Part 16: An Ambassador of Peace

: According to the Order of Lorelei's Score, though, there may be some slight rain later. A messenger arrived from Princess Natalia, requesting your presence in the castle.

: It's okay for me to leave the manor now?

: Yes, apparently so.
Skit: To the Castle

: What could Natalia want? She may have come here directly... could it have something to do with Uncle?

: Maybe it's about Master Van! But still... they sure let me out without much of a fuss.

: So... what was with these past seven years?
Hey hey! Freedom at last! Luke's moving on up in the world!
When you walk out the door, the six maids lined up bow to Luke in unison. It's pretty hilarious.
There isn't much to do at the moment besides head for the castle.

: Yes. It's likely that Luke will also wind up going there, and-

: What about me?

: Oh, greetings, Luke. We've been waiting for you. Colonel Curtiss is already waiting inside.

: ...Jade's here?

: Let's go.
Mohs voice actor does a good job of sounding forced polite. Mohs can barely contain his contempt, and I love it.

: An emergency assembly was called last night. We agreed to formalize a treaty with Malkuth.

: The letter from Malkuth contained the proposal for the peace treaty, but also a request for aid.

: There is a mining city in Malkuth called Akzeriuth. It is facing a crisis due to the miasma, the poison blight that seeps up from Gnome's domain.

: Malkuth can't rescue its own citizens because the miasma is blocking their road to Akzeriuth.

: But Akzeriuth was originally our territory. So, naturally, there's also a connecting road from the Kaitzur side. With that in mind, they requested our aid to protect their citizens.

: Yeah, helping their people would be a nice gesture, but what's that got to do with me?

: His Majesty has graciously assigned you the honor of becoming Kimlasca-Lanvaldear's goodwill ambassador.

: Me?! No! I've had enough fighting already!

: Natalia talked to me about Van.

: We too are uncertain of Van's guilt. Thus, we have a proposal. If you will travel to Akzeriuth as a goodwill ambassador, we will release Van and have him aid you.

: Master Van's been arrested?!

: He's being held beneath the castle.

: ...All right, if you'll set Master Van free...

: You become a lot more cooperative when Van is involved.

: ...Shut up.

: I'm glad you agreed to help. There's actually a reason why you must be the one to fulfill this role.

: ...What?

: Look at this fonstone. This is part of Yulia Jue's Sixth Fonstone, which fell into our nation's territory.

: Tear, read the Score that is written on the lower portion of this fonstone.

: ...Yes, Your Majesty.

: He shall be called, 'the light of the sacred flame,' and he will lead Kimlasca-Lanvaldear to new prosperity.
We already know this part of the Score, since it was read to us way back in the opening cutscene.

: ND2018. The young scion of Lorelei's power shall bring his people to the miner's city. There... and the rest is missing.

: That's sufficient. In other words, Luke, you are the chosen youth.
Haven't we heard that before?

: It pained us to confine you, but people sought you for your power. Now, though, it is time you became a hero.

Ah... it's just like Master Van said.

: A hero...

: What is it, Colonel?

: ...Nothing. Well, who shall accompany him besides me?

: The Order of Lorelei wishes to send along Tear and Van.

: Luke? Who would you like to take with you? You should take Guy with you as your personal attendant.
So Luke, Tear, Guy, Jade... you mean the exact same party we've had up till now? What a coincidence. All we need is some contrived reason for Anise to join us too, but what are the chances of that?

: I don't care, as long as Master Van's coming.

: I told you last night, that will not do!

: Uncle, my I go see Master Van?

: Do as you wish. I'll have the others who are to accompany you wait in front of the castle.
Better than Frightful One I guess.
Skit: Van Imprisoned

: So Master Van really was captured.... but me, a good will ambassador?

: ...If saving the people in Akzeriuth will free Van, I'll do it. Besides if the treaty goes through I might become a hero...

: Then maybe they'd let me free. It's just like Master Van said! I can't wait to tell him about this!
Now the fun part is that nobody tells you where the dungeon is. I spent like half an hour wandering around this place my first play though, looking for the damn thing.
For the record, it's to the left and all the way down the hall.

: I've provided him a summary of what's happened.

