Part 13: Choral Castle (Part II)

: It was no walk in the park, that's for sure.

: Luke was so heroic! ♥

: ...Heh heh, was I really that good?

: Except for the getting kidnapped part.

: Shut up!

: Oracle Knights Commandant Dorian General Van Grants gave me a message for you. He's currently meeting with Lieutenant General Almandine, commander of the Kaitzur area. He would like you to come to the meeting hall later, at your convenience. As for the ship, repairs are proceeding smoothly.

: Keep up the good work.

: Thank you. I'll get back to the repairs now!

: Where do they hold meetings?

: There should be a guest room down by the port.

: Okay, let's go check it out.
Skit: How to Cure Guy

: Hmm...

: What are you up to, Anise?

: Plotting to murder Tear, perhaps? Eliminate an obstacle to marrying Luke?

: Of course not! I'd never do anything like that! It's about Guy...

: Ah, his fear of women?

: You saw how seriously terrified he was. It's like I can't really tease him anymore...

: ...Seriously terrified, huh.

: Whoa!

: ...Don't worry about it. Not to quote Ion or anything, but perhaps being teased during this journey might help me get over it.

: Well, he reacted quite strongly when you grabbed him from behind. As long as you avoid that, you should be fine.

: Right. Here we go! Coochie coochie coochie coochie coochie.....

: S-stop that! Cut it out! No, don't! Ack! No! Please! Stooooooooooop!!


: Coochie coochie coochie coochie coochie coochie....

: ..Th-that's enough already! And you stay out of this, Jade!

: ...Nibble.

Right, enough of... that.
There's a vendor nearby who introduces us to some of the economic elements of Tales of the Abyss. When items are very high in demand, certain vendors might be sold out of that item. It generally just means that if you come back later, they'll be selling that item.


: You don't remember? I visited your mansion in Baticul once when you were young. I'm Almandine.

: Sorry, don't remember you.

: Oh, well. You were still a small boy at the time.
Almandine's voice actor makes him sound so crestfallen.

: Fon Master, I've informed Count Almandine about the incident with Arietta.

: Please forgive my servant's mistakes.

: I hope I can expect Daath to deal with the matter in good faith.

: Say, could you send a message to my father?

: A message? If we use a carrier pigeon, I belive we could get a message there before you arrive, but...?

: That's fine. Tell him I'm bringing Fon master Ion and Colonel jade Curtiss of Malkuth, and that-

: Luke. Your lack of prudence is truly astounding.

: Colonel Curtiss... you mean to say this is Jade the Necromancer?
You really have no excuse, buddy. He's plainly got a Malkuth military officer's uniform on.

: That's correct. My deepest apologies for not introducing myself. I carry a letter of peace on behalf of His Majesty, Peony the Ninth, Emperor of Malkuth.

: ...Your entourage is smaller than I would expect.

: We've suffered a great deal of interference. I hope you can forgive us.

: These guys saved me. Put in a good word for them.

: ...All right, I'll send a carrier pigeon to the mainland at once. The ship will be ready to leave by tomorrow, so please get some rest here in the port tonight.

: Thank you.
Diplomacy: Not Luke's strong suit.
Skit: Night at Kaitzur Port

: Finally! Now I can get back home. This was one tough trip.

: It's too early to start relaxing.

: How come?

: The Oracle Knights may attack again.

: They sure like getting in our way, don't they? Damn, they're a pain...

: Don't worry, we'll be fine!

: I sure hope so...
That's pretty much it for Kaitzur. Let's finally push off.

: Yeah.

: Have a safe trip!
So here we are, on the... wait, these are just the textures from the Tartarus!
Awaken... Hurry... Heed my voice...

: Oww!
The headache subsides, and we continue on.

: He asks that you wait on the deck.

: Master Van? Okay.
Skit: Look at all that Water!

: My first boat trip, and I get those stupid headaches again... *sigh* But I guess the sea isn't all that bad...

: Wow, look! There's water all around us!

: Would you shut up, already! Damn, you're annoying!

: Mieu... but this is my first trip to sea. I'm just surprised...

: Tch... what's so great about water, anyway? I'm totally bored here. There's nothing to do.

: But Master, you just said the sea wasn't that bad!

: Stupid Thing! Are you calling me a liar? Huh?!

: M-mieu...
So we're supposed to go meet Van, but all our party members are hanging out around the boat, so let's go chat!

: I told you, I don't remember any of that. That was before I was kidnapped.

: ...Yeah. You're right. I mean, you're completely different.

: Huh?

