Part 23: Back to the Surface

: I may not do a good job right away. I may make mistakes. But I'm going to change.

: All right. I'll be watching you.

: Please.

: I will. But don't ever take it for granted. I can give up on you at any time. Anyway, right now, if St. Binah is really going to fall, we have to find a way to stop it.

: Right. But what should we do?

: Let's ask the mayor, my grandfather. He should be in the meeting room.

: Okay, let's go.
Skit: Thinking for Myself

: I have no idea how to keep St. Binah from falling, but we've got to get there somehow.

: Yes... even if we can't prevent its destruction, we can at least evacuate everyone. Let's ask grandfather about it.

: Tear...

: What?

: I don't know much about anything, so I may not understand what the mayor says, and... well, I may need you to explain a lot of it to me. But I'm going to make my own decisions.

: Good... but don't use lack of knowledge as an excuse.

: ...Yeah, sorry.

: There's no need to rush things. Just start by doing what you can, all right?

: Right, and the first thing I can do is talk to the Mayor.
Dear god game, we get it: talk to Teodoro. Stop brow beating me!
Of course, we have two or three detours to make first.

: Ah, this is the roster. It contains a list of everyone living in Auldrant. Oh... but it's missing some data. Say, Luke, I'm sorry to bother you with this, but could you help fill in the roster information?

: Sure, but what can I do?

: Every time you meet someone significant, just write down their information with this item.
More of Abyss trying to write obtuse game mechanics into the actual story. Basically this is just an extension of the collectors book.
Remember this guy we talked to as Asch, who asked for apple gels? Well now he wants five rice. Again, we get nothing for helping him yet.
So how about this: let's just say I had five rice on me and gave them to him Let's say he thanked me. Let's
not say that I forgot about this quest, didn't have five rice, and had to back track all the way to Yulia City through an entire dungeon in order to finish this idiot's quest before the cutoff.
Got it? Moving on.
It's just the game being bloom happy as usual, but does this woman not look like she has no head?

: Layla! So has the Third Hymn's symbol been discovered?

: What's the 'Third Hymn'? One of those fonic hymns you use?

:So he doesn't know about them.

: The fonic hymns I use are Yulia's hymns. There are seven altogether.

: Oh, so the third of those seven? ...Wait, you always use just two of them.

: I don't understand the symbolism of the others.

: Yulia's hymns are useless with only the melody. If you don't understand the meaning and wisdom in the hymns, they're just songs. Oh that's right... the symbol of the Third Hymn... there was a hidden page in a book Van left behind. It might be written there. When you have a chance, stop by my place and take a look.

: Yes. The symbols are very difficult, I know all but the Third and the Fifth. But so far I only understand the first and the Second...

: So if you don't know and understand the symbols, they really are just ordinary songs...

: ...Actually, all seven of Yulia's hymns sung consecutively form another fonic hymn. It's called the Grand Fonic Hymn, and it works even if you don't understand its symbolism. The hymn itself is the symbol of the covenant.

: The whole 'covenant with Lorelei' Grand Fonic Hymn? What power does that have?

: It's said that the Grand Fonic Hymn and the Key of Lorelei together can summon Lorelei.

: That sounds amazing!

: Yes, but the Key of Lorelei has been lost, and I don't know the Seventh Hymn. So it may not mean much in the end...

: ...Ch-cheer up. I don't know about the Grand Fonic Hymn, but your First and Second Hymns have really helped... that's good enough!

: Luke... th-thank you...
We might as well grab that fonic hymn now.

: Here's a copy of it.

: This is...!

: Magnificent... angel's voice... now I understand. This is the Third Hymn.
This is a nice little arte that gives a very small heal to everybody in the party, as well as boosting their attack and defense skills. It has the benefit of hitting the entire party, regardless of Tear's or their positions.
Tear starts with the first hymn, gets the second after Fubras River, and learns the fourth and sixth through leveling up. The third and fifth are learned through story events, and the seventh... well, that's enough for now.
Finally, we'll go talk to the mayor.