: ...Huh?

: Luke... will you join me as a member of the Oracle Knights?

: What are you talking about?

: You probably assumed this trip to Akzeriuth was a simple matter. But in fulfilling that role you will become Kimlasca's pet dog, trapped on a leash in Baticul for the rest of your life.

: Why? You're the one who told me I'd be free if I became a hero.

: But going to Akzeriuth won't do. You heard Yulia Jue's Score, did you not?

: Yeah. It said I'd bring prosperity to Kimlasca and stuff.

: The Score continues. 'The youth will turn power to calamity and be as a weapon of Kimlasca.' Those in the upper ranks of the Order believe you will bring war to the Rugnica Plains.

: Me, bring war? That's ridiculous!

: Yulia's Score has never been wrong. Not once. I want to save you before you're used for war!

: This is what the Score says: you will take the people of Akzeriuth and move them away. As a result, war will break out. So what you must do is remove the miasma without moving the citizens of Akzeriuth.

: The miasma is that poison stuff, right? How can I do that...?

: Cause a hyperresonance and neutralize the miasma. After that, you can run away with me to Daath. With that, war will be averted and you'll obtain your freedom.

: I wonder if I can. I don't know if I can cause a hyperresonance on my own.

: I'll help you, like I did onboard the ship when I calmed your hyperresonance.

: ...Okay, I'll try.

: You mustn't tell anybody of this plan until right before we put it into action.

: Master? How come you're so nice to me?

: ...Ah, that's right. That was lost with the rest of your memory.

: Did I say something before?

: When you were young, you told me you wanted to go to Daath with me. You underwent cruel experiments for the purpose of hyperresonance research, and you wanted to run away from this country.

: YOU kidnapped me?! Not Malkuth?!

: This time, I won't fail. I need you.

: That's the first time anyone's ever told me they needed me.

: You're the only one who's ever praised me and scolded me and taken me seriously. Master... I'll join you!

: Good, then let's be going. To seize your future.

: Yeah!
Skit: Luke and Van

: Heh heh...

: What is it, Luke?

: I was just thinking about going to Akzeriuth. I'm all excited! This is the first time I've gone anywhere with you, Master Van!

: I see... it's not the first time, though.

: Huh? But I-

: Don't worry about it. There's no need to concern yourself with things you can't remember. It's time to start acting for the future.

: Right!

: And be very careful not to let anyone guess at our plans.

: I will!
So yeah, Van's in skits! I know what you're thinking: doesn't that mean Van has skit portraits I could be using. He does indeed, but he only has two expressions and honestly his portrait looks a little stupid in my opinion. Here it is for refference.
I don't know. Something about his hair. Eh.
Interestingly, in the Japanese version of the game Van apparently joins your party here. He has stats and everything, too. You never actually get to fight with him, and this little oddity is removed from other versions. I tried for the life of me to find a shot of this, but to no avail. Oh well.
Anyway, Van's been busted out of the slammer, so let's get this mission underway.

: I've been informed of the situation. When do we leave?

: Jade says he has a proposal about that.

: I'm a little uncomfortable telling Dorian General Grants about it, but... oh well.

: Oracle ships are watching the Central Ocean. It's likely an attempt by the Grand Maestro faction to interfere.

: Colonel...

: It's a fact. Well, we don't know that it's the Grand Maestro faction. At any rate, going by sea would be dangerous.

: Then what should we do?

: Let's send a ship out as a decoy while we head to Chesedonia by land. The Rotelro Sea past Chesedonia is under Malkuth's control. It won't be difficult to head for Kaitzur by ship.

: I see. Then let's do this. I'll board the decoy ship.

: What?!

: It's been announced that I'll be part of the aid team, yes? The Oracle Knights are more likely to consider the ship to contain the true group if I am on board.

: That's fine with me. We have no choice but to trust you regardless of what we do.

: But!

: Luke. Don't you trust me?

: ...All right.

: Then I'll head for the port, now. Tear, you look after Luke.

: A smaller group will attract less attention. Let's not add any more people than we have now. I'll go make the necessary arrangements. Please wait for me at the entrance to the city.

: So that leaves the cold-blooded woman and the woman-hater...

