Part 18: Deo Range (Part I)
After our encounter with the God-Generals, the game dumps us out onto the map on the other side of a mountain range next to Baticul. From here, we can head West into the desert.
Interestingly there seems to be a glitch here that causes the map music to not play. I assume this was because the previous scene in the rain had no music, and for whatever reason they forgot to program it to start up again. This glitch fixes itself once you enter a battle or transition to a new area, however.
Skit: Asch the Bloody

: Asch the Bloody... he looked just like Luke.

: A long lost brother, maybe? I've never heard anything like that, but... Natalia, do you know anything about that?

: No, Duke Fabre only has one son.

: There's no point in thinking about it with no information to go on. Asking Asch directly would be the simplest route, but we have other priorities right now. Isn't that right?

: Yeah. I'm worried about Asch, but for now, we have to find Ion.

: We certainly do. And since it seems Asch is the one who has abducted Ion, perhaps we can get our question answered at the same time.

: Let's hope so. Anyway, we might as well start out for the Oasis.

: Let's go!

: ...Was this unavoidable destiny? Or might even this be written in the Score?
The transition to desert is a little abrupt, isn't it?

I'm so sorry about this blinding nonsense, you only have to put up with it for one update. After this I finally figure out how to change the default brightness on my capture device.
Skit: The Desert Sun

: *sigh*

: Natalia, are you okay?

: It's nothing compared to what the people of Akzeriuth must be experiencing.

: The people of Akzeriuth probably wouldn't want you to collapse before you arrive.

: Yes, I understand...

: Walk behind me or Guy. That should provide you with some shade.

: But I-!

: Royalty is not accustomed to the rigors of the natural world. You can help us in other ways.

: Exactly. I'm sure you understand, Natalia.

: You're right, of course. I appreciate your concern.

: Wait a minute... how come I don't count as shade?

: ...Maybe because you're too short?

: Hey! Don't say things like... you know I... dammit, I'm still growing!
The Oasis isn't too far into the desert, thankfully. The desert is an annoying area to traverse for several reasons. First, your movement speed is reduced to simulate walking through sand. Second, there's a wind effect that persists in the desert, but it's just
so taxing that it brings the framerate down even more than normal. Fucking desert levels...

: Answer me. Answer me!

: Luke! Is it those headaches again?!

: Headaches?

: Ever since he was kidnapped, he'll occasionally get headaches, or sometimes even hear voices.

: Answer me, you dreck!

: Who... the hell... are you?!

: You know who I am. You look just like me.

: Where do you think you're going, idiot? Don't blame me if something happens to Ion.

: Where are you?!

: The Zao Ruins... though I doubt dreck like you can make it here.

: Master, do you feel sick?

: Hearing imaginary voices again?

: I doubt that was just my imagination...

: You said something about 'Asch'... did you mean that Oracle Knight?

: The voice I heard was definitely Asch's. He said he was with Ion in the Zao Ruins...

: Ion's there?!

: The Zao Ruins? From 2000 years ago?

: Where are they?

: I'm afraid I don't know. I'd be most grateful if the leader of this mission would find them for us...

: You really like to be a jerk, don't you?

: Colonel! Please stop teasing Luke. Luke, let's ask the people here in the oasis.

: Right.
Skit: Jade Knows Everything

: There certainly are a lot of ruined structures around here. Are these the remnants of something?

: This is said to be the last remains of a city that flourished here a long time ago... well, the outskirts of a city, to be precise.

: So people used to live in this area?

: It seems this area used to be much more hospitable to life, until some sort of disaster turned it into a desert and rendered the city uninhabitable.
So it's the Sahara. Okay.

: If it became a desert, how come there's all this water here?

: Probably because of that giant fonstone over there. When it crashed, it opened a hole to an underground stream which created that pool.

: Wow, you really do know everything, don't you Jade?

: Not at all. I just asked a passing merchant about it.




: ...When?
Fuckin' Jade.

: It purifies you when you drink it. Will you donate 100 gald for a drink?
Even the church isn't above nickel and diming you for water in the desert.
This is, of course, a stand in for the lack of an inn.

: Whew... I really needed that.

: It certainly was refreshing.

: I could just stay here forever... I really don't want to go back out there.

: I know what you mean, the thought is tempting...

: Then I presume the two of you are ending your journey here? Well, I'm sure it's provided you both with plenty of valuable experience, the sort you'd never have obtained at the palace. Farewell, until we meet again.

: W-what are you talking about?! Nobody's returning to the castle yet! Come on, Luke!

: Hey! Relax. Can't we rest a little bet longer?