: And this must be...

: Ah... p-pleased to meet you. I'm Luke.

: I'm Mieu!

: You, stay quiet.

: Ah, you're the Luke replica. I see. You really do look the same.

: Grandfather!

: Oh, I'm sorry. There's no need for you to apologize to us for Akzeriuth, however.

: Wh-what do you mean?

: What are you saying?! I've never heard that?! That makes it the same as Hod!

: It's part of the Closed Score. Only those of Maestro rank or higher know of it.

: If you knew about it through the Score, why didn't you try to stop it?!

: Luke... I'm surprised to hear someone from the Outer Lands say such a thing. A calm, orderly life in accordance with the Score is the way of the Order of Lorelei.

: W-well, yeah, but...

: Why are people read the Score on their birthday each year? To learn of the next year and accept the possibilities it holds.

: Then why didn't you inform the world about Akzeriuth's destruction?

: Yeah! If you'd let everyone know, people wouldn't have had to die...

: That's the problem. When faced with a Score of death, people become unable to live peacefully.

: Of course! ...Sir. Nobody wants to die!

: That's not acceptable. Yulia read prosperity for Auldrant in the Score. If we don't ove history down that path, we'll lose the prosperity we are promised. We are the watchers who guide the Outer Lands to prosperity based on Yulia's Score. The Order of Lorelei is a tool for that purpose.

: ...And that's why Grand Maestro Mohs held Fon Master Ion and tried to cause a war?

: Master Van knew about the Score when he took me to Akzeriuth?

: That's correct.

: You told me neither Malkuth nor Kimlasca listened to you when you warned them about Hod! Was that a lie?!

: ...I'm sorry. You were young. I didn't want to tell you the truth. But Van knows the truth.

: Then my brother IS planning to take revenge on the world! He said that a world shackled to the Score is better off destroyed!

: Tear, you're mistaken in thinking Van is trying to destroy the world. It's true that there was a time when Van hated the Score after what happened to Hod. But now, he's doing an admirable job as an observer.

: ...Admirable? Letting everyone in Akzeriuth die was admirable?! You're crazy! There's something wrong with all of you!

: Not at all. At the end of the Sixth Fonstone, Yulia's Score reads thus: 'The land of Rugnica will be enveloped in war, and Malkuth shall lose territory. Kimlasca-Lanvaldear shall thrive, and this shall lead to unprecedented prosperity.' We have watched all this time, in order to bring that unprecedented prosperity to the Outer Lands.

: But Grandfather... Van is trying to cause St. Binah to fall!

: The battle will take place around it. St. Binah will not fall. It is not written in the Score.

: I'll be right there. If you two are that worried, take the Yulia Road to the Outer Lands. See for yourself that your concern is groundless.

: Right. But before we go, there's something I want to get from my room, okay?

: S-sure... where's you room Tear?

: It's the room you were sleeping in. The second floor on the house next-door is my room.

: Oh.

Then... that whole time, I was sleeping in Tear's bed?

: Master? Is something wrong?

: N-no! L-let's go!


: ?
Other than the wacky 'OMG I SLEPT IN A GIRL'S BED!

' humor at the end, I really like this scene. You regain control of Luke with Asch's information and Akzeriuth in your mind, and with Luke's new haircut and outlook. You're feeling pretty good. Then you find out that Teodoro, who at this point seemed like our only major ally, was in on everything from being complicit in Akzeriuth's destruction to being the one that was telling Mohs to hurry up and start the damn war so we can fulfill the Score. It's a nice little twist that makes the player painfully aware that just because Van's been outed as the villain doesn't mean they're privy to all the secrets. Or even half the secrets.
Skit: Starting a New journey

: Just like before

: Huh?

: I left Yulia City like this last time
when I first met you.

: Oh

: The time I went to the Outer Lands to stop my brother


: Ive got to stop him this time
and weve got to save St. Binah.

