Part 28: The Man Who Chooses
Part XXVIII: The Man Who Chooses
Bisley's present
So this is yet another really big chapter, really the penultimate before the game kicks into the final act. This was not an altogether fun update to record, though, but you'll enjoy it, without all the tedious crap that burdens me so. This update begins, as you might expect, in the lobby of the Spirius Corporation.

Yeah, see, they're with me. That makes them authorized. More to the point, assuring them of that fact will raise Milla and Jude's affections.

Vera automatically brings us to the 40th floor, just outside Bisley's office. This...sounds important.

Message from the boss

Well...1,000,000 catalysts divided by 2000 (we'll just say, since that's the only number we've been given), is 500 catalysts a year. More than a catalyst a day is a tall order, but there's very likely more fractured dimensions than we can possibly guess at. Still, humanity hasn't failed...yet.

But at this kinda awkward moment, a phone call.

And Ludger just hangs up. Probably for the best. Nova will bounce back.

Milla is highly unamused. Choose your next words carefully.

Though, to be completely fair to Vera, I'm not sure why we're questioning Vera about this. It's clear she's a pretty low-level grunt for Bisley, and probably does not know anything of particular worth. I mean, I coulda told you Bisley was headed for Canaan.

Then again...maybe she does know more than she's letting on.

Well...this is all pretty shady, huh? Bisley heads to Canaan to use Elle as a human weapon against Chronos, we're made VP, and we've...basically taken over Spirius until further notice. Huh. Well, we can't exactly leave things like this...can we?

Well, Ludger needs a snack to calm down. Bisley's desk has just the thing. It's fun to go on a little treasure hunt looking for all the Gaius Dumplings in the game, but...there's absolutely no point when there's Kanbalar Kitty Dispatch.
Well, the game doesn't exactly give us an idea where we go next, but hey, why not walk around OUR company?

Bisley's plan
On the 30th floor, we have this jackass. Maybe now that it's 1-1, he'll be a little nicer. Fat chance, but hey.

Yeah, we can't let that last thing he said slide. Gotta shake him down for more info.

Whoa...heavy. Well, might as well get more info about this wife. I think Ludger heard him loud and clear.

And if that "few generations" line made it seem like Elle's status was a plothole, there ya go. Elle's from a fractured dimension, so that would explain that detail.

A phone call... This oughta be good. least know the WHY of what's going on. Maybe he can explain himself, and at the same time, this choice will raise his affection. Fun fact: this is the last choice that can raise Bisley's affection. Even if I don't get Bisley's special weapon this playthrough, it doesn't matter, since NPC affection levels are carried over with that one choice in the Grade Shop, same as the normal playable characters.

She hangs up...

Ludger dials back, and...

Well...this ain't good. Not good... But we can't leave things like this, can we? Let's head back to the lobby and see what Jude and Milla have to say about things.

On the same floor, you can stop by this office and chat with a bunch of the staff here. They've got all sorts of neat stuff to say, like this person, confirming Victor was not using his own watch. Or that spirit energy of the Prime Dimension has been spreading wildly (which can't be good). Or that chromatus bearers who become divergence catalysts either retain their normal, human selves (like Victor did), or they take control of other people or objects (like the Nachtigal dimension from a few updates ago, or the Evil Rowen from the chapter that introduced our elderly friend). To quote,

The last just makes a "dimensions as bubbles" analogy that I don't think I'll waste your time with, in otherwise very busy update. By the way, as a reminder, the console in this room that's beeping has a control code for the underground training area. This code is not the same, and will be different depending on the individual game you're playing.
But, if you didn't know that, or don't remember the code, don't worry too much about it. I'll explain why soon.

Ludger's resolve

Fade to black, of course...

Well, you know, it makes a certain degree of sense. For a man who obviously resents the spirits as much as Bakur does, what better punishment for them would be to completely turn the tables on their game and make them end up the losers in a game they, or at least Chronos, thought they couldnt lose?

Believe it or not, choose wisely here. Your decision here will dramatically impact what happens immediately after this to *quite* a significant degree. There's no "wrong" choice, but L1 will increase Jude's affection and R1 will do the same for Milla. As for why, well... I went with L1 for now.

A showdown against Jude Mathis?! Yes, indeed. If you choose R1, you'll fight Milla instead. I'm not entirely sure which is the harder fight (actually, Milla is the considerably harder fight, just because of the range of some her artes, especially Gnome), but those who were fortunate and dedicated enough to make it to the Xillia 1 coliseum fights should be familiar with how to fight the good doctor. Jude will focus heavily on combos. While a single combo isn't likely to bring you to your knees, he'll chain more powerful combos can you think.
Be especially way when he goes into a counterattacking stance, If you are close to him when he does that, he'll automatically launch Soaring Vortex, which will break through any block and throw you into the air, which Jude can hit quite easily with Swallow Dance, or other aerial artes. You're going to want to watch out for that one.

