Part 26: The Floating Capital

: I'm Colonel Jade Curtiss, commander of the Third Division, Malkuth Imperial Forces.

: Colonel Curtiss?! We heard you were lost in the destruction of Akzeriuth...

: Viscount Osborne of Keterburg will vouch for my identity. I seek an audience with His Imperial Majesty.

: Well, we can let YOU through, Colonel, but...

: Whaaat?! This is Ion, Fon Master of the Order of Lorelei!

: Come on! You can let us through!

: No, this could still be a trap. Even if you are from Daath, we must still refuse.

: Please wait here. Once I meet with His Majesty, they'll let you through right away.

: So we just hang out here. Oh, well. Guess there's nothing we can do.

: ...Tch.

: We'll escort you.
Dammit, he's my best DPS!
So yeah, waiting. Anise is busying herself with either throwing stones at a tree, or punching it. I can't tell which at this low resolution with her so far away.

: How much longer is this going to take?

: Yes, it's hard just waiting.
A scream is heard in the distance.

: What was that?!

: A scream...

: Let's go!

: Those were Oracle soldiers... Damn it...

: Oracle?! Could Van be involved...?

: What's he trying to do in Grand Chokmah?

: Maybe he's working on destroying a Sephiroth Tree?

: No, there shouldn't be a Sephiroth in this area...

: We're not getting anywhere standing around talking! Let's go get them!

: Yes. We cannot permit this kind of wanton violence.
Man, you all don't even
know how funny this is yet.

: Wait! If we go in without permission and the Malkuth soldiers find us...

: We'll just have to stay hidden. The last thing we want is a fight with Malkuth.
Heh heh heh...

: Hide and seek, huh? Ion, please don't screw it up.

: Oh... right!

: ...Everyone just decided to go on in... *sigh*

: To make it past we'll have to distract him.

: Distract him? How? You mean like make a sound or something?

: Hmm... how about shaking the trees or such?
So, Theor Forest. If you haven't guessed yet, the gimmick is that this is a forced stealth section. Malkuth soldiers are patrolling around and guarding certain areas. To get past, we have to hide behind rocks and foliage while using Mieu to shake trees and distract them away from their posts. Then, we run past.
...Well, that's what the game
wants us to do. I however, am not.
If you run past a soldier's line of sight, they spot you and you're kicked back to the start.
You get these options. Then it's back to sneaking. However, if you get caught over five times...
You get the

option instead. Now I know what you're thinking, since it's what I was thinking the first time I played this too. It isn't worth it to fight them, since you probably get something much better for sneaking past them.
Nope, nothing. You get literally nothing extra if you sneak past instead of fighting. No extra experience. No extra dialogue. No items. Nothing.
On the other hand, if you come out and fight it not only nets you some sweet experience from killing every guard in the forest, but it's also much easier to grab all the treasure.
I'll give you five seconds to decide what option I picked.
Skit: The Movements of the Oracle Knights

: The Oracle Knights are really moving quickly. They're always getting ahead of us.

: Yes. Whether it's Van or Mohs who's giving the orders, they always work quickly and efficiently.

: Both of them ignore you too much! I hate them!

: Ion, do you know what Van has been doing since Akzeriuth?

: I'm afraid not. The only people I can give orders to are the Fon Master Guardians, so I haven't been able to search for him.

: The number of guardians isn't what it used to be, either...

: I see...

: I wonder how bad it will be if the Oracle Knights get to Grand Chokmah before us. They might try to trick the Emperor like in Kimlasca...

: I don't think that will be a problem. Emperor Peony should be waiting for Jade's report. I suspect the Oracle Knights have a different aim.

: We should at least learn some of their plans. That'll be a start.
These Malkuth soldiers are, if possible, even bigger pushovers than the Oracle soldiers. Seriously, how can they expect to win a war with soldiers like this?
The forest doesn't have that much good loot, but there's no harm in grabbing it all. Theor Forest is a very small area once you decide to fuck it and murder everything.
Skit: Rising Tensions

: That Malkuth soldier... he thought letting us through could be a trap...

: Yes... Malkuth-Kimlasca relations appear to be deteriorating.

: Even with Ion here too...

: I'm sorry I couldn't be of any help...

: That's not what I meant!

: In any case, things are looking pretty bad. At this rate, we really will have war on our hands.