: Yeah, I cant let another Akzeriuth happen!

: Hed stand about where you are now and say he could never forgive a world that let Hod die.

: Why does he care so much about Hod?

: The Isle of Hod was Malkuth land, destroyed in the Hod War 16 years ago. It was our home. Hod fell into the Qliphoth just like Akzeriuth. Van and my mother, who was pregnant with me, fell into the Qliphoth. Van probably used a fonic hymn.

: Something happened before I went to the Outer Lands. Van returned to the city, something he didnt do very often.

: Asch is still a bit
dainty. Hell cause trouble if he learns that the people of the Outer Lands will be annihilated.

: Shall we have Sync keep tabs on him?

: Yes.

: I couldnt allow that to happen, even if Hod had been left to die because of the Score. I swore Id stop him, even if it meant killing us both.

: Tear!

: But it looks like I failed. I couldnt save Akzeriuth.

: Thats because I

: I cant blame it all on you. I took an assignment in the Outer Lands in order to stop Van.

: Youre strong.

: Am I? I wonder

: Too strong. But
thanks for telling me about this. I think maybe I understand you a little better now.

It really is. Actually, its the first time Luke has really thanked
anybody. Go ahead and go read back through all of my other updates. Dont worry, Ill be right here when you get back.
Then youll know that Luke has only said thanks exactly one time: when he thanked Van for saving him at Kaitzur. Everything else people have done for him: Natalia clearing Vans name? Guy saving his ass on the Tartarus? Ion giving him the Capacity Core or Jade giving him fonon lessons? Nothing: not a single thank you. Its a fun little narrative trick that you dont really think about until the story brings it up. Its one word, and yet Luke suddenly starting to use it after hes never done so before has enough weight to signify his change.

: I-its not like that. By the way, what did you come here to get?

: A book on fonology. I thought you would need it.

: Why?

: A hyperresonance is caused by Seventh Fonons. I think this will help you learn to control them.

: Oh. Thanks.
Remember way,
way back at the Fubras river when Jade gave Luke the Field of Fonons tutorial? He made a remark about Lukes instructor teaching him nothing but brute force. It just seemed like the usual Jade quip at the time, but after all thats happened, we can realize that Jade was right on the money. Van DID teach Luke nothing but brute force, specifically because he wanted Luke to be in the dark on how fonons and fonic artes really worked. That way when the time came to manipulate Luke into using his hyperresonance, he wouldnt understand the implications of what he was about to unleash. It also nipped in the bud Luke figuring out the power on his own and learning to properly control it, which could possibly have led to Luke being able to fight Vans hypnosis.
Anyway, we get the book but we cant actually read it or anything. It actually is just the catalyst to open up a subquest chain that is, per usual, obnoxious as hell to find. Its one of my favorites though, so youll be seeing it as soon as Im able.

: The Yulia Road is to the right of the meeting room. Lets go.
Skit: Why Did You Stay?

: How come you didnt go with Asch and the others, Tear?

: Why should I have gone? I had no reason to.

: Yeah, maybe not, but

: I was ordered by Mohs to search for the Seventh Fonstone. The one in Akzeriuth turned out to be a fake. Granted I have to report that, but that has nothing to do with Asch. Besides, hes one of my brothers troops
I cant trust him.

: Oh

: Dont think I stayed for you, either.

: I planned to discuss my course of action with Grandfather. You just woke up before I left. Thats all.

yeah. Right.

: But Im going with you now to watch you and see whether you really can change. Remember that.

Yeah, I know. I
Ill do everything I can.

: That place is crawling with monsters. Are you ready?

: Yeah.

: Im scared.

: It will be all right, Mieu. Here we go.
Observant viewers may recognize the Yulia Road here as the same area from the very first cutscene in the game, where Tear makes her ominous The time has come comment. A nice little touch of continuity.

: Whoa! It dumped us out into the water!

