Part 27: Falling World
Skit: Anise in a Bad Mood

: A war's going to start, and towns are about to collapse, and Van's coming after Ion, and the Six God-Generals won't go away, and Mohs is scheming, and Gloomietta's gloomy, and Asch is weird, and I'm poor, and I'm hungry, and, and... aargh!
My head hurts, my feet stink, and I don't love Jesus~

: In a bad mood, Anise?

: No, not at all! I'm doing fine!

: What about you, Guy? Feeling okay?

: Fine, thanks to Ion. Though it looks like I caused him a lot of trouble.

: Ion, are you all right? You don't look too good...

: I used a Daathic fonic arte, so I'm a little tired. That's all, don't worry.

: You both look half dead right now. You all should get some rest.

: No, we can't afford to lose any time, even if it means having to push ourselves a little.

: Yeah, if St. Binah falls, things'll get a lot worse.

: Booo. Whatever.
Before we go see the McGoverns, we have a sidequest to close up.

: What are you mad about? Did you take care of paying the dues?

: The yearly dues were 1000 gald. You only gave us 200.

: Really? I'm pretty sure I gave you 1000. Anyway, where's that newsletter?

: ...Here.

: Hey! You've got some explaining to do!

: First, you give us the remaining 800 gald.

: I-I told you, I gave you all the gald. D-do you even have any proof-

: Pay. Now.

: Y-yes, ma'am. I'm sorry. Here you are.
Tear Grants. Strongest pimp hand in the party.
Pretty measly, but hold on...

: Thank you. Here you are.

: R-right... thanks. But I don't need it.

: ...What are you talking about?

: W-wait a minute. I-I'm not really...

: Heh. It's fun to be popular, huh, Tear?

: So Tear's the your name! That's a nice name! How old are you? What's your height? Are those your personal cloths?

: ...I'm sorry!

: I fell in love with her strength, but she's so cute when she blushes, too... okay! I'm founding the Friends of Tear fan club!

: ...Huh. There's no accounting for taste.
Coming from the guy who three skits ago was oogling her melons.
At any rate, that was... a thing.
That's it for sidequests, and yes that had to be done before St. Binah collapsed. Really I could have done it as far back as Akzeriuth, had I crossed Kaitzur and Fubras to get there. But there's no point, really.
Skit: In Order to Change

: For all the threat of war, people seem to be pretty calm here.

: That's probably because we haven't told anyone where we come from.

: It would undoubtedly draw ire if Luke's or my identities became known.

: Mieuu... can't everybody just get along?

: Hah hah, get along, huh? Well, both sides are victims here... if only they could forget the past, they might find a way to forgive each other.

: Too bad they're still busy blaming each other for the destruction of Hod.

: But giving up and just blithely accepting the Score won't change anything either.

: They wish to change, but they can't... a poor excuse. One only used by those who don't really want to change at all.

: ...You sound like you're talking about me.

: Perhaps because I am. Now if you'll excuse me, I need to rest my aging bones.

: Man he gets on my nerves...

: So change. And then you can change others.

: ...Yeah.
Well, anyway let's advance the plot.

: But if we don't evacuate the civilians, St. Binah will become the next Akzeriuth!

: We cannot make a move without an order from His Imperial Majesty.

: Colonel Curtiss?! You're alive!

: What did His Majesty say?

: We're to evacuate the civilians to the Engeve area.

: But that will mean leaving the city unguarded...

: Who cares?! This whole area's started to fall!

: My troops will take over escorting the civilians partway along the route. Once the civilians are out, please have your forces go west to join General Nordheim's forces on the East Rugnica Plains.

: Understood. So we're abandoning St. Binah.

: Right, I'll inform the residents.

: We'll help too.

: Right.
So the thing is, the evacuation takes place mostly off screen. However in the time it takes me to run from the Governor's office to the next cutscene, two skits pop up that describe our party's actions in it. As such, I'm breaking my usual rule and posting them back to back:
Skit: Go, Luke!

: Luke sure is getting strong, isn't he?

: That he is... nothing like how he was at Akzeriuth. He certainly has changed.

