Part 12: The Girl Who Partners
Part XII: The Girl Who Partners
So there's not a whole lot to do going back to Nia Khera from the Hallowmont, and you could even warp straight to Nia Khera if you went there before entering the fractured dimension, but we've got treasures and materials to pick up, as well as a few cats.

The first cat is in Milla's Shrine. You'll hear it loudly meowing, but a search of the premises reveals no trace of the animal. So where is it?

Sneaky bastards. It was right under your feet as you entered, but the camera was zoomed out too far for us to see it from that angle. Lousy camera tricks

Doesn't the prime dimension look so much nicer? Anyway, no sense in fighting this guy with only three party members (Ludger, Leia, and Alvin) right now, especially when we still have one more required boss fight this chapter. I told you chapter 7 was a long chapter.

In the area after the Elite Monster, there's a cat sleeping happily in the shade of some trees, on a side path. Time to press it into a most noble service.

And back to Nia Khera. Feeling some deja vu here.

Hard Choice

There's a fade to black to explain what went down, but as far as bringing things from a fractured dimension to the prime one...well, you got me.

Oh yeah, and Ivar dropped down, too.

Oh man... But considering the Spirius Corp's work, he had his reasons, I think.
Oh yeah, and there's three different endings to the intro: if you don't fight the monster, Julius scolds you and you fail. If you fight the monster and lose, Julius bails you out and fails you.
However, as the thread informed me, you can win that fight, but the employee you're saving pulls out a knife and threatens you or something, fail. Yep, we couldn't win right from the start. Guess we know why now, though...

Hoooo boy, this is a sticky situation, ain't it...
Well, let's think about this carefully. We can't be 100% sure Julius isn't acting in our best interest, and Rideaux is Rideaux, so he's not on anyone's "Cool" list. On the other hand, Rideaux is technically our boss, so as a Spirius employee, he reports to Bisley, who can shitcan us anytime he wants if we disobey his lieutenant.
On the other other hand, I'll bet Rideaux doesn't have nearly as much play with the boss man as he thinks he does. We're a member of the Kresnik family who can travel through dimensions with our special power. Which makes us far more important to Bakur's plans than this joker is. Screw him, and let's give our brother a chance to redeem himself.

The kick knocks him plum out...

Rideaux is a pretty annoying fight, but he's nowhere near as bullshit as Muzet was. He sticks to a variety of melee attacks that come out pretty quickly / have good range, from a whip-like thing in his arm or something, and has a few melee attacks. On the weaknesses side, he's vulnerable to Light and Darkness, so that Prometheus (Darkness) from a couple updates ago is gonna come in handy here.

This is a pretty sweet moment. That Bubble Blast shot is slowly traveling toward him, after Alvin foolishly knocked him away and blew my combo...

But he didn't! Elize came out of nowhere to hit him with a basic melee attack to stagger him just long enough for the bubble to catch up to him. Also, notice my multiplier. This is the first time I've got a full Power Combo! The way it happened was Alvin hit him with Guardian Field for Light-elemental damage, then I added Darkness / Slash with a basic Swords hit, then Azure Edge for Wind, Strike next with a basic Hammer hit, Hammer Toss for Fire, basic Gun hit, Crossfire for Earth, then the Bubble Blast.
Little sloppy, and I don't have a Chromatus usage to follow it up with, but there you go. You'll know when you have a full Power Combo if your character makes a distinctive noise / comment (Ludger will just loudly yell, of course). Another cool thing about a full combo is that once you've hit that ninth element, the Power Combo meter will go down much slower than normal (of course, it won't go down at all in Chromatus mode, if the combo isn't broken). I actually didn't realize I got that combo while I was playing this. It was only while I watching the video after it finished processing on my computer that I realized it.

Once he's below half health, he'll start casting Dancing Bayonet. Basically the only dangerous part of this move is being close to him after it gets casted. The hitbox for it seems very wonky, in your favor.
Oh, and he can go into Over Limit (but won't use a Mystic Arte at any point in this fight), but the best way to deal with this is to hope he aggros against you, the player character, and just have him waste his Over Limit by chasing you around. The AI seems to throw out Over Limit whenever it feels like, so you'll just have to deal with it.