: Its all right. You wont get wet.

: Apparently, the force from the Sephiroth spout pushes the water aside.

: Those Sephiroth things sure are strong if they can lift the whole land into the sky. And I destroyed one of them

: Standing around depressed isnt going to help anything.

: Youre right. I came back here to do what I can. Man, Im hopeless
Aramis Spring consists of a lush outside area area and a cave system filled with water. It's varied, decently colorful and a nice change of pace after the Ortion Cavern. It does not, however, have a boss.
We enter the cave and-

: It's about time you showed up, Luke.

It's just like I saw when I was connected with Asch! Guy waited for me...

: Guy!

: Huh? What is it?

: I...I'm not Luke...

: Jeez, I don't need you talking like Asch, too.

: But I'm a replica...

: So? That guy doesn't like to be called Luke, anyway. I say take it.

: Take it? Heh heh, you haven't changed a bit.

: You sure have, though. You don't have to put yourself down so much.

: I'm not! It's just...

: Sure you are, who cares about names at this point? You could at least look happy to see me, after I went to the trouble of waiting here for you.

: ...You're right. Thanks.
And this would be why, even if Jade is uncontested as the best character in the game, Guy runs a very close second for me. I was going to launch into an explanation of this scene's meaning and Guy's character, but I don't think there's even a need. He came back for Luke. That says it all.
The spring is a twisting nest of intermingled pathways and confusing layouts. A lot of this dungeon is spent backtracking because you found the main path first, and have to go back to clear out the side paths for treasure. Or maybe that's just me.
Skit: Has Luke Changed?

: Luke seems different.

: Yes, I suppose he's changed a bit.

: That must have been a tough experience for him... Akzeriuth's collapse, and Van's betrayal...

: Well, we'll have to wait and see whether he can truly change or not.

: I just hope he doesn't let everything get him down.

: I wouldn't worry. He's got you to depend on.

: And you as well.

: ...I suppose.

: We're friends, right? Oh, wait, I'm your servant. Sorry.

: ...I'm a replica. I'm not your master.

: It's not like I was acting friendly towards you just because you were my master.

: ...What?

: You're you, and Asch is Asch. Replica or whatever. You're real to me.
Skit: No Matter What the Score Says...

: Tear, Teodoro said the fall of Akzeriuth was written in the Score, right?

: Yes, it seems grandfather knew about it.

: Then shouldn't we have asked him about what's going to happen next? It might have been helpful...

: You think so? I'm not really sure about that. If you can't change it, it might be better not to know.

: Yes... Grandfather probably didn't tell me about Akzeriuth for the same reason.

: Yeah, but...

: Besides, Grandfather was saying that according to the Score, St. Binah is safe, so I doubt it would help us much anyway.

: Yeah, we won't know if it's going to fall or not until the time comes. But if there's a chance to change it, we can't just ignore it.

: Yeah. All right, let's go!
Overall I really like the aesthetic of this dungeon. The greenery outside helps to balance out the grey inside, and all of the waterfalls and huge underground rivers and lakes really do make you feel like you're wandering through caves right next to a gigantic underground spring.

: It was after your kidnapping, so I guess it was right after you were born.

: What? Did something happen?

: I asked you if it was hard not having your memory. You said: 'You can't go forward if you keep looking back.' So you didn't need a past. That's what you told me.

: Hah hah... man I was stupid. I didn't 'not need' one, I didn't have one.

: ...Actually, I thought it was pretty insightful.
Also since we have Mieu again, the game can't help but throw vines in front of us to burn.

: ...I'm in no position to talk. Everybody died because of me.

: Part of that's my fault, though.

: You didn't have anything to do with it.

: I'm partly responsible for raising you from a blank slate to a selfish, spoiled kid.

: Huh?

: From the start, when you didn't remember how to walk or didn't know, I guess I was the one who looked after you. I've really learned my lesson.
Another thing this dungeon loves to do is have enemies drop from the ceiling at random times. Sometimes they just fall in your path, but other times they actually fall right on top of you and you get an unavoidable battle.