: Hey, don't give people the wrong idea! I love women!

: I'm not sure shouting declarations that you're a womanizer is much better...

: T-that's not what I mean! What I mean is-

: Let's get going.
At any rate, Jade said we shouldn't pick up any more people. So let's just hurry up and get to the city before we run into-
Though I will admit, I always get a chuckle out of how she literally pushes Tear out of the way from Luke.

: Oh... I-I'm sorry. But don't worry Anise. I'm not with him because I want to be.

I think you mean

: Anise, shouldn't you be with Ion?

: Colonel! When I woke up this morning, his bed was empty. People said they had seen someone that looked like Ion leave the city with some circus performers...

: Circus performers? Don't tell me...

: Well this is a fine mess. It must be the Dark Wings.

: What?! Hey, now that you mention it, they HAD been talking with Oracle soldiers. They must be working together!

: Let's go get them!

: You can't! The God-General Sync is right outside the city.

: This is bad. If the Six God-Generals are outside, they'll find out that we're going by land.

: Huh? You're not going to Akzeriuth by ship?

: No, that's a decoy. Damn it, we've got to find a way out...

: Then take me with you on your way! If I can get outside the city, I can look for Ion!

: What do you think, Jade?

: I suppose we can't refuse her... it sounds like Mohs isn't involved in Ion's kidnapping this time.

: That's right. Mohs was mad.

: Then, Grand Maestro Mohs and the Six God-Generals really aren't connected...?

: Though, whether Mohs is trying to cause a war or not is a separate issue.

: What do the Six God-Generals want with Ion? He said they took him to that place called the Sephiroth, right?

: We don't have enough information to guess. Right now, we should concentrate on getting out of this city.

: Wait... I know a way. Let's go to the abandoned factory in the old part of the city. We can get there by aircar.

: The abandoned factory? Okay.
Skit: Taking Precautions

: And just when I thought I could take a trip with Master Van...

: We don't have much choice. The risk of being caught at sea is just too great.

: Indeed. The desert may be a harsh environment, but it will be easier to deal with attackers there.

: I thought we weren't going to get attacked in the first place!

: Yeah, but you've seen how persistent the Oracle Knights are.

: It certainly won't hurt to take precautions.
...I think this is a subtle hint that you should go do some shopping for supplies. I think.

: What is it?

: There's this place I've wanted to show Luke. Now that we have a chance, I'd like to take him.

: Me? Is it someplace fun?

: But Ion's in danger!

: I know, but remember that Luke has been stuck in his home for years. It'll also come in handy on our journey. Please?

: ...Well, make it quick, okay?

: Thanks Anise, everyone.

: What is this place?

: It's a civilian dojo. You like swords, right? You can practice a bunch of stuff here.

: This is a place to practice martial... hmm, what's this? You already possess some skill.

: You can tell?

: Well, you know. By the particular air he has about him... but I still see he has far to go.

: What did you say?

: Now now, a short temper will only do you harm. You are not weak. You merely lack creativity.

: Creativity?

: Yes, strike artes can have a variety of effects based on how you use them. Depending on how you polish your skills, you can form countless different artes.

: So what exactly do I need to do?

: That's what I'm about to tell you...
A little fade to black and...

: ...There you have it.

: I see. I'd heard many rumors about Kimlascan martial arts but... this is fascinating.

: Baticul has a rich tradition of martial arts. You will only find this arte here.

: We'd best be going now.

: This door is always open. I'm here to tell all I know to those who desire to learn.
Fon Slot Chambers are another new addition to Abyss. They're also unique to it, though I can't imagine why they were taken out. Basically, it is a system that lets you alter any arte you know in sightly different ways. There are four types of chambers: Red, Blue, Green and Yellow. Red chambers add additional damage to offensive artes and strengthen the healing of buffing effects of support artes. Blue increase knockback and stun powers of an arte. Green either reduces TP to cast, or adds a new effect to certain artes, most notably it can be used to give Luke and Anise the ability to heal themselves. Finally yellow gives you a chance to trigger an altered arte even if the Field of Fonons you're standing in hasn't become strong enough to take on a color yet. Red and Blue chambers are common, green less so, and yellow very rare.
Also, the chance of the chamber effect increases the more the arte in question is used. This old man gives us a red chamber, and we'll find more along the way.
This is also the last new battle mechanic the game throws at us.
Skit: Just Ask Guy

: Let's hurry up and find Ion!