As long as you can anticipate his melee attacks, and dodge appropriately, it's pretty easy to catch him when he's recovering from an attack and hit him with powerful combos. Rideaux is definitely the easiest of Chapter 7's bosses. If you choose L1 in the previous choice, however, you'll fight Julius, which actually, I've never done, but I will shortly (as of this writing, I have yet to record the alternate choices video for this update).
If we had Milla instead of Leia, this fight would be easy as shit. And yes, this was recorded on Hard, as will Julius.
Another edit from the future: Julius is definitely the harder fight. He is really fast, is the main reason he's tough. Rideaux may be a bit more powerful, but he's a slug in comparison. And I mean that in terms of personality, too.

Man, big bro just doesn't have it today.

Man, Ivar's such a little putz. Turning a blade against Milla is unforgivable, especially against a woman whose world was just destroyed.
Then again, Milla has no particular reaction to being taken prisoner, so whatever. Let's just get this over with. We're returned to Spirius HQ, so just go ahead and talk to Vera when you resume control.

I can't bring myself to lie to Nova, so just can't choose R1, I can't. Incidentally, I'm guessing this means Spirius is dragging him through the back door or something.

Everyone leaves the Nova in the dust... But she'll bounce back.

The cats are closing in! If they've made it as far as the CEO of the Spirius Corporation's floor, we're in trouble.

The Trial (This video also incorporates the above scene with Nova and Vera)

Hm, tough one, but nothing we've seen so far refutes any of this. The presence of Chronos alone, and what he said to us in the fractured dimension, seems to bear this out. R1 it is, and we'll be increasing Bisley's affection along with it.
Also, just so I don't repeat myself too much, every choice I make in this scene will increase Bisley's affection.

Oooh, sounds juicy. Can't wait to start looking for that one.

Rideaux nods in agreement...

Hmm...going by L1, seems like Ludger has figured things out regarding Elle. She's clearly not just a normal girl, if her actions allowed Alt Milla to survive the proverbial road trip from the last fractured dimension we destroyed. Things are getting heavy, but Bisley's not wrong about Ludger's power, either. However, that it not the choice I'll be making this day.

However, the tension of this scene is snapped in half as Elle's tummy starts grumbling...

Well, the snippy response would be the most interesting, but as I've said...

Our brother's still in custody, and there should be nothing of consequence stopping us from locating all the other Waymarkers. Guess things worked out well...
Upon returning to the apartment... Damn it feels like it's been a while, huh?

A spicy blend

Damn, Ludger works FAST. Well, speaking personally, mabo curry is probably something I'll never eat in my life, because I hate spicy food, and it seems Elle agrees, as L1 increases her affection.

Yeah, might want to start getting used to that, at least as long as we're in Elympios throughout this journey.

Milla stalks outside and Jude follows...

A few hours later, presumably...

And now Elle starts to leave...

But where would a young girl go this time of night...

The promise
But the park outside Ludger's building?

Again, every choice I take in this scene will increase Elle's affection. Fun fact, though: you can't get Elle's special end-game weapon on your first playthrough. Even if you increase her affection level at every opportunity, there's just not enough choices to make to increase her affection all the way.
It would be a pretty cool detail if the NPCs changed their responses to you in cutscenes and such depending on their level, but there is no such feature. Anyway, going with R1.

Well, yeah, I mean, of course we're going to Canaan with her. There's no way she could do it on her own, right?
Anyway, after this choice Ludger gives Elle her watch back. The circle is closed.

The pinky swear is done. A blood oath has been written this night.

There's no way this could turn out poorly...

GodDAMN that was a long chapter, huh? Anyway, I forgot this world had two moons. Anyone know their names? I want to say Sylvarant / Te'thealla, but...

After that scene, you'll get a whole bunch of skits dumped in your lap at one time. This one, announcing a new seahaven in Rieze Maxia has opened up, as well as A Schismless World, Two Partners, Mysterious Materials, and finally,Old Man Alvin.

However, it does seem that Alt. Milla may not be as much of a sourpuss as she's let on so far (she was asked what she was made of, for context).

So our new debt payment is a healthy 100,000 gald, but the thing is, it is incredibly easy to pay this off. I left the fractured dimension with a little shy of 40,000 gald, and after a free 10,000 gald payment from Bisley after we talked to him put me over halfway. On top of that, I have three outstanding Elite Monsters (Siennabronc being a special case, and thus, I am not counting it henceforth).
In spite of how intimidating it looks, Graddic Claw is pretty damn easy, so we'll be going after him first.