: We've got to get through this forest as fast as we can...
I'm working on it, Luke.
Funny enough, the best loot isn't even in the forest. We're supposed to head to the northwest, but if you go northeast instead, you find an exit to the world map.
Out there is an otherwise unreachable search point containing the
All-Purpose Knife which radically increases the success rate of cooking. Handy!
Oh, and while I'm out here Anise decides to drop her mystic arte. I know I said I was saving these for more than random cannon fodder, but it's
Dramatic DBZ powerup...
A flurry of mad punches...
Aaaand powerbomb!
Anise's mystic arte has a little more to it actually, but it requires you to be playing as her. It also has... issues, but I'll get to that eventually.
Alright, back to the forest.
Skit: Hide and Seek

: Sneaking through this forest is exciting, isn't it?

: Yeah... it feels almost like hide-and-seek.

: I haven't played hide-and-seek in years...

: But you were pretty amazing at hiding in those days.

: So you're good at sneaky stuff like that, huh?

: Well excuse me for being sneaky...

: Well, like how you always ran somewhere else when you were about to be found. You were certainly sneaky enough for the rest of us.

: Huh... well, I could still beat him any day. A cute little body like mine is perfect for sneaking.

: Ooh, look, she's calling herself cute.
Oh snap.

: What, are you trying to say I'm not cute?!

: What do you care what a sneaky guy like me says about you? You're about as sexy as Mieu.
Damn, Luke with the

! I'm glad to see he's lifted his rule of not snarking when it comes to Anise.

: Hey! Just you wait, I'll get as big as Tear when I'm grown up!

: Please, no way you could hope to match those melons!

: M-MELONS?! Both of you! Stop being stupid and be quiet! Now!



: ...Um, Tear, you're being louder than both of them.

: ...S-sorry...
I slaughter my way through the rest of the fodder, and take the Northwest exit this time.

: There's a Malkuth soldier on the ground!
Hard to tell, but that would be Largo deflecting an arrow with his bare hands.

: Not bad for a princess!

: You're the one in the desert! You're Largo!

: You'd better keep an eye on more than just what's in front of you, boy.

: What?

: Guy?!

: Whoa, whoa, what's going on?!

: Oh, no! The curse slot! Sync must be nearby!

: Don't forget about me!

: Hah hah hah hah hah! Not bad, princess!
Luke refuses to fight back, and on top of Guy being the better swordsman Luke gets disarmed quickly. Luckily...

: Natalia, up there!

: ...The earthquake gave me away.

: Are you after Ion? Or something else?!

: Who's ordering you? Grand Maestro Mohs? The Commandant?

: Either way, it's the same. We need Fon Master Ion.

: We thought he'd perished along with Akzeriuth, but I guess he's tougher than the town.

: How dare you speak so shamelessly! You destroyed an entire city!

: Don't accuse us. The one who destroyed Akzeriuth was that replica there.

: What's going on here!?

: Largo, we're retreating for now!

: I guess we have no choice...

: We spotted some suspicious figures while waiting for Colonel Curtiss. We pursued them here.

: You mean the people who just ran away?

: They're soldiers of the Oracle Knights. They wounded one of our companions.

: But you've got Oracle Knights in your group as well... arrest them.

: I guess we shouldn't resist.

: Of course not.
Tear's VA jumps all over the place, but the read on that last line is great.

: Good work. We'll take them from here. I trust that won't be a problem?

: Understood, sir!

: How do you know who I am?!

: Colonel Jade asked me to go meet you outside Theor Forest. Though it seems you entered the forest before I could do so...

: I apologize. Malkuth soldiers had been killed. We thought it would be dangerous not to act...
...By proceeding to kill
more Malkuth soldiers? I'm glad Frings doesn't bring that one up, because it'd be a tad awkward.

: Don't apologize, we should be thanking you.
'Those were my worst soldiers, honestly. Thanks for doing my legwork.'

: But, with all the commotion, I'm afraid I must treat you as prisoners until you meet with His Majesty.
'By which I mean I'm going to let you roam the city at your leisure.'

: Who cares about that?! Guy needs help!

: He's had a curse slot placed on him. It's so deep he can't fight it. I can remove it if you lend us a place where he can rest.

: You can do that?

: I'm probably the only one who can. This curse is a type of Daathic fonic arte, a fonic arte passed down only through Fon Masters.
You know the Order of Lorelei is on the level when their Popes pass down a spell that lets them bend anybody to their will. For the Score!

: We'll get you a room inside the castle. What about your audience with His Majesty?

: I'll see His Majesty the Emperor at another opportunity. Right now, I'm worried about Guy.

: All right, I'll leave my men with you.
'I often give prisoners command of my men. It's just common courtesy!'

: I'm staying too! I'm Ion's guard!