: Ah, I'm just glad you're you.
Oh Guy.
Jade's taken up the wheel, apparently.

: Huh? What are you talking about?

: Never mind... it was a stupid question. Forget I said anything.

: Some day, you may hate me enough to want to kill me... or perhaps you already do.
...Anybody else get the feeling we're not being told something important? Again?
Heading outside to the deck gets our title card. Fancy!

: Don't worry. I'll explain everything to my uncle. I'll ask Father and Mother to help, too.

: That's right, your mother is His Majesty's younger sister.

: Yep. So relax.

: I feel so sorry about what we did to Arietta...
I don't.

: What?

: What do you think of Tear?
This affects nothing, but it's pretty funny regardless. I know what any sane man would say, but what would
Luke say?

: She's annoying.

: That's not very nice.

: But I guess that means I still have a chance, so I'm kind of happy... ♥ Heh heh.

: ...I love you, Luke! ♥

: Aaah! Don't say weird stuff like that!

: You're so cute, Luke! ♥
Ugh... anyway, speaking of Tear:

: I remember you talking about Seventh Fonists before. What does that mean, anyway?

: Didn't you tutors teach you?

: How should I know? I don't remember!

: But you lost your memory seven years ago, right? Haven't you studied since then?


: ...All matter contains fonons basic particles of sound. Fonons are divided into six elements.

: What, you decided to explain it after all?

: Combining fonons with memory particles from the planet's core yields an enormous amount of energy. A device was made to supply fuel to the world by passing those particles through the fon belt. That's what's known as the Planet Storm.

: Sounds complicated. So...?

: The Planet Storm caused a mutation in the six fonon elements and the memory particles. And that was the birth of the seventh fonon. Those who use it to perform fonic artes are called seventh fonists.

: I don't know what to make out of that story, but I'm no fonist.

: But you caused a hyperresonance with me. You're capable of using the seventh fonon. That's something you're born with.

: Right, there are very few seventh fonists. Scorers those who read the Score and healers are both seventh fonists.

: So, basically, it means special fonists who use a special fonon.

: I'm sorry.

: Huh? What's with you all of a sudden?

: I don't think I've been taking your memory loss very seriously. I've been unkind to you this whole time. I'm ashamed of myself...

: I-it's okay, it's not really a...

: I'm really sorry.

: Why am I moving...?

: Wh-who the hell are you?!
Show me your power... the same power as mine...

: Wh-what's going on?! No! Stop!

: Calm down. Take a deep breath... that's it. Now, focus your mind on the tips of your fingers. Luke, listen to my voice. Now, relax, just like that...
And we fade to black.

: I would presume a hyperresonance occurred.

: A hyperresonance? You mean that thing that blew us to Tataroo Valley?

: Yes, that was also the power of hyperresonance, though in an incomplete form.

: Master... what's happening to me?

: Haven't you ever wondered about your kidnapping and the way you've been forbidden to leave the mansion?

: That's because, you know, my father's worried about me...

: No. It's to keep you the only person in the world capable of causing a hyperresonance on his own on a short leash here in Kimlasca.

: Wait, Master, hold on. I don't understand what you're saying. Just what is a 'hyperresonance' anyway?

: A hyperresonance is a power that occurs when two seventh fonons interact. It can destroy and reform any matter. Normally it occurs only under special conditions, with two seventh fonists present.

: But I can cause it by myself? Like what just happened?

: Yes. With training, you could control it at will. It would be useful in war. Your father and the King both know that. That's why Malkuth wanted you.

: Are you saying I've been held captive in my own home as a weapon?!

: Well, your engagement to Princess Natalia means your holding cell will likely change to the castle.

: I refuse to accept that! Yeah, it can be annoying outside, but staying trapped in my home, just to be used in some war...?

: If we do that, it will establish your status as a hero who preserved the peace. At the very least, you should be set free from your unfair imprisonment.

: You think so? You really think so, Master?

: The power of hyperresonance will make you a hero.

: Looks like we've arrived. Here we'll change ships for one headed to Baticul. Cheer up, Luke. A sullen face isn't becoming of a future hero.

: ...Right!
that was certainly a plot dump! Like people in the thread have been saying, this game really picks up once you
get out of Midgar finally get to Baticul.

: What? I want you to come with us!

: I'll head for Baticul later. Don't be selfish, Luke.

: But...


: The ship leaves port form the Kimlascan side. Inquire at the Kimlascan consulate. I'll see you again in Baticul. Tear, please look after Luke for me.

: Oh... R-right!
Chesedonia is-
...Pretty much that!

: Shut up, Thing!