: Yes. We'll have to go through the abandoned factory Guy was talking about.

: Guy, what's the best way for us to get there?

: You remember the platform across from the aircar to the port, where a guard was standing? That's for the aircar that goes to the factory.

: Supposedly, the workers used it back when the factory was in operation. But ever since it was closed, it's been off limits.

: Hey Guy, how come you know so much?

: Well... back when I was a kid, I always liked going to places I'd never seen, and I just happened to come across the factory. I didn't think it was much of anything at the time.

: Huh... is that so.

: Come on, let's go already!

: Yes, that's enough chatting you two.
This helpful skit actually tells us where to go! So let's go.

: A soldier? Why?

: This place is off-limits.

: Are you people going to the abandoned factory too? I just saw another young lady get on the aircar a moment ago. I wonder why that place is so popular all of a sudden...

: Hmm? So someone else is headed there, too?

: Does it matter? Let's just get on this thing and go.
For once, I'm with Luke.
Welcome to our new dungeon. I'll be frank: I really don't like this dungeon. It's not the worst by far, but the aesthetic is boring and monochrome, and the gimmick is somehow very simplistic yet annoying at the same time. Luckily it's also very short and can be torn through in a few minutes.

: If we go in through here, we should be able to make it out through the crater wall.

: Yes, of course. If this was a factory, then...

: There would have to be a facility to dispose of waste water.

: Exactly. The sewage facility here doesn't work anymore, but we should be able to go through it.

: What are you doing here? And why are you dressed like that?

: Why do you think? Two bitter enemies are finally about to make peace. This is no time for a princess to be sitting at home.

: Are you stupid? The world outside is no place for a spoiled little girl.
Coming from a spoiled little boy.

: You may wind up having to fight people, you know. Not just monsters.

: Three years ago, at the battle in northern Chesedonia, I paid a visit to encourage the troops. I'm prepared for battle.

: Raising morale and actually fighting are two different things. You're probably better off staying behind.

: With all due respect, I'm afraid I have to agree.

: Your Highness, I think it would be best if you returned to the castle...

: Silence! I am a master of Lanvaldear-style archery! I'm also a studied healer!

: Anybody else think I should rip daddy's little girl a new hole?

: How vulgar. You demonstrate your lack of refinement.

: This is some princess...

: Well now, this is getting fun.

: This is why women scare me...

: Look, whatever! Just don't follow us!

: ...What are you talking about?

: I overheard you talking to Dorian General Grants beneath the castle...

: How much did you hear?!

: That he's the one who kidnapped you, and that you're going to flee to Daath.

: ...What about before that.

: I didn't hear anything else. I didn't go there to eavesdrop. I just thought I'd ask you to take me along with you.

: ...If I do, will you keep quiet about it?

: As long as you'll remember your promise to me even after you escape to Daath.

: ...Pinky swearing. I thought you hated that?

: Huh?

: ...Never mind.

: I'm sure we'll get along just fine.

: Luke... I can't believe you.

: Shut up! I'm the ambassador! What I say goes! Understand?!

: Oh, and everyone, please just speak normally with me and call me Natalia. Otherwise, people may find out that I'm the princess.
And with that, we've obtained our sixth (and final) party member.
Following the trend of new party members acting as foils to existing ones, Natalia is pretty much the exact opposite of Tear. She has no offensive fonic artes, but plenty of offensive, long range physical artes and pretty good physical attack with her bow. She also heals, but in a mirror image of Tear. Where Tear heals in a large area for small to moderate health, Natalia heals only one target at a time, but for large chunks of health.
To be honest I don't really use Natalia all that often since Tear is just that good, but she's definitely not a bad unit by any means. She really shines against lone bosses, since only one, maybe two people are bearing 95% of the damage and Natalia's single target, higher healing artes are better suited to the situation.
Right now however Natalia won't be joining us in battle. She starts with piss poor equipment, and her starting level is fixed at 10, meaning she's roughly ~12 levels behind the party. She'll catch up.
Skit: Keeping Secrets

: Natalia... you haven't told Uncle or Father about me and Van, right?