: Wait, so am I!

: I'm sure you'd find out sometime, so I guess I'll tell you now. A curse slot can't be used to take full control of the target.

: What does that mean?

: A curse slot stirs up memories and paralyzes rational thought.

: ...That's what it means.
Well there goes the good mood I had from all the snarking.

: What...?

: You mustn't get near Guy until I've removed the curse.

: You can't leave the city, but it might help you to relax...

: Yes, I think that would be good.

: Very well, then. I'll be waiting in front of the castle. Please speak to me when you're ready.
Skit: Guy's True Feelings

: Guy... hated me... but he never showed even a hint of that...

: Maybe there was something when we were kids, but if he wanted to kill me, he could've done it any time he wanted to...

: But he didn't... he's always been there to help me out. So why...?!
Well now I just feel like shit.

: I promised I'd watch you.

: I'm going with you, Master.

: Leave me alone!

: If I leave you alone, you're liable to start dreaming up nonsense.

: What do you mean, nonsense?!

: Like the idea that Guy hates you.

: But he has to! That's why he...

: Are you stupid?

: What did you say?!

: Do you think you've never done anything to make anyone dislike you ever?
She's... got you there, Luke.

: That's not what I...

: Guy is only human. I'm sure there have been times you made him angry. But he came back for you.

: Well maybe so, but...

: So, there was a time when Guy hated you so much he wanted to kill you. But he still believed in you, that you'd recover from Akzeriuth. Right?

: ...You sure don't pull any punches when you talk to people.

: What...?

: I know you were trying to make me feel better, but you only made it hurt worse.

: ...I-I'm sorry. I wasn't thinking.

: Maybe it's a good thing to have someone slap some sense into me.

: Luke...

: I'm so stupid. I don't have time to feel depressed. We have to see the Emperor. Thank you too, Mieu.

: Don't mention it! Now, let's go find Jade and Natalia!
On a less somber note,
I fucking love Grand Chokmah's design. It's basically Ancient Rome meets the palace of Versailles meets a a giant water fountain, tied together by a million waterfalls.
Note the long rows of aqueducts running in the background.
The Malkuth Palace. Yes, that is a giant waterfall behind it. The design of this city is spectacular. I'd also like to once again point out the clash of Malkuth and Kimlascan styles. Baticul was essentially techno-Minas Tirith: a gigantic fortified mountain ringed with giant cannons and walls. Grand Chokmah is a giant floating water fountain.
Enough sight-seeing, time to find out party.
Jade is having himself a drink. I don't blame the guy.

: Things don't look good I can feel tension in the air. It may be a sign of conflict to come... you look like you've calmed down. Let's go.
On the way out, Jade has a chat with the Bartender. In exchange for more war stories when Jade finally has time to return, we get the recipe for
Curry which gives the exact same benefits as Pizza with much more difficult to find ingredients. Meh.
Natalia on the other hand is alone on the docks.

: Luke, please try to keep your spirits up. There's no way Guy could truly desire to kill you.
That's everybody for now. Frings will let us inside.

: ...What?

: And then he goes and gets hit with a fon slot seal. This clod can be a real pain, huh?
I like this guy already.

: N-not at all, Your Majesty...

: Hah hah, sorry. Yeah, I guess we should get down to business. Jade's basically explained everything to me.

: As things stand now, there is a danger that St. Binah could fall into the Qliphoth.

: So it seems. In fact, I've already been informed that the land around St. Binah has begun sagging.

: Then we must evacuate the residents!

: I'd love to, but a lot of the council members are reluctant.

: Why? Their countrymen are in danger...

: Because of the military threat from Kimlasca.

: We hereby denounce Malkuth's destruction of Akzeriuth in order to bring about the deaths of Princess Natalia and the tertiary heir to the throne, Luke fon Fabre. In the name of Lorelei and Yulia, we shall initiate immediate sanctions.

: For all intents and purposes, that's a declaration of war.

: My father is mistaken!

: Or is he, Princess Natalia? We believe that Kimlasca may have destroyed Akzeriuth to create an excuse for war.

: My country would never commit such a despicable act!

: Yeah! And besides... I was the one who...

: It doesn't matter now whether Kimlasca destroyed Akzeriuth to start a war or not.

: Yes, the problem is that the council believes that the sinking of St. Binah is Kimlasca's work.

: So they think that any forces sent to rescue the citizens will be wiped out along with the city.

: Exactly. Until we heard Jade's story, we'd thought Kimlasca had developed a fontech weapon capable of creating a hyperresonance.