Cyclonic Surge in particular is pretty dangerous, even moreso than Soaring Vortex, because it throws you and Jude into the air, where he can very quickly follow up with more artes, or a Surge spam.

When he's about at 50% HP (or you at 1 HP), he'll automatically throw out his Mystic Arte. Don't worry. It won't kill you, and it's not supposed to.

Party time is over! To finish this, just use your Chromatus Mystic Arte against him.

That...could have gone better.

As you might expect, Milla has her own version of these events, that you'll just have to watch the *extensive* alternate choice compilation to get the lowdown on what happened in that timeline. However, we are on this one, where Ludger states the obvious about Jude's intentions. Not that he doesn't appreciate it.

A klaxon warning goes out, however...

Trouble in paradise, boys?

Well...ain't this a right pickle.

Giving everyone the information that'll save their lives increases Gaius and Muzet's affections. Still, though, R1 would be fun...

And this is another big choice. It'll determine who accompanies you for a bit, Jude or Milla. Who volunteers should be pretty obvious, and will raise their respective affections, but on this timeline, Ludger volunteered Jude for this dangerous job. He should be fine, I think. Maybe.

That was too close... Well, once you're on the bottom floor, you'll get a new skit where the choice doesn't matter, but never mind that, we're headed to the training ground where Bisley introduced Ludger to the Chromatus all that time ago.

And here we are. The terminal to Ludger's right will allow you to destroy all those little robots (and have them drop a bunch of Magical Ore where they once were) and open all the doors, so you can blow past this part in seconds. If you don't know the code or forgot it, well...hope you have some spare time on your hands, as you will have to go through...I dunno, about 10 required fights or so to get to the first pseudo-dungeon of the game.

But don't move too fast. In the final room, you can take a little detour to open two nice chests: one of them has a Thief's Cape, which is eh, but the other has a Sephira, which is an accessory that'll give you 50% more gald if at least one of your in-battle dudes is wearing it throughout the entire fight.

Ah, memories. Well, we could rush forward to the exit, but do take the time to explore a bit. You can find a Platinum Cloak, a Life Bottle, Mythril Armor, and...

Boris the Cat! Once you've finished exploring old haunts, head toward the door, and...


As you might expect, Muzet's line is the start of a bonus scene.

Both choices will raise Muzet's affection, but L1 will raise it by more. Milla seems to be both a mother figure and a sister to Muzet. Interesting.

Alright, so...this is actually a pretty hard fight. While neither Ivar nor Rideaux (sorry, those implants clearly are not particularly helping) are really powerful, they're very much aided by a bunch of annoying Spirius grunts who will provide much needed distraction from the main event.
My advice would be to partner up with Gaius or Milla / Jude, and go around and take out the grunts before focusing on the real bosses. The Chromatus is a very good way to do this, but be aware Rideaux and / or Ivar will probably knock you out of it prematurely. If you can take down, or at least severely wound, two of them, that's perfectly fine. Once the Spirius guys are down, the fight becomes considerably easier.

Once it becomes a 4-2 fight, it's up to you which one you want to focus on next. Rideaux is weak to the Big 4 Elements and Light, which makes it pretty easy to stagger him by this point in the game. Ivar isn't weak to as much, but he has lower HP, so you may want to focus on him next. It's really up to you.
I decided to go after Ivar first, and managed to badly wound him with a Chromatus Combo. He didn't last long after that.

Rideaux just didn't have a chance on his own. Sorry duder, that's 0-3 for you.

Both Ivar and Rideaux also have Mystic Artes, that, annoyingly enough, they did not feel necessary to use in this climactic showdown. I did get Rideaux to use his Mystic Arte, but you'll have to check it out in the "Alternate choice" video for that one, since this part's dialogue is considerably different if you have Jude in tow.

This begins another bonus scene. This time, for Gaius.

Much as I'd like this to be goodbye for us, it's worth pointing L1 out to Gaius.

Some time later...

He's um...he's in trouble.

To Trigleph...again

A phone call, but who could it be from? Hopefully not Nova again...

L1 all the way. Julius has quite the sense of timing.

And he's gone, as quickly as he showed up...

Oh boy. This is sure to be a good one.

Well, at least she acts the part...
Update 28 alternate choice compilation