But he's so cute...
Skit: I'll be a hero!

: The seventh fonon... hyperresonance... dammit, I'm not a tool to be locked up until I'm needed!

: If I can prove myself by stopping the war, they'll make me a hero, and then I'll be free...

: Luke? Is something wrong?

: Huh? Oh, no! Nothing at all. Let's go stop that war!

: Y-yes, of course.
Chesedonia is the biggest city we've been to yet, which makes sense since it's one of the handful of main cities in the game. There's about a million merchants you can buy a variety of stuffs from, and a few sidequests for us to update or start. Of course, they're just as obtuse as the ones we've seen so far.

: Huh? Wh-what do you want?

: Come on. You have such a pretty face. Don't ruin it by frowning like that.

: Oh no... some old lady is after my Luke!

: Oh my, pardon me little girl. I didn't mean to interfere. I'll be on my way.

: Stop.

: Hmm?

: ...Return what you stole.

: Huh? Hey! My wallet's gone!

: ..Humph. So you're not all chumps, huh?

: Don't move. If you return what you stole, I'll release you unharmed.
is it with this game and quirky mini-boss squads?

: They're the Dark Wings?! If I'd known that, I'd have cut them to pieces!

: Yes, after all, you did a great job of protecting your wallet.

: ...
Another notch on the

counter for Tear.

: By the way Colonel, why did you just stand by and watch as she did that?

: Oh no, you got me. It looked like it would be so amusing...

: What that?! You jerk!
Meanwhile, Jade refuses to go an update without earning an
Skit: The Center of Trade

: Wow, this place sure is packed.

: Well, you've got stuff coming in from all over the world. Agricultural products, medicines things like that from Malkuth all pass through the consulate here in Chesedonia. Likewise for products exported from Kimlasca.

: That distribution system supports all those meals you've had.

: Wow, all that food must've had a long trip.

: Kind of like us.

: So we're vegetables now?
This is more fleshing out the world, here. After all, how do you explain how goods flow between the two warring empires that hate one another? A neutral state in between that has its economy based around trading with the two empires.
Okay, so see this guy in blue, with his back turned to the camera? You recognize him right? Right? Oh come on, he was the one who gave us the coach ride back at Tataroo Valley! How could you forget... what was his name again? Oh right, he didn't have one.
Well, whatever. You certainly realized, just from looking at his back, that he was the trigger for one of the best side-quests in the game, and that you have to talk to him NOW, or lose your chance forever, right?

: For what?

: With the bridge out, I couldn't go back, but in Grand Chokmah that jewel you gave me sold for more than enough to pay for return passage by ship.

: You... you sold it...?

: Yeah, thanks a lot. You can use my coach anytime. Well, once they fix the bridge, anyway.

: Hey, something wrong?

: ...N-no, it's nothing.

: Huh?
Remember that idiot who sent us off to pay his dues after we burned his precious poster down? The next step in the process requires you to head into a back corner of the city, to talk to this guy who is not only behind a stall, but hidden partially by the camera due to the angle and there being a pole in the foreground in front of him. I swear to god I'm not making this shit up: did the devs just not want anybody to find any of their side-quests? This is fucking bananas.

: Is this it?

: Looks like it.

: Welcome! Are you here to become members?

: No! We came to pay the dues for a guy name 'Ayn'.

: Ah yes, the one in St. Binah. That'll be 1000 gald.

: 1000 gald?! It's not 200?!

: The yearly dues are 1000 gald, yes. Are you not going to pay?
...All right, but I swear to god there's going to be blood.

: ...Here!

: Thank you! Here's the newsletter. Give my regards to Ayn.

: I'm going to pulverize that guy!

: Stop. He may just have made a mistake. Wait until we make sure.

: Humph. Yeah, right!
One more time: see this merchant? Well you can go past him in to the totally obvious alley way that has every indication of being passable.
Back in this very obvious alleyway is Antlion man. He has a lovely multi-part quest that requires you to not only visit him at incredibly specific times in the plot with very strict cut off times, but also be able to provide him with specific sets of items each time you see him. If you fuck up one of these steps, the entire quest vanishes. This. Fucking. Game.

: What's with this guy?

: Me, Ant Lion Man!

: Ant Lion Man?

: Oh, I've heard of those. It's a magical creature from Fairy Tales of Auldrant.

: But that's just a story.

: Oh, well, does it really matter? The person inside the costume seems to enjoy playing the role.

: Me, Ant Lion Man. You, give me apple gel!

: Huh?

: Me give you good thing in return.