: No! We're going now!

: All right, all right! Stop pulling!

: Well well, she certainly seems easy to handle.
Well then... shall we ask around about the ruins?

: Pere sent me. My name's Guy Cecil.

: Y-you're Guy?! Ah, I see! ...I heard the details from Pere. I understand the situation.

: This old man sure gets excited.

:Hah hah, yeah. Well then Gee, Pere told me you'd teach me something that would be useful for my sword technique...

: Ah, I see. Then I shall pass my arcane sword arte unto you, Guy. My apologies, but this transfer of artes is done one-on-one. Could I ask the others to leave?

: Why?

: Luke, don't be stubborn.

: Natalia's right. Let's go.

: No, the arcane artes in my fighting style are passed down by word of mouth. I won't have it complete until I find the members of the arcane artes council and receive it from them. Looks like next up is Kaitzur.

: Correct, the members of the arcane artes council are now scattered throughout the world. If you can seek them out and completely fill in that registry I gave you, I believe you will eventually be able to learn the arcane arte. Work hard, young one.

: Huh. Your fighting style is a lot of work. Now that you mention it, what style is that, anyway?

: Our sword is a secret sword. We cannot speak of the details to outsiders. Please forgive me.

: Sorry Luke, that's how it is.

: R-right...
We'll come back to this one later. Much later. It has no time limit, which is a welcome change.
Okay then.
Skit: Asch's Voice

: What's Asch up to? How come I can hear his voice? I don't get it...

: You mean Asch might have something to do with those headaches? And the voices you kept hearing?

: I don't know... but something seemed different about it this time.

: So are you going to go to the Zao Ruins?

: Not that I see any other viable possibilities.

: Yeah, but why'd this have to happen just when we finally got to the oasis...? Tch, I hate this desert.
I'm with Luke. Seriously, have you ever been in a desert? That 'vacation' to Palm Springs is not one of my fonder memories.
Skit: Showers Are Awesome! - Guy Talk
I already know this one is going to be good.

: This sand is crazy... it's getting all over the place. I could probably make a mountain with all the sand that'll come out of these clothes.

: Yes, I wouldn't mind a good shower myself.

: Mmm... shower...

: Luke! You are the worst! How could you?!

: W-what?! I'm not doing anything!

: Luke! If you've got time for dirty thoughts, pay more attention to rescuing Ion!

: I-I'm not thinking anything! Leave me alone!

: Disgusting! I can't believe you're that kind of person!

: You pervert!

: Argh! Shut up already!

: ...Well Guy, it seems you got lucky.

: ...Lucky?

: You're drooling. They'd have been on you in an instant if they'd noticed.

: Ah...
I was not disappointed.
That structure is the Zao Ruins. And no, you can't just go to the ruins first.
Zao Ruins is another rather boring dungeon, honestly. Abyss's dungeon pacing is very top heavy: all the boring ruins are in the first 1/3 of the game, and then suddenly all the awesome dungeons pop out of nowhere.

: Inside here, huh?

: It looks dark inside...

: I'll breath fire.

: You're going to keep breathing fire the whole time? That'll never work.

: Perhaps it's because of the wind, but there aren't any landship tracks about.

: Have they already left? Or are they still inside...

: Whatever the case, there could be clues about Ion. Let's go!
Skit: The God-Generals' Plan

: I still can't figure out what the Six God-Generals are up to...

: They certainly are acting strangely. First they take Ion to these ruins, then they tell us where he's being held...

: Are they trying to lure us into a trap?

: That doesn't make any sense, not after they came straight after us so many times. Why would the suddenly resort to trickery like that?

: Why indeed. In any case...

: Nothing to do but go on, right?
The first part of the ruins is just a downward spiral.
Oh boy, look who's back.
Do you like brown? I hope so, because you're about to get a lot of brown. It's about all this dungeon has.

: Luke! It's dangerous to approach it carelessly.

: But it's beautiful. It doesn't look like something dangerous.

: Well well, what have we here?

: Second Fonons!

: What? How come we can see fonons?

: They must be quite concentrated here. This area is most likely a fon slot.

: I still don't really understand what fonons are...

: Ever structure and living thing has its own intrinsic vibration and emits a corresponding sound. Those are divided into six fonons. Tiny differences in their vibration and connections distinguish individual matter.

: They're one of the basic elements that compose matter. You're made up of fonons and elements.

: It's rare to find so much of a single fonon bonded together that it becomes visible like this.

: I'm letting the Sorcerer's Ring soak up the fonons! The Elder told me that if the ring soaks up fonons, it'll grow stronger.