: It may be that he's tring to keep himself busy, to keep form dwelling on Akzeriuth.

: You may be right.

: So? The important thing is that he's getting things done.

: True... anyway, let's get moving ourselves.
Skit: The Reborn Hot-Blooded Idiot

: Evacuating the entire population of a town certainly is backbreaking work.

: Yeah. We have to make things really clear, or people could seriously panic.

: We'll have to check the entire town to make sure nobody's left behind. Women and children should get priority, right? Oh, and the elderly.

: Yes, that works.

: Hmm, we'll probably need carts, too. I'll direct the injured to the carts. Is that okay?

: Yes.

: Okay, I'm going to go check over there.

: Hmm... I have to admit Luke has thrown me a bit off balance, being so active and helpful.

: Yeah, he's way different than he was at Akzeriuth.

: It looks like he was serious about wanting to change.

: I guess I can kinda sorta admit he's doing an okay job. But he does look like an idiot, all worked up like that.

: That's because deep down, he is essentially an idiot.

: Hey! Come over here and help! Don't just stand around like idiots!

: Well, well. Looks like we've become idiots as well.

: Hah hah hah hah!
Luke is busting his ass offscreen, I'll give him that.
Oh never mind, onscreen, too! Also note that this is accompanied by a crowd of evacuating civilians; Luke did not just decide to give this old guy a piggy back ride on a whim.
There's commotion at the front gate.

: Run!

: What the hell?!

: Now is not the time, Dist. You never were able to tell when you're not wanted.

: Say what you like! I'm taking Fon Master Ion!

: I'm afraid not. Now move.

: Are you trying to save these worms? And after you gave up on Professor Nebilim!

: ...Are you still pursuing that foolishness?!

: You have no right to criticize me! You gave up before you even started! Now, hand over the Fon Master!
Kaiser Dist RX is just an upgraded version of Kaiser Dist, with roughly the same moveset. He has a few new attacks, but he's still fairly weak and staggers too easily.
You may also notice my party is a bit jumbled around. I forget to reset it back to my usual configuration after everybody left the party in Grand Chokma, so I have two healers. I didn't need them.
It isn't
as much of a push over, I guess. Standing in front of the boss is marginally dangerous, since he might just whip out some cannons and blast your ass.
Jade however picks up
Ground Dasher, his first high level fonic arte.
This gives me an idea. If he has a high level fonic arte, that means he can at last-

Oh admonishing melody, arise in the name of the Necromancer: Mystic Cage!
Jade's mystic arte has some interesting utility. It does one flat hit of middling damage as far as mystic artes go, however it hits all enemies in the fight no matter where they are. Not the best against single targets, but a life saver in boss fights with multiple foes.
One thing I tend to forget since I don't use her that much is that Natalia is a really, really good support unit. She's quicker to heal than Tear is, and unlike Tear who spends her downtime dishing out damage, Natalia uses it to cast buffs on Luke like raising his attack and defense. Her real only flaw is that she burns through TP like crazy: compare her to Tear at the moment.
So yeah, I win and rake in some sweet cash and experience. Not too shabby.

: Nooooo! My precious Kaiser Dist! You haven't heard the last of me! Next time, I'll tear you to shreds!
And he floats off.

: I don't think you'll catch him, but follow just in case.

: Yes, sir!

: Luke wait! I'll jump down and sing a fonic hymn!

: You can't protect them all with your hymn. Let's think of a more definite plan.

: Don't worry about us! Take care of the others!

: Damn it! Isn't there anything we can do?!

: If only we could fly.

: Fly... hey, I heard they were doing flight experiments in Sheridan.
Way to shoehorn that one in, writers.

: Flight experiements? What's that?

: If I recall, they have an ancient hover drive that was excavated by the Order. Supposedly back in Yulia's age, they attached those to vehicles and flew in them. All the fon machine buffs have been talking about it.

: Yes, I approved the project to share technology with Kimlasca. The flight experiments should be underway.

: That's perfect! Let's go borrow whatever they're using for the experiments! If we hurry, maybe we can save the people!

: Will we be in time? The situation looks different than Akzeriuth, but even still...

