobs, one from Nova, the other from Ludger's landlord, in Trigleph, so we're headed there next.
As it happens, I was sitting on 12,000 gald by the time I defeated Evil Rowen, and the payment to continue the story is 15,000, so the post-chapter stuff will be pretty short on my end. Enemies in Rusalle Highroad, where a lot of jobs are, should be within your skill level after Volt and Evil Rowen.

Oh hey, we do have a new character chapter to complete, so let's start Leia's story, why not?

An unusual errand

Well, a hardass is a hardass, no matter how right they may be...

Poor Alvin... But I mean, man, emoticons are just how things are done these days. But I have sympathy.
Though, I mostly chose R1 for the sake of balance. Well, maybe halfway.

The creep

From fighting kings and spirits to being asked about bathroom difficulties by a station cop... Such is the misfortune of Leia Rolando.

Leia's whole chapter here is kinda weird because none of the choices matter...
Is what I would say, but it turns out that there's an optional scene coming up that the game *kinda* hints at, but is easy to screw yourself out of getting. More on that in a second... Incidentally, though, I'm going with L1 for this choice.

Alright, so... To complete this chapter and proceed normally, just go talk to the chief again. However, if you want a bonus scene and chances to increase Leia's affection more, head to the local inn for some grub (it's next to Trigleph's port, which is the other exit from the market district.)
Trouble is, I had no idea that scene existed when I recorded this part of the game, and after saving over both save files I'm using for this LP, well... Oh well. I'm gonna guess it involves food and Leia cheering up. Aaaaanyway, the chief is very close to where we parted ways from him.

What it means to report

The chief starts to walk away like a jerk...

Going with L1 here, again.

Yep, our gig... That's what's going on.

Oh, and I also got Leia's first affection skit after that scene. Aside from choices, completing every character chapter increases a character's affection by a set amount. Of course, you can only take advantage of that five times per character, but regardless of your choices, you can end up with max affection for every character (thanks to Linked Artes. Very boring and slow way to do it, though), or through a late-game consumable, on your first playthrough.
Oh yeah, the item Leia gives you is the Gold Digger book, which gives you a 25% chance of doubling your gald at the end of a battle. Sounds good to me.

Other business in Trigleph includes catching a cat that's squatting in the middle of the 1st floor hallway (as no one else can remove it, you see.). Actually, this is one of three special cats in the game. Even if you carry over all cats from your previous playthrough, Malik is not among them, because he's a special case. So, you really only get 97 at the start of the game if you carry over cat stuff. Another special cat case is Catstantine the Third, who also is not carried over.
However, that is not the only special business we have in Ludger's building.

Up in Ludger's apartment, you can pick up this item for Nova's job report. She is currently in front of Spirius HQ.

Dammit, Spirius. What kind of man do you think Ludger is? And lest you think I'm being unfair, this is only thing you get from the second bonus payment.

Oh yeah, to finish the Malik job, you need to have a pretty boring chat with Ludger's landlord. Really not worth transcribing, trust me.
Instead, let's go chat with Nova. Ludger wasn't always a Silent Protagonist. Guess his dream of fighting Julius scared him into silence... Quite distressing.

Poor Ludger

This call opens up Aladhi Seahaven, which happens to be our next destination. However, we have an important question to answer first...

Pants or skits? The ultimate question, but the correct answer is skirts.... I mean, are you kidding me?
Oh, and I guess this update ended just before the start of a big chapter. Good show...
Update 7 alternate scene compilation
Update 7 victory quotes