: At the very least, Kimlasca was not responsible for Akzeriuth.

: ...I'm sorry, Your Majesty. I don't mean to be rude. If it's impossible to send troops, then please let us go.

: Allow me to make the same request. If something happens, at least Malkuth forces won't be caught in it.

: I'm surprised. Why are royalty like yourselves so intent on helping an enemy country?

: We're not enemies! Our citizens travel between our countries as if it were perfectly normal.
I wouldn't exactly consider Kaitzur 'normal', but whatever.

: And it's my duty as one born into the royal family to aid those in need.

: ...And you, Master Luke?

: I am a criminal to Malkuth. I am to blame for what's happening. I want to do anything I can.

: Well you heard them, what do you think, Sesemann? Your dearest apprentice, Jade, also says we can trust these guys regarding St. Binah.

: Your Majesty, it's not polite to refer to them as 'these guys'.

: If I may make a suggestion, perhaps Luke and my unit could evacuate St. Binah, while General Nordheim contains the northward moving Kimlascan army.

: Are you giving a general orders? Well, I suppose it will work. We'll try to gain the council's approval.

: Thanks, man. I owe you one.

: Then, you won't abandon St. Binah...?

: Of course not. Though you all are the ones who're going to save it.

: I'll do everything in my power.

: As will I.

: As you wish, Your Majesty.

: I have to summon the council, now. I'll let you handle the rest, Jade.

: What should we do, exactly?

: As His Majesty said, the military won't enter the city for fear of it becoming another Akzeriuth. We'll enter St. Binah first and get help form former Field Marshal McGovern.
Also yes, that is a waterfall behind those windows. There are a lot of waterfalls in this place.
Now then, let's check on Guy.

: I... I must have done something to make you suffer. That's why you...

: Ah hah hah. What the hell are you talking about? It's not your fault Luke.

: It's not your fault that I hated you so much I wanted to kill you.

: What? Really?

: I was born in Hod. On my fifth birthday, my relatives gathered at the mansion. Just as the Scorer started to read my Score, the war began.

: The Hod War...

: If I recall, it was Duke Fabre who attacked Hod...

: Yes. Duke Fabre killed my family, my relatives, our servants. Everyone. He destroyed everything I loved and laughed as he did it.

: You entered House Fabre for revenge, then? Gailardia Galan, of the House of Count Gardios.

: ...Oh. You knew, huh?

: I noticed a few things, so I investigated. You fight in the Albert style, a technique that doesn't use a shield. It's unique to Hod.
Remember how Jade was all suspicious and probing of all of Guy's knowledge in the past? Well here you have it. Also interesting to note is that Luke also fights in the Albert style. This would be, I assume, the result of Van being his teacher, and Van being from Hod as well. Food for thought.

: ...Then, you can't really want to be by my side, can you, Guy? I may be a replica, but I'm still a Fabre...

: Come on, I'd be lying if I said I didn't have any lingering feelings about it, but...

: But...?

: If you want me gone, then I'll cut ties with you right now. But if not, could I stick around a little longer? There's still something I want to confirm.

: ...Okay. I trust you.

: Hah hah. Either way works for me.

: Thank goodness, I was so worried you might start fighting.

: Well, now that that's all settled nicely, how about we head for St. Binah?

: Oh, yeah, we heard from a messenger that you're going to St. Binah. But Ion is drained from healing the curse slot. He'll stay here with me.

: Anise, I'm fine. And if I go with them, I may be able to help.

: Ion?!

: Anise. Everyone, please take me along. Please.

: If Master Van's after Ion, then he's in danger no matter where he is.

: Are you saying he'd be better off where we can keep an eye on him? I suppose we have no choice.
Luke and Jade show some nice medium awareness here. If we left Ion in Malkuth off screen, he'd be captured instantly because he's being guarded by mooks. If he's with us, we'd have to lose a boss fight, and fat chance of that happening now that Jade's back in the party.

