Part 25: The Girl Who Hates
Part XXV: The Girl Who Hates

He spotted the black splotch on Elle's nape. The same kind of splotch that Victor had...

This skit is pretty informative as to the exact mechanics of catalysts, and how one becomes one. Basically, Ludger has been unintentionally using Elle as a tool since the beginning, ever since the train incident when Ludger began using the Chromatus. Directly using the Chromatus to transform and gain access to that power, like Victor did, will gradually turn one into a divergence catalyst.
Also, the first skit of this video is one I got during the course of recording two updates ago, but I forgot about it until now. Here you are. It pops whenever you've made the chapter 11 payment, but only in Fennmont.
So, Ludger's going to be fine, but that's...we can't exactly say the same about Elle.

But there it is: the final Waymarker of Canaan, acquired from Victor. What moves are left to make, from all the performers in this grand design, I think it's safe to say they'll be made very shortly.
But, for now, we're headed for the inn.

The longest night

Putting on a brave face will raise Milla's affection, but I can take a guess how Ludger is feeling right now. Not too often you engage in a bloody duel between yourself and an alternate you from another dimension and come out emotionally unscathed.

He hands the phone to Jude...

Ludger rushes forward to knock the pot away, but got a nasty burn from the still-hot soup. Today just gets better and better.

She runs off...

Only one thing can be on Ludger's mind at a time like this. Victor was as important to her as he was to Elle.

Fade to black...

Jude doesn't want to change the subject, so L1 will increase his affection. Hey, we gotta look out for good 'ol Dr. Mathis.

Fade to black for a well-deserved dinner-time.

What's to say in a situation like this? Maybe apologizing will bring Elle back to her senses, about what Ludger had to do back there.

Another phone call. I hope it's not--

So, fun fact, I was playing an idol game while this scene was running and couldn't particularly focus on either choice's implication. I reached over and hit R1 in the middle of a combo, and miraculously, didn't break my combo. That's reflexes for ya.

Ludger hangs up...

I wasn't as lucky this time with my idol combo. I broke it during this choice, which is why I took a bit longer than normal to choose. Went with L1 this time.

Well, we've got another post-chapter payment period. I shouldn't have to mention the gald payment is going to be incredibly easy, thanks to Elite Monsters, AND a free 40000 gald you get just from finishing the chapter. There are a couple more skits after the above scene. In the first skit, you can raise Rowen's affection with R1, and in the second, you can learn an interesting secret about Ludger. In the second skit, R1 will raise Rowen and Alvin's affection, whereas L1 will raise Jude and Gaius'. It's a good 'un.

Alright, so, the plot says that Elle is in trouble because of Ludger's use of the Chromatus, and that's gonna be a big plot element going forward. HOWEVER, gameplay-wise, there's nothing stopping you from using the Chromatus as much as you want from this point on, just like before.
But, if you're trophy hunting, you're gonna want to not use the Chromatus more than 50 times before the end of the game. Now, the end of the game is still a fair bit off (to say nothing of the post-game content). If you're on the hunt, then once you get AN ending, you'll get another trophy for keeping the Chromatus under control.
Please note I said AN ending. That's because this is one of the very few Tales games that has multiple endings. 1 Bad Ending, 2 "Joke" endings, and 2 "Real" endings. It's pretty rad, and one of...I wanna say like 4 Tales games with multiple endings. The others are Tales of Destiny 2 (where if you won a certain fight, the game automatically ends with your dudes still happily adventuring along, instead of getting captured), Dawn of the New World (where depending on your actions / choices at various points throughout the game + your actions during the boss fight AFTER the final boss, you could get one of three endings), this game, and Tales of Zestiria (which is VERY odd. Basically at a certain point in the plot, you can find the main antagonist just chilling out in a certain field map. If you engaged and defeated him, then, well...let's just say you get the Bad Ending, but it is an ending).
And yeah, I guess Tales of Symphonia has up to 9 different endings, but that's not quite the same thing. It's like different flavors of the same ending, if you ask me.
But that's in the future. Before we get on with post-chapter 12 stuff, let's take a brief step back. This next part of the update brings us to the trail just outside of Fennmont, on the road to another Elite Monster.

In the Southwest branch, we have found our prey, namely the Krudis Eye.

Another ho-hum Elite Monster. Really nothing of worth to say about htis guy. Powerful attacks, long reach, etc. etc. nothing you haven't seen before. Though, this guy does have a tendency to get heavy stunned a lot.
That's it, though. A further survey of the area did not reveal any kitties, but we'll be back...eventually. This trail also leads to the Fennmont side of Fort Gandala, but yep...still closed.
Next order of business is the job Traces of Kinship, given by our old friend Aaron. Remember the Aaron job from way back? Me neither, but just accept the job and bring 3 Everblooms to the front of the Spirius Building.

Oh brother. Anyway, back to the present.

Remember the Voltea Woods? It was a quiet little sylvan glenn that we briefly visited a few updates ago. One branch leads to the Old Vicalle Mine, the other leads to the Felgana Mine, which you had to go to during the course of Xillia 1's events (to get a special ore that would help with a newly wheelchair-bound Milla. Long story).

Shocking, I know, the enviornment here. Instead of normal gathering points, you'll find these kinds of rocks, where you can harvest up to three different crafting materials from them. Let's get a move on. This place isn't as big as you thought, and if you get lost, you can always use the map to find your way around.

Soon after you arrive in the next area, you'll find this well-hidden kitty. Well, well-hidden, except for the part where it loudly meows in its sleep.

After a generic battle, I got a call from Nova about payment. I was only ~19,000 over the 150,000 gald line, but hey, might as well.

So it's come to this...the end of our long journey. Sure, we've got some loose ends, but we'll take care of them in Canaan, I think. Also, the choice during this skit doesn't matter.