: That's a difficult question. It's not something you can just apologize for.

: Yeah. Apologizing is important, but I can be hard on the one you apologize to.

: Why?

: The greater the loss, the more people need someone to hate for it, you know? You might feel better, but the ones you apologize to can't just say 'Okay! No problem!'

: Perhaps you should spend your life bearing that responsibility, never forgetting... no, that's to vague.

: Maybe I should never be happy...?

: Now I know that's not right.

: Are you sure? I mean, I wasn't even supposed to be born. And then I destroyed Akzeriuth...

: Okay, stop, stop, no more of that. Hearing you talk like that is just annoying.

: Guy! Luke's thinking seriously about the issue...

: Th-there's no way I can do that!

: I know that, you idiot. I mean you need to put that much effort into it.

: Oh... right. I get it... I think...
At long last, we come to the other side of the spring, and we're away. Now then-
Oh, hi Jade!

: Whoa!

: Jade?!

: Oh good, I was afraid I might have missed you.

: Colonel, what are you doing here?

: I have a favor to ask Guy. He said he'd wait for Luke here, so I came looking for him.

: Me?

: What?!

: Oh, Luke. You're here too?

: ...You got a problem with that?

: Not especially. Anyway, if we don't rescue them, there's going to be trouble. There aren't any Malkuth forces nearby, so I thought I'd ask for Guy's help.
More proof that Guy is awesome. Jade wants to storm the headquarters of the One True Religion and figures he probably can't do it by himself, but with just Guy's help? Totally doable.

: What do you mean, 'trouble'?

: With the disappearance of Akzeriuth, Kimlasca has begun making preparations for war. They probably intend to use Natalia's death as justification.

: that's right, the people of the Outer Lands don't know why Akzeriuth disappeared...

: Ion was wary of this and returned to the Order to issue a decree. He was captured upon his arrival.

: ...Yeah. Should we head to Daath?

: Yes, that's the idea. In case you were unaware, Daath is southeast of here. I hope you won't get too lost or slow us down too much.
If you're not watching the cutscenes and listening to the voice acting, then be aware that this is not the usual Jade ribbing. There's no humor or sarcasm in Jade's tone.

: ...I know.
Skit: A Harsh Greeting

: Well, well. I'd never imagined traveling with YOU again.

: ...I'm sorry about before. I won't do anything like that again. At least I'll try not to...

: I certainly hope not.

: Come on, Jade. Remember when we all first met? Let's just take it easy...

: ...But too much has changed since then.

: ...Yeah.

: Jade, surely you're not so warped as to enjoy teasing poor, troubled children?

: ...Well, at least I don't have to be with him for long. I guess I'll just have to manage.

So much for taking it easy...
Now that we have Jade and a full party, I'm rollin' deep. Daath is pretty much a straight shot, but we have to pass through Fourth Monument Hill, first.
The hill has a pretty nice shot of Daath, and right away you can see just how massive the city is. I love the design of Daath on paper but... well we'll get there.
Skit: Finding Anise

: Where do you suppose Anise is?

: She's quite the active one. It may be better to just wait for her to reappear.

: But she might be running on ahead, like that time at St. Binah.

: Anise doesn't run ahead needlessly. Unlike you.

: ...Okay, okay. Let's wait, then.

: Oh, come on, Luke. If you let him get away with that, he'll never stop teasing you.

: Well, he is right about me running ahead...

: Hmm, seems you've learned a new trick. Why, it almost sounds like I'm the bad guy!

: Stop it, all of you! We have to find Anise! Now come on, let's go!