: From what I heard from Van, it took several days for Hod to fall. There's a force field called the 'dividing line' between the Qliphoth and the Outer Lands. He said they fell faster just after crossing that line.

: Let's give it a try! It's better than doing nothing!

: Yes, let's at least do what we can.

: Sheridan is on Radessia, on the same side as Baticul. We'll need to be careful not to get caught by Kimlascan troops.

: Okay, let's get back to the Tartarus.
God this is the stupidest point in the game as of yet. St. Binah is sinking, but apparently we have time to sail half way across the world in the vain hope that a flight experiment has somehow already created a working vehicle.
It's called a rope, people!
Anyway, let's run back to the Tartarus, I guess.
Ion, The Big Gun

: I can't imagine a machine flying through the sky.

: Yeah. Can fon machines really do that, Guy?

: Well, not the kind that we have now. The current research started when a hover drive from the Dawn Age was unearthed.

: But I heard the Sheridan craftsmen are pretty stubborn. Would they really lend us something like that?

: Well... I can't guarantee anything...

: Then we'll just have to get Luke or Natalia to throw some gald at them!

: Oh yeah? And are you planning on heading back to Baticul to get it? That doesn't sound very realistic...

: Then we pull out the big guns me and Tear's sexy bods!

: What?! I...I can't do that!

: I, uh... I really don't think that will work...
Anise has a lot of confidence for a 12 year old.

: Oh, really? Then I guess we'll have to rely on Ion.

: Why not just have him ask in the first place?

: Ion's, like, the biggest gun there is!

: I guess...
.Yep, still going to Sheridan. It's quite a ways away, actually. We sure St. Binah is fine? Well, if you way so.
Have another skit, I guess?
I Will Never Forgive Dist!

: That... Dist was his name? I cannot forgive him for calling the townspeople worms!

: At lease they suffered no casualties from the battle.

: But thanks to him, we couldn't save some of them... dammit!

: Tear says it will be some time before the area actually falls into the Qliphoth, so we still have a chance to rescue them.

: We were able to defeat Dist, but the rest of the Six God-Generals may still try to interfere.

: They just never learn, do they?!

: It would certainly help us if they did.
But then we'd never get to hear Awkward Justice!
Yes I know I still haven't linked it, I'm a monster...

: If they get in our way, we'll just take them out. That may not be the best way, but we don't have a choice.
Don't get in the way of Luke saving lives, or he'll fucking kill you!
Okay, we're here.
Skit: Guy's Little Hobby

: Sheridan handles ship construction for the entire Outer Lands, doesn't it? It lies far to the west of St. Binah across the ocean, on the eastern side of the Radessian continent.
We don't need directions Tear, this skit only triggers if we've already made it here.

: Huh...

: Yes, exactly! Sheridan is technically part of Kimlasca, but experienced craftsman from all over the world live there.

: You know how there's a huge canyon around Sheridan? The dry rocks from there are invaluable for building fon machines, especially weapons. Sheridan is pretty close to Daath, too.





: So they can sell battleships and landships to Malkuth as well, so-

: Arrgh! Shut up already!


: ...Stay away from me.

: Guy's obsession with fon machines is... incredible...

: Or maniacal.

: Well, sorry!
I like how in this world, liking fon machines is like being a model railroad enthusiast.
Sheridan is to the north of its port, pretty close by.
Damn are the towns in this game well designed.
So we have a few things to do here.
Sheridan is full of little easter eggs. Having Mieu hit this switch here gives us a shortcut to the inn.
Let's take a breather. Not like there's any lands in danger of falling or people in danger.

: Y-yeah, okay...

: Or do you not want to?

: No, that's not it!

: Any lapse in your focus can send fonons out of control. And the Seventh Fonon is especially sensitive. Again!

: Uhhh...

: What's wrong Tear? You're losing your focus. The fonons aren't gathering properly.

: ...Enough. We'll stop here for today.

: Major! I can still-

: Fonons can run out of control if not handled properly. Rather than risk that danger, why don't we talk while I take care of your injury? You've hurt your arm. What happened?