: Oooh! Not again, Ion!
So now we know Guy's past, too. I made sure to turn the snark down so that this scene got some of it's seriousness across, but it just doesn't do it for me. It might have something to do with the revelation that Guy's real name is the hilariously alliterative Gailardia Galan Gardios. Seriously, who named this poor kid?! I'd change my name, too.
Another nice feature is that the game lets us jump straight to St. Binah, which is lovely since we have no ship and would have to go back through Theor Forest. I take that option.
Next Time: We get to fight the best God General again. You get one guess.
We landed at Rotelro Bridge to head over to Rugnica for Grand Chokmah. But
before we reach the capital, we'll have to pass through Theor Forest, to the
north of Rotelro Bridge. We've wasted enough time as it is... We'd better get
We reached Theor Forest, but perhaps in preparation for war, it was
completely sealed off. We tried to convince them to let us through, but we
couldn't gain their trust yet, so we ended up waiting at the entrance while
Jade went to Grand Chokmah alone to get permission for us to pass.
While we were waiting, all of a sudden we heard a soldier scream in the
distance. That doesn't sound good... We'd better go see what's happening.
Deeper in the forest, we found a soldier collapsed on the ground. It seems
like he was attacked by Oracle Knights. They might be trying to break through
the forest. At any rate, let's try and get to Grand Chokmah!
Just when we were about to reach Grand Chokmah, Largo showed up and
attacked us. So he's the one who attacked the Malkuth soldiers!
But just then, Guy started attacking me all of a sudden, controlled by
that curse slot. Ion said it was Sync that was controlling him. Then another
earthquake occurred, and we managed to notice Sync hiding. Apparently they
were trying to capture Ion. Finally some Malkuth soldiers showed up, and
Largo and Sync ran off. We were able to protect Ion, but Guy's still
unconscious, and we all ended up being arrested and taken to Grand Chokmah.
At the entrance to Grand Chokmah, a soldier named General Frings took
custody of us. Apparently he had come to meet us ad Jade's request. He got a
room for us at the hotel so we could cure Guy's curse slot. I was going to
follow him in, but Ion stopped me.
Ion says that a curse slot can't make you do something you don't really
want to do. So that means Guy must hate me enough to want to kill me.
I can't believe it... Is it because of Akzeriuth? Or did I hurt Guy
without knowing it...?
General Frings noticed my shock, and made some time for me before we went
to see the Emperor.
I guess I should try to cool myself down a bit...
I was really down and didn't feel like talking to anyone, but Tear brought
me back to reality. Perhaps Guy did hate me once, she said, but even if so,
he still came back to wait for me at the Yulia Road exit.
...Yeah. I saw him express his trust in me, through Asch's eyes. If there
is a reason he hates me enough to want to kill me, I'm sure he'll tell me
about it. I ought to trust him, just like he trusted me.
Okay, now's not the time to be sitting around depressed. Let's go find
Jade and Natalia, and see the Emperor.
General Frings led us into the castle, and we met with Emperor Peony.
There, we learned that things were just as bad as we had feared.
Kimlasca had declared war on Malkuth, accusing them of killing me and
Natalia in the Akzeriuth incident. So that's why things are so tense here...
And there are reports that the ground near St. Binah is sinking, so it
looks like there's a good possibility St. Binah really will collapse...even
though its collapse isn't written in the Score.
Even worse, the Malkuth army was just sitting around, despite being able
to guess at the danger to St. Binah. Apparently they thought that Akzeriuth
was the work of Kimlasca, done in order to create a reason to go to war, and
that if the Malkuth army moved to St. Binah, it would suffer the same fate.
I asked Emperor Peony to let us take care of evacuating the people of St.
Binah. If we're the only ones to enter the town, the Malkuth army will be
safe, whatever happens. I thought we could gain his trust that way.
Jade also spoke up for us, and it was decided to implement the plan: we
would work with the forces stationed in St. Binah to evacuate the citizens of
the town. We've got to hurry to St. Binah now, but I'm still worried about
Guy... Is he doing okay? We should probably stop by the hotel before we leave.
When we reached the hotel, we found out that Ion had succeeded in removing
the curse slot on Guy. Guy had already recovered, and he told me of his past.
Guy was originally from Malkuth--he was the successor to the House of
Count Gardios, the family that controlled Hod Island. But the Hod War broke
out when he was still young, and his family, his servants...all were killed
by the Kimlascan my father, Duke Fabre. Guy managed to survive, and
made his way into my mansion to exact revenge.
But Guy really is mature. Even though I'm a replica, I'm still the son of
his most hated enemy. It would only be natural for him to hate me--but he
asked me to take him with me, saying there was something he wanted to
confirm. I'm glad of it, but it must be hard on Guy. Still, he laughed like
he always has, so I don't feel quite as bad. Guy really is a great person.
I'm glad to have him as a friend.
Not only Guy, but Anise and Ion also joined us as we left for St. Binah.
Ion expressed a strong desire to come. Anise wanted him to stay here, but
knowing him he'd probably just come along anyway, and besides, it's easier to
protect him if he's with us. Now we just need to head for St. Binah. Let's do
what we can.