: Okay.
Tear with the pimp hand.
Next time: arguably one of the most annoying locations in the game. Oh, and we get Anise back.
I met Teodoro and heard an unbelievable truth.
The collapse of Akzeriuth was written in Yulia's Score, and happened
because it was destined to.
And not only that. The destruction of Malkuth's Hod Island, which led to
the biggest war in recent years, was likewise part of Yulia's Score.
So the people of Yulia City knew about both disasters ahead of time, and
simply let the people of both towns die. Even Tear, who knew that Hod's fate
was written in the Score, hadn't known that it had simply been allowed to be
destroyed in order to fulfill the Score. She seemed pretty shocked to hear
Unlike Tear, Master Van did know the truth about Hod. Teodoro said that
although he hated it at first, he's come to be a fine watcher, working as a
member of the Order of Lorelei to ensure that the world follows Yulia's
Score. The Order of Lorelei itself is simply the presence of Yulia City in
the outer Lands, dedicated to directing the world along the path written in
Yulia's Score toward the prosperity that the Score foretells. So the Order of
Lorelei and Yulia City are connected at the top.
A new war between Malkuth and Kimlasca is also written in the Score, and
that's why Grand Maestro Mohs was trying to start a war, in order to follow
the Score. Even Master Van's using me to destroy Akzeriuth was for the
purpose of the Score. It all comes down to Yulia's Score. If the Score does
promise a prosperous future, that's nice...but is that a reason to let people
living now die?
When we asked about St. Binah falling, Teodoro said flatly that it was
impossible, because the Score doesn't mention it. If we were still worried,
he said, we could use the Yulia Road, a fonic circle used for transport, to
return to the outer Lands and see for ourselves. I headed back with Tear to
her house to make preparations for departure.
While we were getting our things packed, Tear told me a little bit about
her past.
She said that both she and Master Van were originally from Hod Island, on
the Outer Lands. When Hod was destroyed, it fell into the Qliphoth much like
Akzeriuth did. That time, Master Van used Yulia's fonic hymn to survive, and
the two of them were taken in and raised by Teodoro.
Contrary to what Teodoro was saying before, Master Van had always hated
the Score, and one day Tear overheard him saying he was going to destroy the
inhabitants of the outer Lands.
That's why Tear had decided to follow Master Van and stop him, even at the
cost of her own life. The duty of looking for the Seventh Fonstone was
likewise just a convenient excuse to stay near Master Van. It looks like I've
misunderstood her all this time. What a stupid idiot I was...
We finished preparing for our return to the Outer Lands, and headed for
the Yulia Road to check up on St. Binah.
The Yulia Road leads to a place on the Padamiyan continent called Aramis
Spring. Padamiya is also where Daath, the Order of Lorelei's headquarters, is
located. We entered the fonic glyph and returned to the Outer Lands.
The other end of the Yulia Road was a spring nestled in a small valley. We
arrived in an instant... Fonic artes really are incredible. At any rate, we'd
better hurry out through the nearby cave.
Guy was waiting for me in the cave. I was really glad to see him...but I'm
not the real Luke, after all. I wonder if Guy's okay with that... He said not
to put myself down, but...I can't help worrying. Not that worrying about that
will get me anywhere. I have to get him to accept me as I am now. First we'd
better hurry out of this place.
When we reached the cave's exit, Jade showed up.
But unlike Guy, Jade hadn't come here to wait for me. He was here to ask
for Guy's help to rescue Natalia and Ion, who had been captured by Grand
Maestro Mohs. He treated me like I was just in the way. I didn't like it, but
I guess I can't blame him, given the way I used to be. Tear told me that it's
not easy to regain trust once I've lost it.
...Yeah, she's got a point. And besides, I don't have time for self-pity
right now. We have to check up on St. Binah, and a war could start too. Ion
and Natalia should be willing to help with both problems. It's time to head
for Daath to rescue them.
On the way to Daath is a place called the Fourth Monument Hill. The whole
city of Daath is visible from the top of the hill. So that's where Natalia
and Ion are being held... Jade said Anise is in Daath, trying to figure out
where they are. I guess we'll be rejoining her once we arrive.