: Stronger, huh.

: So, how's it feel?

: Mieuuuuuuuu. I can feel the power!

: ...Well, a little. Kind of. I think.

: What's that supposed to mean? What a waste of time...

: Mieu mieu mieu mieu Mieuuuu!! The power... I can feel it!

: Wow! I feel like I can break anything!

: A stronger Sorcerer's Ring must grant its wearer new power.

: Mieu, please let me see the Sorcerer's Ring.

: Okay.

: I see...

: What is it?

: The crystallized fonons must have carved the ring. There are letters engraved into it.

: Letters? What's it say?

: It's a fon verse. This must be what's granting Mieu's new power.

: There was something written on the ring before, wasn't there?

: That's probably the Fifth Fonon power that Mieu's been using so far. The newly engraved fon verse has given him a new fonic arte.

: A new power!

: Shut up already, Thing!

: Looking at the ring, it appears there's space for another fon verse to fit.
Later. Much, much later. And optionally, too. Not to mention he leaves out... well, I guess we'll get to all that in due time.

: Really? If we find another cluster of fonons, let's give it a try!

: I'm going to work really hard and be even more useful!
This is the second sorcerer's ring power, which as you saw lets us break bolders and also do a few other little things. It also happens to be the only other sorcerer's ring power mandatory to complete the game. Don't worry Symphonia veterans: no stupid ring gimmicks per dungeon this time.
Skit: A Memorable Character

: What were the Zao Ruins originally?

: Hmm. History is not my specialty, so I'm afraid I don't know. I would guess, however, that they are in some way related to the ruins at the oasis.

: Huh, so you don't know everything after all.

: I'm honored. But I'm still young there are more things that I don't yet know than those I do.

: Young...? Colonel, you're over thirty!

: Indeed, but one's personality does not become truly well-rounded until their forties, at least. I intend to make good use of my youth to develop a memorable character, much as these ruins have been remembered over the ages.

: My, such an admirable goal.

: To that end, I'm devoting myself to driving you youngsters crazy.

: My... such a ridiculous goal...
Of course, we need to break some rocks to move on, that way we can't miss Mieu's new power.
More brown...
I fight some of... these things. They're chumps, though.
And more rock breaking. I swear the dungeons get more interesting later. There's just nothing to say about this one.
In fact, fuck it: let's just skip to the end. You missed nothing, trust me.

: The Six God-Generals!

: Such impudence, after you kidnapped the one you're supposed to serve!

: Sync! Largo! Give Ion back!

: I think not. We still have work for him.

: This should be fun. Let's see how you've grown since I last saw you, cowering on the Tartarus.

: That's nice, coming from someone who was half-dead after one shot by Jade.

: Wah hah hah hah! Yeah well, we won't lose so easily this time boy.

: Sync the Tempest, God-General of the Oracle Knights, shows no mercy.

: Neither does Largo the Black Lion! Prepare!
This fight is the hardest we've had in awhile, but it's still nothing compared to Arietta and her monster friends. Neither of these two really cast any artes, and neither of them have any ability to heal. They're both straight up melee fighters, with Sync being fast and combo-happy while Largo is big, slow and hard to stagger. The basic party configuration of Luke, Tear, Jade, and Guy is good here, since Luke and Guy counter Largo and Sync nicely here.
In terms of raw damage output, Sync is definitely the more dangerous of the two. He has some pretty hefty arcane artes, and he also loves to combo the shit out of you. I gun for him first.
He also loves to jump in the air a lot, making him hard to hit. His aerial attacks are omni-directional, which makes him dangerous to tag team.
Like I said though, he's fragile. Now for Largo.
Largo is a whole different beast. His attacks hit hard and throw you quite a ways back. He also has insane reach with that massive scythe of his.
Unfortunately for him Largo has two weaknesses: being attacked from behind and Guy, who's speed is too much for him to keep up with. So when Guy spends the whole melee slicing up Largo's back, he's forced to tap out.
The next time we fight the God-Generals (omg spoilerz) I'll be turning the difficulty up, because this is just getting inane.

: The two of you together STIL can't handle them? Pathetic!
It's like fighting a mirror image. The fact that Luke is left handed while Asch is right handed only adds to the effect.

: That was... that was one of Master Van's moves! How do YOU know it?!

: What are you, stupid?! It's because we trained in the same style, how else?!

: You get carried away when left on your own. Put away your sword. Now!
That's surprisingly cold coming from JRPG protagonists. Yuri isn't in this game, Guy.