Hey, remember this guy from the Nala Lava Tubes? He's also hanging out in the mines for some reason, and just like his weapon shop in the Tubes, it'll only open after winning a certain difficulty level in the coliseum. We'll just have to keep him in mind for when that day arrives.

One of the easiest cats to find, assuming you ever bother coming here in the first place, and heading to the deepest part of the mine. Not even for character quests, you NEVER need to come here, but hey. Not gonna say no to more cats.

Or Elite Monsters, ripe for the killing. Let's take this guy. Hammerzamm

Yeah...he was almost killed in a single combo. I got nothing for this guy, but based on the order of his appearance in the Elite Monster list, I guess it's not that inexcusable. We really were spoiled by Victor, huh? This guy lasted for 63 seconds. Don't worry, though. We're going to be getting an awesome boss next update.
Other than that, there's a couple chests in here. One has Peak, an Earth-based Extractor, and...Beetle Legs, in the other. Well, at least we cleared out this location fast.

Other business this update includes taking down 5 Blade Beaks for the next Tatalian Abyss Hassle job. Luckily, when it says "Defeat x (monster)" it means that. So, it's not five Blade Beaks wandering around in the field, which might take a while. If you're lucky enough to have 5 of them in a single fight, like I did for this one, you can complete the job in one fight.

Turning in the above jobs, as well as several others, got me way more gald than I was thinking. So, a forced payment for goodies in Ludger's mailbox. We'll get around to it. This is about the point in the game where you start getting 10-16k for a single job. Like, I turned in ONE Beautiful Feather for 15,810 gald and 3083. merit points I like that kinda math.
But, the reason we're in Fennmont is for Alvin's fourth chapter. Yikes, that far already, huh? He's only got one more.

A troubled man

L1 will raise Little Alvie's affection, but it's not the one I went through in this timeline.

Thankfully for Alvin, a phone call.

Well, married to her job, and all...

A familiar fractured dimension

Is that...

I think L1 goes without saying. The better question, of course, is...

Alvin is correct about all that. The context for those three being in Nia Khera right now is that after the brouhaha on-board on the ESS Zenethra, the death of Gilland, and Milla's crossing over into the Spirit Realm (it was a busy day), Alvin and Jude ended up in Hamil, where they got into a fight. After a boss fight you (playing as Jude) could win or lose (though I lost my last time. Turns out when you're on Hard and all damage is x2, works against you), Jude's side of the party, which did not include Milla or Alvin, ended up heading to the Hallowmont to try and link up with Milla again.
Right about now, Jude's team is probably fighting Ivar and a Wyvern, who set up shop right in front of Milla's domicile. Obviously, they won, and proceeded up the mountain. Alvin did not join Presa and Agria for the battle at the summit, which, as noted before, ended with the death of those two.
Well, you can mess around in Nia Khera all you want, but we're headed to the shrine. Literally nothing of interest happened on the way there. Though, the shop here in Nia Khera has some nice weapons for Ludger, Elize, and Alvin (as well as Gaius, who I brought along for this fractured dimension), so yeah, upgrade if you have the cash and will to do so. Let's move on over to the Shrine already...

Oh, there was a skit on the way. First choice doesn't matter, but R1 on the second will raise Leia's affection.

The last farewell

Those two run off...

Smooth... But to be fair, there's no easy way to do this.

Oh boy. This is...not gonna end well. For anyone.

He fires again, but Ludger moves to block.

Jesus. So, not only is Presa mortally wounded, but it's at the hands of a clearly emotionally disturbed Alvin, who has just come from fighting with his former comrades. There's no easy way out of this for anyone, but... This is a fractured dimension. It, all of its people, and its history, will be destroyed soon.
Well, although we've seen Agria in battle before, we haven't seen an enemy Alvin, except for when Alvin has been hit with Confusion, and I'm sorry, that just doesn't count. As you might expect, Alvin (Fractured) focuses on heavy, slow strikes, backed up by a considerable amount of gunfire. Even waiting for an opening is usually not good enough, because of how quickly he can switch between long and short range.

Of course, we can't forget about Agria, but she is definitely the weakest link here. I'd say focus your fire on Agria, take her out ASAP, then focus on Alvin. Alvin without any backup is asking for trouble, because his sluggish movement will afford ample opportunity to chase him down and back him into a corner.

Standard line about Power Combo MAs doing one whole hell of a lot of damage, just on their own. Actually, Leia's MA, Soulstroke Celebration, is another connection this game (will eventually) have to Tales of Zestiria. If you got the costume preorder DLC I mentioned a few updates ago, that set also included three Tales Classic Mystic Artes for Zestiria characters. One of those characters, a spearswoman known as Alisha, got Soulstroke as her Classic.

Still, even with Agria down, this fight will still take a bit, since Alvin has a lot of health and it doesn't go down quickly. Still, there's really nothing else to comment on here. Oh yeah, and if he goes into Over Limit and uses one of his Arcane Artes (indicated by a red ! above his head just before he uses it), and it connects with a character who is not blocking, he will launch his Mystic Arte, Terminus Pride. Nasty business, that.
However, it should be noted the enemy cannot launch their Mystic Artes during a Chromatus usage.

Actually, Xillia 1 Alvin went down thanks to a status effect I inflicted on him. Probably the one time this LP that'll happen. Anyway, don't see the next scene being much happier than the last...

L1 will give you a mondo boost to Alvin's affection, so yeah, that's what we're gonna do.

Resolution at last

I think even a damn fool could figure out R1 without having to say it, so we'll do our buddy a solid with L1. Whatever you gotta do.

Update 25 alternate choice compilation
Update 24 / 25 victory compilation