: ...I can't tell you.

: If you're worried about telling on someone, you don't have to reveal their name or division. The Commandant has left you in my care. I have a duty to hear what happened.

: Someone is upset that an officer candidate like me is not attending the officers' school in the Outer Lands, instead getting trained directly by you.

: So one of the other students did something to you?


: You're not very good at getting along in the world, are you?

: ...I do think I'm somewhat awkward.

: Yes... you're honest and straightforward. Virtues I've long since lost...

: Major...

: But those qualities are hindrances in a soldier. Perhaps that's why Van kept you down here, rather than sending you to the officer's school.

: I can change if it's necessary. To be like you, Major...

: To be like me, first stop depending on anyone. Stand on your own. Think for yourself. Make your own decisions on what is necessary and what is not.

: I think I've got a feeling of gathering the Seventh Fonon inside me down now.

: You create a hyperresonance by causing Seventh Fonons to interfere within your body. The first step in that is gathering Seventh Fonons inside yourself. Keep at it.

: Yeah... I sure have along way to go.
Part two of four down. And yes, you have to do that first thing when you enter the city, or you get locked out as usual.
A quick stop in the bar gets us the
Udon Noodles recipe. This is an amazing recipe that restores a decent chunk of TP, which is normally what you're hurting for more than HP. The only problem is that it requires seaweed as an ingredient, and we won't be able to buy it for quite a long time.
There's also a see-saw puzzle that involves you slamming Mieu into it a half dozen times and making a chest fly. We get a
Demon's Seal, which gives one party member 1.5x exp at the cost of crippling status effects. It's pretty terrible.
Finally, up in the northwest part of town we find unique models. That must mean plot advancement.

: I can see it plain as day! The gusts over the Meggiora are going to blow it off any minute.

: Oh, come on, Aston. Are you sure you're not going blind, old man?

: You know you only get farsighted with age, Tamara. I can see far away just fine.

: This is bad, we might lose the hover drive.

: How can you talk like that, Iemon?! That's your grandson, Ginji, trapped in there! Aren't you worried about him?!

: ...The Albiore crashed in the Meggiora Highlands.

: They Albiore? You mean the machine equipped with the ancient hover drive?!

: Oh, no. Did we come all the way here for nothing?

: No, I heard two hover drives had been excavated...

: You heard correctly. But the second hover drive hasn't been so much as started up yet.

: Iemon, there's no time to chat. We have to form a rescue party for Ginji and the hover drive!

: Right. We can attach the hover drive to the Albiore II and resume experiments.

: You're a heartless old man!

: The Meggiora Highlands are teeming with monsters. The rescue team may need rescuing themselves.

: But from what they've said, we can't fly without the hover drive.

: Let's at least ask whether or not we can borrow the hover drive.

: Yes, we probably should ask the one they called Iemon.

: I think it may help smooth things along if I'm the one who speaks with them. Let's go.
Well... let's go ask!
That was quick!

: I must say, it's a surprise to see Princess Natalia alive and well. And working with Malkuth citizens no less...

: It doesn't matter who's from Malkuth or Kimlasca right now!

: That's true, but we also have our own problems. The Albiore I crashed on a cliff in the Meggiora Highlands...

: The pilot is trapped, and the Meggiora winds are in full force. It could fall at any moment. There are no soldiers for a rescue party because they're all getting ready to fight Malkuth.

: Then I'll go.

: Well said, Luke! That's how true royalty acts!

: It doesn't have anything to do with royalty!

: ...What?

: Helping people has nothing to do with being royalty or nobility or whatever. Th-that's all it is!

: ...Some of us have had military training. Would you entrust the rescue to us?

: We'll still go regardless, but if we do recover the hover drive, we'd like to borrow the Albiore II.

: The Albiore II isn't finished. We lack some parts for the drive system. With the war, most of the parts have been used for landship construction.

: The Tartarus was originally a landship. Please use anything on it you can.

: Jade! Are you sure?!

: Ion, would you stay here show them to the Tartarus? I'd like to have the Albiore II completed while we recover the hover drive.

: That's fine with me. All that's left is...