: Don't forget we're standing beneath the desert. We can bury you along with us.

: We'd die too, of course, but that is a sacrifice we're willing to make.

: Luke, let's agree to their offer. Right now we need to recover Ion and hurry to Akzeriuth.

: We're already late from traveling by land.

: ...All right.

: Ion! I was worried about you.

: I'm sorry for the trouble I've caused.

: Turn around and leave this place. Come back and we really will bury you.

: ...

: I can't stand being ordered around by filth like him.

: What? Oh... yeah. But you need to deal with it for now, Natalia.

: I know that. On this journey, I'm not traveling as the princess.

: Natalia, let's go.

: Right...

: That's Princess Natalia? It must be fate, Largo.

: Are you connected to Natalia somehow?

: ...It was a long time ago. I've forgotten.

: There's no need for the Six God-Generals to know each other's past. You should be painfully aware of that.

: ...Tch.

: That one, Guy... he knows.
Things just keep on getting more interesting, don't they...
Skit: Ion Rescued

: Whew... Well, at least Ion's safe.

: Yeah. Ion, I was so worried!

: I'm sorry for causing so much trouble...

: You'd better be! Master Van's probably already at Akzeriuth!

: Hey--!

: I apologize. But thank you all for coming to rescue me. I trulyappreciate it.

: Ion, what are you saying? We should be apologizing for allowing this to happen to you...

: It's all right, Tear. Thank you. Let's head for Chesedonia, then, shall we?

: Grrr...

: Relax. Luke has his own issues. Come on. We're off to Chesedonia!

: *Sigh* Then a ship to Kaitzur, then a slog to Akzeriuth... It never ends... All right. Let's go!

: There's some sort of particles coming out of the memory circle.

: Oh yeah, that's an escape route memory circle.
Escape Route Circles are green save points that also let you warp to the beginning of the dungeon. For some reason, you have to also have a
Wing Bottle to do this, which is a very difficult item to come by. There are only a handful of these in the entire game, however. I always tell myself on new play throughs that I'm not going to use the wing bottle here and save it, but then by the time I get here I'm so sick of this boring ass dungeon that I use it anyway. Welp.

: I'm sorry for the trouble I've caused you all. If I hadn't been so careless...

: Yeah, no kidding Ion! That was rough!

: By the way Ion, what were they having you do? This is another one of the Sephiroth, isn't it?

: ...Yes. To protect the Sephiroth, the Order of Lorelei placed Daathic Seals on them. Only a Fon Master can remove them. The Six God-Generals demanded that I do so here.

: Why is the Order protecting the Sephiroth?

: That's confidential to the Order. But even with the seal open, they shouldn't be able to do anything...

: Well, whatever. Let's hurry up and get to town. I'm gonna shrivel up out here.

: Yes, let's head for Chesedonia.

: I agree.

: Me too!

: Quiet, Thing! If you open your mouth, you'll just make things hotter!

: I'm sorry Master. Mieu....
That's all for tonight, folks.
Next Time: Color corrections, a more interesting dungeon, new dolls and more sidequesting!
Just when we reached the oasis, I heard Asch's voice in my head. It was
like the voices I hear when I get those headaches, but I knew it was Asch
this time.
Asch told me that Ion's in the Zao Ruins. Why? He's our enemy, isn't he?
Is he trying to make fun of us or what? I'm worried he's set a trap or
something for us, but we don't have any other leads at the moment, so I guess
we might as well head for the Zao Ruins and take a look.
We found the Zao Ruins buried in the sands. At least it'll be a little
cooler underground than out in the sun. Okay, let's go find Ion!
Ion was deep down in the ruins. There was some sort of weird door, and Ion
was being made to perform a ritual there. The God-Generals Sync and Largo
tried to stop us from taking Ion back, but we knocked them out of the way.
Asch had been just watching us, but then all of a sudden he came and attacked
me--using the same sword techniques I learned from Master Van. The timing,
the distance--everything was the same. It was disturbing.
Anyway, Sync came in and broke us up, then offered to give back Ion as
long as we left. That worked out well for both sides, so we agreed, and
headed out of the Zao Ruins.
When we got out of the Zao Ruins, I asked Ion what he'd been made to do
here. He said that there's a Sephiroth here, and that the Six God-Generals
wanted him to remove the "Daathic seal" that was protecting it.
But he didn't say anything about what the seal was for. I don't like this
Order of Lorelei... They keep too many secrets.
If he's not going to tell us anything, there's no point in staying here
any longer. We'll all burn up out here like this, and Master Van's waiting
for us in Chesedonia. Let's get moving.