Part 21: The Woman Who Despairs
Part XXI: The Woman Who Despairs
Although we've done Muzet's chapter, and honestly we could just continue on with the story now, we're far from done in the Fennmont area, or our business in general before the plot continues. I'll try to make it as brief as possible. This job, for the mysterious Book of the Six, will take us to Orda Palace. Away we go...

Cool place. Orda's *quite* a bit bigger than Castle Gaius.

Orda has an elevator that you can access right in front of you, and will take you to any one of three floors. Might as well start a clean sweep of the premises.

All of the rooms more or less look like this. This room in particular, on the second floor, has two really nice pieces of armor for Ludger, Jude, and / or Leia. The room on the opposite side (still second floor) has a sword for Gaius.

Up on the third floor, on the right-most room, we have a little library. This cat is scratching at this old book constantly, we must remove it at--

One of the lesser-known Holmes stories, I'm assuming.

Never mind, then...

That was some pretty heavy stuff...and we still don't know what the failure condition of Origin's Trial is, or, indeed, if there is one...

Anyhow, don't forget to nab this kitty on the way out. Keele is from Tales of Eternia, probably the least memorable character from the party (or maybe that would be Chat... Yeah, maybe Chat). He was one of the party's two main mages (Meredy being the other), and was the resident jerk scientist who thought Meredy was a bit touched in the head at best.
In a game with, let's say, not so great English VAs, or at least, not the best direction / attention paid to the dub in the first place, Keele's was probably the worst. But, I think we're all agreed Reid had the funniest / most appropriate voice. I would say Farah had the *best* voice, but that's not saying a whole lot, by the by. Anyway, I liked Eternia quite a lot, but in comparison to Tales games that came immediately after, and even before, it's a strange beast. However, unless my Destiny knowledge is off, it was the first Tales that had two different worlds as a plot device. Phantasia *kinda* had multiple worlds, but only in the sense there were three different time periods you went to. It can be argued either way.
Oh, one final note about Eternia: it had, in my Tales experience, the worst game-spanning collectathon in the entire series: the Lens. Damn those things to hell. Anyway, there's nothing of particular value on this floor, so let's move on up to the Audience Chamber.

The loneliest throne. However, there is another warp behind the chair, so let's where we end up.

Just a transition area. Alright then.

The very very top of Orda Palace, with a great view of the city below. However, we're done in Orda Palace. In the three chests, from left to right, is an Exceed (+1 AP), Gaius Dumpling (apparently Gaius loves these things), and a Tourbillon, a considerable upgrade for Rowen. But only because I haven't been buying many weapons for Rowen. I tend to buy every other weapon for everyone, anyway.

The next leg of this long, long journey brings us to Voltea Woods, on the same island Leronde is on. Again, just don't have a lot to say, except about those big monsters. If you're grinding for title challenges, like combining all 9 elements into a single combo + Mystic Arte, they're really good to do it on, because they're strong enough to survive that long, but not really strong enough to be any challenge to you. Anyway, there are two "dungeons" that you can go to from here. The first is at the far end of the woods, the direction Ludger is facing. The other...

Is not here! But, inside this little cave in the second area is Monty the Cat, so, y'know, you should nab him on the way.

No, this is where you want to go, a bit further down the path in the same area.

The Old Vicalle Mine is...really boring, and an almost entirely worthless area of the game. There's one character chapter that takes you here, but otherwise, aside from the one cat here, this area is Dullsville, man.

And here's the loneliest cat. For this one, go into the big area in the above screenshot and head to the top left. There's a drop there that will bring you to this corridor. Take that cat, and if you don't really care about random treasures and such further on, there's really nothing else to do here.
For the sake of the LP, I'll return here for the character chapter, but probably won't dwell on this place much. Instead, we've got a ton of important stuff to do this update that we really should get to. We will return to the Spirius Building to get a very important show on the road.

One little catch

Gah! This is really not the time, Nova... At least with this payment, I've finally crossed 1,000,000 gald repaid. Anyway, let's sit down with ol' Bisley. It's been a while.