: Well, okay. Here you go.
He immediately throws it into the sandtrap.

: Hey, don't throw it away...

: This be good thing in return.

: Hey, it really is something good.
Eh, it cures poison.

: I don't quite understand what that was about, but let's go ahead and take it.

: Let's play again some time.
That's it for side-quests at the moment.
Remember how I said you could carry gald over from previous play throughs? This guy is a pretty good reason to do so. He sells incredibly overpowered and overpriced equipment for everybody but Jade, I believe. If you're playing on Very Hard or Unknown, these things can be a great equalizer. They get surpassed in the mid-late game, but they'll pull their weight until then.
Once again I want to point out the differences in Kimlascan and Malkuth architecture. The Malkuth side of the city has a few fences and guards posted about. You go to the Kimlascan side, and immediately you see twice as many soldiers, reinforced metal structures and guard/sentry towers.
I screen-shotted the inside of the consulate for no other reason than the fact that it looks really good.
Of course, the Kimlascan Consul is anime Hitler surrounded by eight swords. Okay, Kimlasca.

: What's the status of the ship to Baticul?

: Preperations are currently underway. Why not partake in some sightseeing around town while you wait?

: Why don't we take this opportunity to investigate that fon disk?

: If you need a fon disk analysis machine, I believe Mr. Astor of the Chesedonia Merchants' Guild has one.

: Luke, let's stop by there for a minute. Tear'll probably be busy after we get back to Baticul and all.

: I do wonder what's on it.

: Hmm. Well, okay. I want to take a look around, anyway.
We'll be skipping the sightseeing tour, since during the side-quests we've more or less already did that. So let's just head to Astor's mansion.
Analyzing the Fon Disk

: Guy, what are you planning to do with that fon disk, anyway?

: Huh? Nothing in particular. I'm just curious as to what's on it. I figured there might be something interesting about the Six God-Generals...

: Yeah?

: Indeed, that's a definite possibility. Though it could, of course, be nothing more than a simple technological primer.

: Or maybe it's a diary...

: Yeah, right.

: You never know. Now that would certainly be an enjoyable find...

: Enjoyable?!

: Hah hah. Whatever it is, we'll have to wait for the analysis to find out for sure.

'Mansion' my ass, this is Astor's
Holy shit, watch this damn video. Astor's voice actor is a crop apart.

: If only you'd let me know you were coming, I'd have prepared a grand welcome for you...
Astor was, for whatever reason, cut from the Anime to my knowledge. However he's actually kind of important, so he gets the currently unique honor of getting a traditional portrait from his in-game model.

: It's fine, we're trying to keep a low profile. Also, I have a favor to ask you.

: Name it. The Chesedonia Merchants' Guild is always at your service, Fon Master.

: We want to read the data from this fon disk.

: Ion, you know this guy?

: It's thanks to the Fon Master that we were able to establish this place of exchange on the border.

: The Merchants' Guild contributes large amounts of money to Daath. In return, the Order enforces the recognition of Chesedonia as an autonomous state.
That's... a rather complex political structure for a video game. Kudos.

: You must be really right, Astor! ♥ I can't handle it! ♥ Wow, I wish I lived in a place like this! ♥

: Thanks.

: That's a lot.

: I guess we'll read them on the ship.

: Then let's be going. Thank you for your assistance.
Words can't describe this laugh. If you watched the video, you know what I mean. If you didn't watch the video,
watch the fucking video!
Skit: Almost Home

: Now we just have to get back to the consulate and sail back to Baticul.

: Well Luke, that should wrap up your Grand Adventure.

: Hey, quite it with the 'Grand Adventure' thing! Besides, I've still got stuff to do after we get back.

: Yeah, you've got an important job back in Baticul!

: Oh... right. Getting an audience with the King.

: And introducing me to your parents! ♥

: You want to meet them? Sure, go ahead.
Oh Luke, so naïve.

: Really? I can't believe it! Yes~! ♥

: Huh?
Have I mentioned yet how annoying I find Anise?

: Look out!
Sync got the disk, but Guy managed to save the documents we got from the analysis.

: Hand those over!

: Get this ship moving! Now!

: Excuse me?

: We're being chased, hurry!

: Looks like you blew this one, Sync!

: Oh. It's you.

: Leave the rest to me! With my ultra super hyper high-grade fonic technology, I'll flay that conniving, long-haired, four-eyes

: I marked the one named Guy with a curse slot. I can make him my puppet at any time. As for you, make sure you properly dispose of those documents from the fomicry project.

: Now, who do you think you are? Just you wait! I'm putting this down in my revenge journal!