And here the big guy is, in the second area of the Rusalle Highroad. Let's school this guy. Graddic Claw.

And less than 30 seconds in, I've already got a full Power Combo. The big problem with this guy is his size really works against him. It's impossible to send him flying any considerable distance, and makes it really easy for the AI to hit him.
Weakness-wise, his vulnerability is to Water, so you've either got Milla's Splash or Ludger's Bubble Blast when it comes to exploiting that. I would highly advise the latter.

Of course, he has a ton of power attacks, and in excess of 200,000 HP on Hard, so don't underestimate him. Also, I went into this fight with three Life Bottles. That is unacceptably sloppy.

Chromatus Falling Snow tears this sack of crap apart, with a full Power Combo. I went into the Chromatus with 13,000 something damage. Look at what it is now.

I wish I could say that the rest of the fight was as well-handled as the first minute or so. I would be lying. I defeated him, but it was with only Alvin standing, but I don't particularly care, honestly. Elite Monsters aren't worth *that* much experience, and I got my gald, and that's what matters. Let's move on, because there's a TON to do this chapter.
Oh, and here's an alternate take on the fight. Embarrassingly, I forgot to save right after Graddic Claw, after saving just before to make sure I had a good save...ah, don't worry about WHY I forgot. Just enjoy taking this guy down by the books.

Now, as you might expect, the job board is jam-packed with new jobs, and new kitties to capture, especially in the new areas of Rieze Maxia that were opened up by access to Sapstrath Seahaven. But, we've still got a little business in Elymipos. The first job is story-related, and requires going to Bisley's office with Jude in your party.

Actually, she didn't sound like Vera at all, but how could anyone dislike Nova? This defies my understanding.

Apparently the log cut off there, but believe you me, that's not the last of those kind of jobs.

So the new locations in Rieze Maxia are located in Rashugal, with the bright blue dot being the new seahaven. As you can see, we've got a bunch of locales to hit up. Let's get started. To head to that dot, you have to take a ship either from Marksburg or Aladhi Seahaven.

And here we are. Let's hit the trails, because as usual, there's just the standard stuff here in the seahaven.

Said trail is the Sapstrath Highroad. It's a pretty typical trail area, nothing particularly worth mentioning around here. However, the main road leads to the city of Sharilton, but we're going to make a pit stop in the Sapstrath Deepwood for a few kitties first. There's an entrance to the forest in the first area of the trail.

So from the entrance mentioned above, one of the smaller paths leads to this area of the South Region. These two individuals will be useful a VERY long time from now (like, I believe their shop opens in the post-game). So, you probably won't even remember these two are here by that point, but they are here. They'll start selling stat-increasing herbs, for a *very* hefty price, but hey.
Also, spot the cat!

The forest is full of twisting, narrow passages that can make navigating around a bit of a pain. But, as long as you follow the map and keep in mind places you've passed, it shouldn't prove a huge nuisance (the small area mentioned above is on the path just behind Ludger).

The Hammer is pretty cool for a few reasons, and one of the big ones is that a lot of the artes have different effects depending on what buttons you press / hold down. Hammer Toss is one of them. If you hold down the prompt for Hammer Toss (such as right + circle), Ludger will charge up the throw, then release after like three seconds or so to do double damage with it.
Always remember to check your arte descriptions, folks.

Nice view, eh? Reminds me of Wanderer above the Sea of Fog.

Oh yeah, and there's mushrooms everywhere. They explode and cause a little damage if you step on them. Yeah...

Here's the cat we came to find. We really have no more business here in the Deepwood now that we've found Moon and Chi-Chi, so let's get back on the trail.

Once you're satisfied with your haul in Deepwood and the first area of the trail, keep on going (there's also an exit from the Deepwood to this area). This area has three exits: one leads to a third area, where the only thing of note is a cat, the other leads to Sharilton, and the final one leads back to the forest. We'll be taking the first for right now.

The third area itself is a dead end, but toward the back right of the area from where you enter (or just on the right wall of the area if you want to hug the wall to find it), there's a cave you can crawl through to find the demonic cat. Let's not turn our backs on this one...

And finally, going back to the main route, we make it to Sharilton.
But, y'know what? I think that's quite enough for this update. We've still got a lot of work to do...
Update 12 alternate choices compilation
Update 12 victory compilation