: No, I haven't.

: Really?

: Yes, really. If that's your decision, I have no intention of interfering with it. Nor am I the type of person to spread other peoples' secrets around.

: Whew... good. Make sure you keep it that way, okay?

: Are you not even going to inform Guy?

: ...No, Master Van said not to.

: I see... very well then.
There's a host of annoying enemies around in this dungeon, the main of which are these goddamn bats. They try to inflict poison at every opportunity and refuse to sit still.
Skit: Natalia, the Seventh Fonist

: Whew... I see that real battles never go as easily as training.

: So why don't you go back?

: No! I have no intention of returning to the castle! And besides, did my healing artes not prove useful just now?

: You have a point. Until now, we've had to rely on Tear for healing. Having another seventh fonist on the team like you would certainly be an asset.

: Guy! You can't be serious! She'll make you do everything!

: Luke! I trust you haven't forgotten our promise?

: Ah...

: I expect no further complaints from you, understood?

: Stupid stuck-up, wannabe queen.

: Be quiet!

: Ow! More like wannabe dictator...
So, this dungeon... what do I say about it? It's grey. And it has lots of ladders and pipes. It's also very grey. Did I mention the grey?
Yeah, sorry if I don't have much to say on it. I'll explain the gimmick once it comes up, but otherwise this one is a real wash.

: What? Are you tired already? How disappointing.

: T-that's not what I'm saying!

: Ugh, for a princess, she's got the stamina of a farm hand.

: Did you say something?

: Nothing!

: Fon Master Ion's been kidnapped, remember? Besides, we need to work as quicky as possible for the sake of all those who are suffering. Am I wrong?

: That's true, but this area is dark, so I think we should be a little cautious.

: She's right, Your Highness. Please, if you would, walk more slowly.

: Guy! I told you not to treat me as your princess!

: Oh, that's right. My humblest apolo- er... I mean, sorry.

: Natalia. The six of us are in this together. It's not right for everyone to cater to your needs. For the time being, at least, you've cast aside your status as royalty, correct?

: ...You're right, I'm sorry.

: Wow, never expected to hear her say that.

: I've heard enough out of you!

: Ah, it's so wonderful to see everyone come to understand on another.

: ...You need to get your ears checked.
Cobalt Chambers are blue chambers for the Fon Slot Chamber mechanic. They decrease TP consumption on artes they're linked to. Handy.
Oh, right, there are two gimmicks. The first is that you need to flip switches, but it's 'too dark' to see them, so you have to light barrels of oil on fire to provide light. Binary switches are just far too complicated to operate in darkness.
I will say though, the lighting is good for the PS2.
Skit: Natalia?! The Leader?!

: All right, everyone, let's hurry to Akzeriuth!

: Indeed.

: Right.

: Fine.

: Is it just me, or do the men seem particularly cooperative?

: I don't see any problem with that.

: I just wish they'd be like that for us.
The other annoying enemy in this dungeon are these things that look like moving piles of oil. They like to cast Acid Rain, which lowers all of your party's attributes, leaving you ripe for the bats to rip you a new one.
This is the second gimmick: this switch sends oil through either the left or right pipes, though it starts at the left. They talk it up like you'll need to change it back and forth to solve multiple puzzles, but really you only need to do one thing on each side.
I love the design of these cable cars.
There are two of these types of barrels in this dungeon, where you have to hit an oil droplet with fire as it falls into the barrel. Because of how sensitive the controls are and the camera angle, it's actually kind of annoyingly difficult to line up some times.
Here's the last puzzle in the dungeon, which combines both gimmicks. There's a pipe that bends here when you stand on it, and if you have the oil switched to run through the line, it spills out oil. Likewise there's an empty barrel on a platform up to the north that you have to push under the pipe. Then you pour oil into the barrel and hit a droplet to ignite it.
Again, lining up this barrel to the ledge is annoying because of the camera angle.
Skit: Can't We Just Get Along?

: Guy, are we still far from the exit?