: ...If we get the parts, I'll work on finishing that craft like my life depended on it.

: The Meggiora Highlands are southwest of here. Also, take this with you.
Unfortunately no, we do not get to use this as a rocket launcher.

: It'll be dangerous, with the fierce winds and all.

: But I don't know how to use this...

: It's a fon machines, leave it to me. Jade probably knows too.

: Oh, maybe. Maybe not.

: ...I swear, it's impossible to tell what you're thinking.
Right, time for the first of a pair of dungeons that have a completely insufferable mechanic involved in their completion.
Indeed the Meggiora Highlands are to the southwest but... does something look off here?
If you're watching the videos, you'll notice the pan down from the Albiore to the party is very jittery. This isn't my recorder: the scene actually lags like this.
...Figured it out? For whatever reason, the Meggiora Highlands render like the world map. This comes with all the flaws of the world map, including terrible controls, unbearable lag, and obnoxious load times whenever a battle starts. I've included a dungeon video just to show how bad the lag is here. There's another, later dungeon that also has this problem only up to 11. But that's for another time.

: Uh oh. It looks like it could fall any second.

: This isn't good. If we don't hurry, it could fall before we make it there.

: What'll happen if it falls?

: The pilot certainly won't survive. The hover drive could be destroyed as well.

: Oh no!
So this is again one of two points in the game where we split up the party. I was considering taking a vote on this one, but it's such a short segment there's no point. The second one I will definitely be doing so, however.
So I take Tear and Jade, which means each party has one melee, one mage, one healer.

: Me? Sure, that's fine.

: ...Me? If you insist.
So we're off, starting with Luke's team. Note the timer in the corner. The Albiore really will fall if you don't make it in time, and Ginji really will die. This isn't a game over, but it's depressing as hell and I won't be doing it. Not to mention that you either have to be really underleveled or intentionally not trying if you can't make the 12 minute mark.
Note also that the timer continues during fights.

: It's a monster... and it's close!

: Behind us!
So this is Blade Rex, the filler boss of the area. He's pretty terrible since you have to fight him with a less than full party.
He does have a few tricks, however... hmm? What's that red blade sticking out of his back?
Meh, probably nothing.
So we kick his ass and we get some experience, some gald, and... what is that? The Nebilim? Why does that sound familiar...?

: I hope Guy and the others are all right.

: All we can do is trust them. Now, let's hurry.

: Yeah, you're right.
Guy's doing fine.
Guy's trip has no bosses, and is fairly uneventful. Just wanted to note that this is right before I get into position, so it took me less than five minutes to get here. The time limit is quite gracious.

: Are you ready over there?

: Any time!
Somehow, this translates to us getting the ship safely down the cliff.

: Are you hurt?

: No, thanks to you all.

: Let's talk later. We got the hover drive. There's no time to lose.

: Yeah. Ginji, can you walk?

: Yes, I'm fine.
Here's the sword we got from Blade Rex.
It's pretty terrible all around, way worse than the sword we have right now. How odd...
Let's get the Albiore and book it before-

: Hmm? Are you a Malkuth soldier?!

: Uh-oh.

: Run!

: Capture them!

: What's going on?

: We were spotted by Kimlascan soldiers.

: Oh, that's right, you're a soldier from Malkuth.

: This city originally produced landships for Malkuth. If we weren't on the brink of war, nobody would have cared...

: Speaking of landships, we took a load of parts from yours. There were even some parts that aren't being manufactured anymore. It was a big help.

: Thanks to that, the Tartarus is no longer operational.

: But if the Albiore can actually fly, we won't need the Tartarus anymore.

: What do you mean, 'actualy'?!

: The Albiore carries our hopes and dreams! It will never fall!

: ...It already did.

: Hey! Guys! Hurry it up! They're breaking down the door!

: What's the condition of the Albiore II?

: It's finished, and the pilot's ready too!

: Okay, we'll handle those soldiers. Hurry!

: But the soldiers are quite irate. Perhaps I should tell them who I am...

: There's no time! Leave it to us.

: Never underestimate the elderly! Now, take off into the great sky of dreams!