The problem with Maxwell

With his jacketless costume on, damn Gaius is ripped. Probably has more muscle mass than the rest of the male cast combined. Or the entirety of the party, for that matter. Though, I think Bakur could probably bench press a tank.

Milla looks downtrodden, and Elle looks at her, concerned...

Everyone runs off except Muzet, Gaius, Bisley, and Vera... Gaius also gets a call.

But we'll have to find out what the call was about later, because we need to find Milla and Elle. Before we find them, however, we have to stop by our mailbox to collect some rewards, I think. My batch of bonuses includes Kitty Crisps, Elize's Minimum Damage, Jude's Restore Plus (his chance of reviving a downed ally from KO with Recover is more than doubled, from 30 to 70%), 2 Friendship Potions, Gummy Fishes (15% off Kitty Dispatch return), and Elize's Recall skill (chance to recover from KO once per match. She also has Angel's Cry, which is a guaranteed revive once per match. Recall and Angel's Cry can be turned on at the same time).
That's all well and good, but where are those two? Well, the one place in Trigleph I'd go to brood at is the dock, so...let's start there.

Gut check

Milla only got like this because the conversation back at Spirius was about the Prime Milla, so...

L1 for Jude, and R1 for Milla. Since I don't think Alt Milla has long for this world, R1 it is...

He gets out his phone...

On that ominous note, the scene ends, but we have a skit immediately after. Neither choice matters, so feel free to choose what you wish. See you all in Marksburg...

Actually, one thing to take care of. I wanted to craft an Elemental Ribbon for Milla, which provides defense against the four main elements, but I didn't have a Ribbon. One feature that's frequently overlooked in this game is, if you highlight a town on the world map menu, you can press triangle to bring up shop information. Very helpful to find equipment needed for crafting without having to look all over the place manually. The Ribbon is sold in Aladhi Seahaven, so I made a short pit stop there.
Though, now time to continue this tale of woe.

Exodus in the shadows

Yeah, I don't think mocking Milla is how Ludger is gonna play this. Then again, neither choice is great.

Everyone runs off, except for Milla, who is a little slower to the draw...

Luckily, Marcus hasn't made it very far. He's in the same place where we first met Leia way back when.

The plot revealed

This update is all about Milla, so... Oh, and it raises Jude's affection. The alternate choice raises Jude AND Alvin's affection, but I think R1 raises Jude's by more. It's complicated, see, and ultimately won't make a damn bit of difference.

This line is the start of an Alvin Bonus Scene.

L1 raises his affection, but...I think we're gonna call his bluff. He is bluffing, right?

Sorry, I just liked the look of this screenshot.

And that's that. After that scene, feel free to prepare weapons / armor / accessories / consumables as you see fit. The Pelune is very much a gimmick dungeon, and you'll see what it's all about soon enough. As soon as you're ready to roll, just talk to Marcus again and declare your assent in beginning this counter-terrorism operation.


Alvin gives the go-ahead...

It was late, okay! I wasn't thinking clearly when I selected R1... L1 raises Milla's affection, you see.

Man, we've come a long way from Tales of Symphonia models awkwardly acting out cutscenes, huh...

Milla looks troubled, then...

She's not wrong. We do have to get a move on...

As soon as you find this person shortly after entering the holds, examine the fallen, and Jude will help out. You'll get a short scene thereafter.

They give us two Melange Gels. You never know when they'll come in handy.

After this you get a series of pop-ups that explains the major gimmick here, but the gist of it is this: you have thirty minutes to complete the dungeon. This is not necessarily true, as once you get to the room before the boss, the timer stops. Along the way, you can find a bunch of neat treasures, and of course, injured folks. Helping them out will give you a short scene that I won't transcribe, but I will point out locations.
The timer runs when you're traveling around, in battle, or navigating the menu with triangle (the start button will pause the timer, though). This timer does not run during skits or when observing the Pelune's map with square. What happens if the timer runs out? I'd imagine a Game Over, but I've never even gotten close.