: I don't know... this is the first time I've been in here myself.

: Between the dust and the oily smell, I don't like this place one bit.

: Then why don't you go back home?

: Absolutely not! Are you trying to get rid of me again?

: If you know you're not wanted, why don't you just leave...?

: What did you just say?

: Luke! Natalia's being mean to me!

: Luke! I cannot believe you're taking the side of that child!

: Child?!

: Child!

: ...That's enough. Could you all please be quiet?

: Hey, don't look at me.

: I... said... quiet! NOW!


: Luke gets to have all the fun...
Dammit Guy, I already have a favorite character in this game. Stop trying to compete.
Green save circle? Wonder what's up ahead.

: It smells greasy!

: Maybe it's from when the factory was running? No, it's too strong for that...

: Wait! I hear something... is something there?

: I don't hear anything.

: No, there's definitely something here. A monster?

: Look out!
Hard to convey in screenshots, but Tear just pushed Natalia out of the path of the giant jello mold.
In the grand style of chump bosses, Abaddon follows in the footsteps of Kaiser Dist. He's big, slow and easily stunlocked.
He does, however, have a few more tricks up his sleeve. He has a handful of dark fonic artes like Negative Gate. He also has a huge model that makes it difficult to see the casting circle underneath him, so he can easily catch you off guard with powerful magic.
Once you've damaged him enough however, Abaddon reveals his true form. That being a giant spider. Original. He is faster though without his goo, and also more mobile. He starts throwing in ground pounds and powerful stomps into his attack pattern.
But a chump is still a chump, and I beat in little more than a minute, and once again I didn't have to do anything fancy.

: It's not one I've seen around here before. The inside looked like a spider.

: Well, it's hardly surprising that an abandoned factory has a few spiders, but...

: The oil it was feeding on may have caused a mutation due to fonon activity.
Okay fuck you, you just spouted a completely nonsense statement and threw the word 'fonon' in to the mix.

: ...Tear?

: Yes?

: It's all right.

: No it's not. Don't drag us down, Natalia.

: I imagine it's down below... hmm?

: Hey, is that an emergency exit?

: Let's take a look.
Finally, fuck sewer levels.

: Okay. If we lower the ladder there, we should be able to get outside.

: Chesedonia lies across the desert. There should be an oasis midway, so we'll stop there to rest.

: Guy, you head down first. Catch me if I slip.

: ...You're telling me to do that knowing full well that I can't, right?

: I need you to get over your phobia, or we'll have problems once Luke and I are married.

: You can call off that silly engagement any time!

: Excuse me?!

: Luke, you're despicable.

: What?! Like this is my fault?!

: It's nice to see you all getting along so well.

: Are you blind?!
At any rate, we're out of the sewers now, so perhaps here would be a good time to st-

: Hand over Ion, NOW!

: It's

: I know!
Wow! What a twist, what a reveal! Asch and Luke look
exactly the same! That is it
would be a great reveal, had they not shown that fact off in the fucking
Opening Movie!

If you think about it, the developers went to a lot of trouble to make sure you never saw Asch's face until now. I'd like to think they did all that work only to see the Opening Movie come back from the animation studio, and they all collectively facepalmed. Jesus.

: ...What does this mean?

: By the way, they took Ion and left.

: Aaah! I let them get away!

: Regardless, we've now encountered the Six God-Generals. The decoy is a failure.

: Wouldn't we be better off returning to Baticul and going by ship?

: It would be a waste of time.

: Why?

: Father still doesn't trust Malkuth. He'll have sealed the port against invasion, once he dispatched the decoy.

: Let's go by land and search for Ion. If Ion were to die, it could affect the entire peace effort.

: It's your decision Luke. Will we search for Ion as we go by land? Or will we turn over Natalia to His Majesty and have him unseal the port?

: You can't do that! Luke! You KNOW what I mean!

: Gah! Shut up! Why am I the one deciding, anyway?

: You really are obnoxious... we go by land! We'll have all sorts of trouble if we don't take Natalia along.

: Ion... where could they have taken him?

: The landship was headed east of here, that's the direction of the Oasis.

: Yeah...

Man, that was creepy...