: We'll leave the rest to you.
How can you not like these three? Soldiers but down their door, and their response is to flex, brandish a ruler and drop into a kung-fu stance.

: By our honor as Sheridan's Class M, this is as far as you go!

: Who are you?

: I'm the Albiore II's pilot, Noelle. Ginji, the Albiore I's pilot, is my older brother. I'll fly you to St. Binah in his stead.

: Thanks!

: Let's go!
And off we go.
Next Time: A good dungeon. No really, I'm serious.
At St. Binah, the two McGoverns were arguing over whether to evacuate the
townspeople or prepare for war. We delivered Emperor Peony's order, and they
finally decided to abandon the town. Now we've got to lead everybody to
I won't let anything like what happened to Akzeriuth happen again, ever.
Just as we were about to finish the evacuation, Dist appeared to try and
capture Ion. Why does he keep getting in our way?! At this rate we won't be
able to evacuate everyone in time!
We managed to forcibly remove him, but by then the town had already
started to fall, leaving former Field Marshal McGovern and several
townspeople trapped on the other side of a hole in the ground. Guy then told
us about a flying fon machine that was being developed in the city of
Sheridan, in Kimlasca. We might be able to save everyone that's still trapped
if we had that.
Tear also told us that the situation in St. Binah looked more like when
Hod fell than like Akzeriuth.
Apparently, in the case of Hod, the land fell slowly until it reached a
force field called the "dividing line" and collapsed into the Qliphoth right
after passing that point. If that's the case, we still have some time. I
don't know if it'll be enough, but let's head for Sheridan to see if we can
borrow the flying machine.
Sheridan is on the east side of the Radessian continent, where Ortion
Cavern was. It's probably fastest to head straight west from Baticul. We'll
have to return to the Rotelro Bridge and board the Tartarus. Let's hurry.
Sheridan is a city of craftsmen. I know Guy likes fon machines, but I
can't believe how excited he's acting at a time like this. Oh well... In any
case, we need to find someone who knows something about that flying machine.
On a lookout, we found some old men and a woman all excited about
something. Apparently the "Albiore" crashed during a test flight... Wait, is
that the flying machine?! We'd better ask that old man Iemon about what's
going on.
Iemon said that the flying machine Albiore crashed in the Meggiora
Highlands, trapping its pilot inside. And with the strong wind gusts in the
Meggiora Highlands, it could fall down from the ledge it's on at any moment.
The pilot would die for sure, and we might even lose the hover drive, the
most important thing needed for flight. The hover drive is a fon machine
excavated from 2000-year-old ruins, and nobody knows enough about them to
make a new one today, so we'll have to recover that one or we'll have no way
to fly. We arranged to borrow the second Albiore, which is still under
construction, in exchange for recovering the pilot and the hover drive.
They'll take parts they need from the Tartarus and finish building the
Albiore II while we're gone. We won't be able to use the Tartarus after that,
but we don't have any other options.
Okay, let's get moving. We've got to get to the Meggiora Highlands soon,
or we'll lose both the pilot and the hover drive.
The Meggiora Highlands were swarming with monsters, just like the rumors
In order to save the pilot of the unstable Albiore, we'll have to use
launcher devices to secure it from both sides. We don't have much time, so
we're going to split into two groups.
We managed to reach the Albiore before it fell off the ledge, and rescued
its pilot, Ginji. We also recovered the undamaged hover drive, so now we just
have to bring it back to Iemon in Sheridan.
We returned to Sheridan, and Ginji left us to deliver the hover drive to
Iemon. Let's go see Iemon ourselves.
When we arrived at the Albiore's dock to see Iemon, we were found by
Kimlasca soldiers. They saw the Malkuth uniform Jade was wearing, and tried
to capture us. I guess I can't blame them, being in a state of war and seeing
an enemy soldier like that.
We ran into the dock, and found that the Albiore was complete and ready to
fly. We left Iemon and the others to handle the Kimlasca soldiers, and
boarded the Albiore to go to St. Binah. Ginji's sister Noelle is piloting the
Albiore for us. Thanks, Noelle!