Of course, because of the usually tight environments you're forced to navigate, avoiding battle can be tricky. There's nothing in particular to fear from these Exodus dopes, or even the timer, as a full survey of the Pelune + a fair number of fights will leave you somewhere in the neighborhood of 16-18 minutes on the clock. Just make sure to hustle during fights.
The first group of injured is at the very end of this area, on the right walkway. It's a dead-end, but they're lying on the floor all the same.

Where Ludger is now. I would advise looking at the map often, just so you don't get turned around. Rooms on the side of halls look roughly like this...

None of these side rooms are particularly big, but most of them have treasure in them. You definitely have enough time to check all of them for stuff, and have way more time than you might think, if you keep in mind where you are and you're backtracking by accident.

Moving on to the next junction, the bottom left path is completely useless, whereas the next two will head to different walkways in the next area of the holds. Jude takes this time to note the Pelune is the same model ship that the Elympion invaders were using in Xillia 1, and Alvin takes the time to note the irony of Elympions attacking this ship.
The next group of fallen civilians is toward the back of this area, on the left walkway, near a door. You get a Specific from the guy Jude saves, which is a really nice item that restores 30% of the party's TP instantly. The equivalent for HP is a Treat. The nearby door has a treasure chest with a Shock Ward in it. Eh. On the other side of the area, the far door will lead to another cutscene...

The thorniest question
Milla tripped just prior to this...

I think Jude's trying to Snap Pivot out of this conversation. Can't let you do that, man. Raises her affection, while the opposite does the same to Jude. a pretty good response, all things considered.

Got a bit more ground to cover, but we're sitting on 7 minutes right now. We're fine.
Taking the only available door to the third holds area, cross over to the opposite walkway, and at the end (going in the direction of the door you just took), there's another critically injured civilian, who gives up a Pudding Cake (Medium), which restores 25% TP after a battle for 5 battles. Acceptable.
After a couple more side rooms...

The price of action

Oh hey, it's Cam Clarke.

In spite of the short cutscene, he goes down as easily as any of these other dopes.

We...probably shouldn't dwell on questions like this, Milla. The situation is very far from resolved. This is another "junction" room, where the top right leads to another wounded couple, who gives you a very cool 20,000 gald upon rescue. Nova bugged me immediately after about money, but we've got bigger problems than our debt right now, so no dice. The cabin nearest to the above couple has a Fruit n' Cheese (Small) in it, which restores 30% HP and TP for three battles. Really handy.
Moving on to the next big area, the walkway on the right (using the top left exit from the junction), has a door that leads to the outside, for a change. You can pick up two Pineapple Gels and a Nightmare Helm from the two treasure chests there. The Helm is a huge improvement over what Alvin is currently using to protect his noggin, so he'll be wearing it.

The door behind Ludger has nothing behind it, but there is one of the fallen at the end of this path (you can make out the top of her head), and the door to her left has a Balanced Blade weapon for Milla in it. While being an improvement to her Dual Edge, this weapon is not particularly special...except for it being in a dungeon you can't go back to, and for another reason. You will know why next update.

And the final big area. Unlike what you may be thinking, the staircase does *not* lead to the final area of the dungeon. The staircase does lead to a wounded couple, and a door that leads to...nothing of interest. Also nothing of interest in any of the other doors (aside from a vending machine for consumables in one of them), except for the far door.

Swanky pad. The skit's choice doesn't matter, but I went with R1, just 'cause I'm a nice guy like that. Don't move so fast that you forget there's another wounded off in a corner. However, this woman drops a line that a "man in red" was spotted further in. I must have forgotten that Tales of Legendia's first big villain was making a cameo appearance in this title.
And we have one more casualty at the top of the first flight of stairs, who gives you a Rune Mail if you help him out. Very good piece of armor, that. In any case, once you enter the only other door here, at the top of the stairs, the timer will stop, and you'll be in the room before the boss of this dungeon and chapter.

But before I part with you all for now, full survey of the dungeon. I take it back, THIS is definitely the biggest dungeon of the game, in terms of sheer real estate. Still takes longer to navigate Thor, however.

Apologies for leaving on an anti-climactic note, but we've got a whopper of a scene coming up. Next time will be fun, I think.
Update 21 victory compilation
Update 21 alternate choice compilation